
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them


What the early summer looks like in the traditional Chinese color seems difficult to describe accurately, but as soon as you see it, you will be moved.

What color is the early summer of Chinese, you say?

The Tang Dynasty people said that the early summer was the durian flowers in the Shanglin Garden, and the rose fragrance on the shelf...

The Song Dynasty people said that the summer night was the evening bell of the Hangzhou Mountain Temple, the fireworks whispering by the lake, and the dissolving moon in the courtyard...

If it is a Ming Dynasty person, it is a wisteria with thousands of threads in the garden of Suzhou...

If you ask me the color of early summer, it is the dark clouds of the typhoon day, it can also be purple,

Because the summer in the south is hot, you can cook sour plum soup to cool off!

The color of early summer is really hard to say.

Perhaps, as Anthony put it, "I can't say that, but at the same time I feel that nothing special is at the same time firmly believe that all those joyful things should happen in the summer." ”

Therefore, no one can say the summer, only that when the early summer comes, it will be moved.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

The picture | coolly - 琹 ©

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Mei Ziqing /

Can't go back to the purity of youth

In early summer, the mood is dizzy, and the most awakening thing at this time is the plum Qingqing. The surface is covered with a fine layer of soft fluff, soaked with rain dew, fresh and dripping, the first time it slammed into a bite, sour to the cheeks, after that, it maturely learned to avoid.

However, no matter how old you are, how many times you have experienced it, the plum is best tasted, because recklessness is the memory of green onions. Just like the young self who was once unsophisticated with the world, he didn't know what was going on in the world, he had a rampage, and he didn't understand convergence.

The same is the early summer, whether it is or not the year of their own, in short, the day of youth, should be the day of youth again.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

The picture | photography of the little monk ©

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Lotus Arrow Green /

Once the battle sword world

Summer is frightening because of the endless irritable heat. Only Qinghe was not moved, and every first summer, it pierced out of the water in awe, as if piercing a bad situation, so that those of us who would suffer in the summer also had a cool touch.

That absolutely awe-inspiring look is a bit like there was no life, no difficult journey, only sexual authenticity, only the sword at the end of the world, not afraid to face the courage of the future. In early summer you can do anything, you can do nothing, tell yourself to be a brave person.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

Picture | Mei Big Fat Man ©

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ A Touch of Mai Mang /

Contain all the bright joys

The early summer color is the beginning of all things, probably saying that the plants sown in the spring have grown into summer, and such a color needs to go to the field to feel, "When the sunny day is warm and the wind is full of wheat, the green shade and the grass are better than the flowers." ”

The colors began to shine brightly, and the wheat receded to green and turned yellow from green. In the early summer of May, bright days are running towards us, and what reason is there in life, not bright, not sunny.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

The picture | Clear ©

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Loquat Yellow /

It is ripe, and so is the thought

The sweetness of loquat and the flow of juice often make people have no time to pick up a paper towel to wipe it, and it will drip on the placket. Such sweetness is best understood by the light, "There is a loquat tree in the court, and the hand planted by my wife in the year of her death is now as if it were covered." ”

A loquat tree was planted in the year of his wife's death, and since then, you have seen it blossom and seen its leaves fall, until it is tall and tall, and the branches are covered like umbrellas. The thoughts are always long, the warmth of early summer, is a common story, and it grows out of memory again.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

The picture | intended to be seen ©

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Cherry Red /

Time has never left a person behind

When the cherries were red in May, according to reports, Kangxi Southern Tour, Cao Xueqin's grandfather Cao Yin paid tribute to the cherry, transparent delicate red, exquisite and lovely, Kangxi was reluctant to eat first, and ordered the horse to be sent to the capital: "First respect the emperor and empress, and then eat."

Now I see that my son also sent cherries for his family to be listed, and he added a sentence: "The cherries are ripe and ripe, and they are eaten fresh." The child is far away, be well, don't think about it. "Suddenly, when I saw my parents from work, carrying a bag of cherries home, I knew it was early summer again.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Durian Red /

Born like a summer flower

The red of autumn is the determination to burn out the last trace of heat in the world, and there is a kind of sadness. The pomegranate red of early summer, it is half full of enthusiasm, and half will be fresh.

The pomegranate flower is like a small flame, as if it is going to burn among the emerald green leaves, but there is no anxiety that burns out, because the other end of it is "seeing the beginning of the child", and the pomegranate fruit is hiding under the leaves, looking at you and me.

What color is early summer? It is may when the durian blossoms are about to burn. Such a day should be born like a summer flower anyway, otherwise I am sorry for all things that are warm.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Roland Purple /

Long rattan that connects you and me

There is a wisteria in the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, which is said to be one of the four talents in Jiangnan, planted by Wen Zhengming. It has been 480 years old, long spread, and then see only a brilliant Roland purple, like a waterfall, hanging from the air, do not see its beginning, nor see its ultimate.

What color is an early summer dream? It is a long Roland purple, and people who meet it like to collect its seeds and bring them to the north and south of the world to plant. From then on, there was a parallel time and space in the world, and when the seeds sprouted and blossomed and spread throughout the yard, there was a continuity and intersected with someone.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them
The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

/ Aster /

In the dream there is a yard, a lifetime of joy

May mulberry ripening, this is a kind of fruit grown in the countryside, the city is not very common, but when I see it, I always think of Lu Xun in the Hundred Grass Garden said: "Needless to say the turquoise vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall soap pod trees, purple mulberries ..."

It seems that the mulberry grows in everyone's dream, as if it can pass through a time tunnel, see the one playing in the yard, and listen to the old nagging , "The mulberry is too ripe, it is very sweet, it will be climbed and eaten by ants ..." At that time, I felt that life was so long, growing to the joy of dissatisfaction.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

Early summer is a color, not just a color. It is not a one-to-one color code on the color spectrum, but a natural flow, just like the water and grass in the lake, which is the happiest color of the fish, which makes everything full of vitality.

There are also people's rich emotions, is only one summer in a lifetime, the first summer color seen at first sight, the first early summer dish made, the person who fell in love in memory, the sour separation... All the first time, all the unforgettable things that happened in early summer, will become memories that cannot be driven away in the future.

The colors of early summer have magic, and as long as you think about it every summer in the future, you will be thrilled.

The colors of early summer, you will be moved as soon as you see them

The text is the original of the object, please contact the author for reprinting.

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