
Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

author:Fighting fans

| Video duration: 15 minutes and 51 seconds |

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Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

Produced by fighting fans

Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

Ma Yuan

(Chinese mainland actor)

Ma Yuan, born in Beijing and graduated from the Beijing Film Academy, played Liu Ermu in "The Great Southwest Bandit" and Zheng Tong in "Blood Romance". Recently, at the Beijing Fighting Brothers Training Center, "fighting fans" conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Ma Yuan.

Veteran martial arts fans

Probably every boy is a martial arts fan when he is young, and the depictions in film and television works and martial arts novels can always give boys the most gorgeous and passionate fantasies. For Ma Yuan, nature is no exception. But the real introduction to martial arts was when it was time to go to college.

At the Beijing Film Academy, Ma Yuan began to contact the training of martial arts routines, and with the rise of the Internet, Ma Yuan saw a lot of information about martial arts competitions on the Internet, and then began to contact the sport of mixed martial arts. After graduating from college, Ma Yuan began to use his spare time to practice martial arts to strengthen his body. Since then, fighting has become a hobby that accompanies him to this day.

Although he has not been exposed to action genre film and television works, his rich martial arts training experience is still helpful for Ma Yuan's artistic creation.

Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

△ Ma Yuan played a traffic policeman in the movie "Old Cannon"

Discover a new self

In addition to enjoyment, there is also a breakthrough for the self, which is the biggest change brought to Ma Yuan by participating in martial arts sports.

"People think that competitive sports are all about competing against each other, competing against each other, competing for places, but in my opinion, the real essence of doing this sport is to challenge yourself. Any sport, any competitive sport, is the ability to challenge oneself, for that achievement, in order to achieve the goal, in order to defeat the opponent, to constantly challenge themselves, train themselves, to complete this result. There is no essential difference between sports, the difference lies in the effort and experience in the process of participation. For the fighting project, to quote a sentence from the movie "Million Dollar Baby", it is that the honor of boxing comes from defeating opponents, tearing opponents, and more to train yourself. ”

Support Chinese wrestling

For traditional martial arts, Ma Yuan also has his own views, among many traditional martial arts factions, Ma Yuan is most optimistic about Chinese wrestling.

Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

△ Ma Yuan was interviewed by a fighting fan at the Fighting Brothers Training Gym

"Although the attention of Chinese wrestling is not high, but his inheritance and development are based on the principle of kinematics, in the traditional martial arts, Chinese wrestling is deified, demonized is the least, is the most realistic, he has a lot of training skills that are really in line with the principles of sports physics, it and judo, sumo wrestling, freestyle wrestling, classical wrestling and other traditional sports in other countries in the fighting culture have commonalities, are in line with the principles of kinesiology." Another point is that Chinese wrestling has played a powerful role in ancient battlefields, such as the Qing Dynasty's Shanpu Camp and the Manchu Royal Guards with Knives are the best at practicing Chinese wrestling. ”

Call on your friends to practice fighting

In addition to practicing martial arts by himself, Ma Yuan also recommended martial arts to his friends, such as Yao Chen, Ma Long and other stars in various fields who came to the Fighting Brothers Training Hall for training under Ma Yuan's introduction.

Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

"Yao Chen herself has hobbies and work needs in this area, because I train here myself, I understand the training environment and professionalism here, and we are very good friends, so I introduced her." I hope that my friends around me can also feel the charm of this sport. ”

Befriend ghost wrestling Yao

Ma Yuan's relationship with Yao Honggang dates back to the years he went to college. He is very interested in martial arts, he often reads some related magazines, and one of the magazines published an article by Yao Honggang about chinese wrestling training methods, which aroused Ma Yuan's strong interest, and the three words "ghost wrestling Yao" were also deeply imprinted in his mind.

And Ma Yuan's TV drama work "Blood Romance" also made Yao Honggang deeply impressed with Ma Yuan.

Yao Chen was dragged by him to practice martial arts, and Yao Honggang saw him as he was! This actor loves fighting!

△ Ma Yuan played Zheng Tong in the TV series "Blood Romance"

A few years later, a friend introduced Ma Yuan to the martial arts hall where Yao Honggang taught for training, and the two became very good friends at first sight.

In addition to being an actor, Ma Yuan is also trying to do some work as a producer, director and screenwriter. Ma Yuan said that in his future work, he will pay attention to and create some film and television works about the fighting movement, and pay more attention to conveying the spirit of self-challenge in the fighting movement.

"Movies will be helpful for promoting the sport of fighting and expanding everyone's perception of the sport, but if you want to really understand the charm of the sport, you still have to watch the movie, walk into the sports hall, sweat yourself, and feel it."

We also look forward to the future, to be able to see Ma Yuan's works on the big screen to convey a deeper concept of martial arts for us.

Text: Di Mei'er

Video Clips: Why Care

Editor-in-charge: Di Mei'er

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