
The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

Plums leave acid soft teeth, plantains green with window screens.

Day long sleeps up and thinks ruthlessly, idly watching children catch willow flowers.

Song Yang Wanli," Idle Early Summer Nap Up Two Songs, Part I

Early summer, a very pleasant season. The trail is sparsely red and the green trees are thick. The sun shines down from the cracks of the branches and leaves, and the surrounding area is quiet; the wind passes through the willows, the white silk flutters, the birds chirp; a breath is taken, and the fragrance of flowers and plants is all. In the early summer afternoon of "basho green and window screens", "idly watching children catch willow flowers", we feel the tranquility of the pastoral scenery and the leisure of the poet.

Early summer in the countryside, breezes, sunshine, blue skies, white clouds, birds, the best days of the year. The quaint and quiet countryside, the beautiful countryside, the elegant and beautiful landscapes; just like you meet a cloth-clothed Jingchao village girl who washes vegetables in the village mouth of the village, quiet and indifferent.

Although "there are only two or three days of yuchun, and there is no place to find the red" (Song Luyou's "Two Days Before The Establishment of Summer")," "Throwing away the elm money, it is still difficult to buy spring light" (Qing Wang Pengyun's "Dotted Lips and RaoChun"),but the flowers in the early summer in the countryside are still gorgeous and colorful: gardenia flowers are white and fragrant, peony flowers are feminine, rose flowers are elegant and delicate; there are more white locust flowers, purple sycamore flowers, pink neem flowers...

The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

The green locust flowers fell to the edge of the ditch and stepped out of the capital gate the day after the rain.

The savages of the sun were cultivating, and there was a cigarette on the beacon tower.

--Tang Zhu Qingyu, "Evening Look at the Capital Gate"

In early summer, the locust flowers bloom, and the white flowers and green leaves, such as green, snow white crystal, clustered, refreshing and pleasant. A faint sweet fragrance in the wind, into the heart, like a poetry.

"The breeze slowly drops the yellow snow of the goose, and I see the locust flowers an inch deep" (Song Yang Wanli's "Straight to the South Palace"), the aroma of the locust flowers is pervasive, awakening my nostalgia. A cluster, a bunch, a hanging, a beeping locust flower, a variety of styles, swaying freely, dancing. The whole village is hidden in the snow waves of the sea of flowers, the fragrance of flowers floats lightly into the wood gates of people in the countryside, the small courtyard is fragrant, filled with a room, and even the sweet potato porridge that has just been put into the bowl is stained with a light fragrance.

"When you come, jianbi zuo yao, go to fold the locust flower to the wild bridge" (Tang Zhao Gao,"Xuanzhou sends the judge")," "Xuancao and the sunflower are gone, and the bees are full of courtyards to pick locust flowers" (Jin Zhao Bingwen, "Jade Hall"). Locust flowers are scattered with incense and snow, covering the sky, into the poems, and read out the wild taste of the mountains in the countryside.

The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

"Neem flowers fluttering. The fragrance of the green is delicate" (Song Xie Yi's "Thousand Autumn Years, Yong Xia Jing")," "The wild old man is more familiar with the beans, and the south wind is light and the neem flowers fly" (Qing Ge Kunhua", "Re-continuation of the Bamboo Branch Words"). Neem flowers are like the little sister next door, beautiful water spirit, when approaching, there is a faint fragrance and bitterness, a breeze, like soothing music, softly blowing through the heart. It is idyllic and peaceful, simple and simple, just like the villagers in the mountain villages who have calloused hands and feet and ploughed long mu.

The old path is not to be found, and the small building is smoky and twilight.

The east wind flew phoenix for a few days, and the zero tung flowers were one inch deep.

——Qing Zeng Xijing "There is a Feeling"

Elegant and handsome sycamore flowers bloomed, rendered in the fields and village lanes, staining the rural sky purple.

There are two or three in the village, and the road around Qingli is more credit.

Keli did not know the end of spring, full of mountains and rain and fell tung flowers.

- Song Lin Biaomin, "Xinchang Daozhong"

The sycamore flowers that Wu Zi opened in the fields of the countryside were dim, sad, and cold, staining the sideburns of my parents, and also incensed the nostalgia that bloomed forever in my heart, which caused me to miss and worry about my relatives from time to time. The blossoming sycamore flowers made me dream back to my purple hometown...

The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

Zheng Yimei once commented on the flowers of the four seasons: "The flowers of spring are elegant, the flowers of summer are beautiful, the flowers of autumn are sparse, and the flowers of winter are clear." "The flowers that bloom in the countryside in the refreshing early summer are particularly kind and simple.

The green is all over the mountains and the white rivers, and the rain is like smoke in the sound of the sub-rules.

In the countryside, there were few idle people in April, so they planted silkworm mulberries and planted fields.

Song Dynasty poet Fan Chengda's poem "The Village Is the Thing" shows a fresh and beautiful, real and natural scene of farmers in mountain villages. The idyllic rural life carries my best childhood memories, and the simple folk customs paint the background of my original life.

The south wind warms Mai Qi's waist, and the mulberry domain is rao.

The three variations of the cuizhu painting are difficult to describe, and the accumulated beads are full of buds.

At the turn of spring and summer, it is the season when mulberries are ripe. Pick a mulberry and gently put it in your mouth, and the sweet and sour juice will fill your mouth, and the comfort will immediately flow throughout your body. Reading ye Shenqian's poem "Ruan Lang Gui Sangyu" in the Qing Dynasty reminds me of the mulberry forest in the countryside in the early summer of my childhood.

"The ears of wheat are first Qi ZiJiao, and the mulberry leaves are fat and eating enough" (Song Ouyang Xiu, "Returning to the Garden four times happy spring and summer two songs"). The tender green ears of wheat had been pumped and swayed in the breeze, like a delicate child shaking its head; the fat green mulberry leaves were feeding the silkworms. The full ears of wheat that rise and fall like the waves of the sea, the silkworms that are about to cocoon, are a heavy harvest, a joy of a good harvest in sight.

Pheasant wheat seedlings are beautiful, silkworm sleeping mulberry leaves are thin.

Tian Fu he hoe to, meet the words of Yi Yi.

- Tang Wang Wei, "Weichuan Tianjia"

The farmer's words are related to the crops of the four seasons, containing innocent expectations. Time flies, and the years are fragrant. Whenever I think back to the grass and trees in the countryside when I was a child, my heart is always warm and intimate; the sweet and sour mulberry is a deep mark of childhood and an authentic hometown taste.

The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

In May, Jiangnan wheat is thin, and the rain is light during the yellow plum season.

Idly watch the swallow teach the chicks to fly. A thick shade of water is like a painting.

The number of peaks is unharmed and sunny. Skirts who are alone on the fishing rocks.

Qing Naran Sex De "Huan Xi Sha May Jiangnan Wheat Is Thin"

The bird takes its children and practices the art of flying. A bird with growing wings, clever and well-behaved, smug and smug.

"The green shade does not diminish the road of time, and the yellow oriole is added to the four or five sounds" (Song Zengji, "In the Three Qu Dao"). The warblers of early summer are crisp and gentle. This tranquility, poetry is picturesque! "The rainy dove women went away from the group, and the bamboo chickens in the smoke sang accordingly" (Song Zhao Fan's "Signing the Judgment and Reading Zeng Wenqing Gong Sitting and Hearing the Words of the Birds and the Sayings of the Laymen"). Green water and green mountains, half an acre of square ponds, the figure of the villagers ploughing the countryside and the sound of chickens and dogs barking, together fill the early summer time of the countryside.

The poetry of the countryside is beautiful in early summer

"Streamers are easy to throw people away. Red cherries. Green Plantain" (Song Jiang Jie, "A Cut of Plum Boat Across the Wu River"). Raise your eyes, summer flowers are beautiful, cherries are red; close your eyes, dark incense floats, and your heart is pounding.

Red and purple have become dust, and the cuckoo sounds of summer new.

The road is endless, and I know that I am a Taiping person.

--Song Lu You, "Early Summer Sentences"

The countryside is full of smoke and light, and it is a dreamy season; not only chai rice oil and salt, but also poetry and far away. This simple and simple pastoral life in ancient poetry, this tranquility and tranquility, is a watercolor painting full of charm and timeless brightness.


Zhu Shaohua, a native of Junan County, is a senior middle school teacher. Loves to write. Teaching papers, essays, paper cuts and other works have been scattered in many newspapers and online platforms. He has won many awards in the Essay contest and online literature competition.

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