
A little tree, an old story, listen to my mother tell about the past

author:That spring TT

This kind of small tree is common in the mountains of our hometown.

On this day, I went to see the vineyard with my mother, just like when I was a child, I asked what I saw on the road that was not clear, and my mother knew a lot, what kind of grass and which tree was called what, and what medicinal uses. We were chatting all the way, and on the way we also encountered a lot of such small trees, I asked what the name was, and my mother didn't know its scientific name, but she said what our local name was, and she knew the local name, called Bao Salt Leaf.

Mom said that there were no plastic bags or the like, and the supply and marketing cooperatives sold salt, and they all picked this leaf and wrapped the salt into a bag and sold it.

So my mother said something to me:

At that time, my grandfather only had a sibling sister, and my sister was married thirty kilometers away, and in the era when there were no cars coming and going, the distance was still quite far, and it was rare to return to my mother's house once or twice a year.

It is estimated that around 1950, my grandfather died of illness in middle age, and my grandmother struggled to survive with several children.

It is said that one day Grandpa's sister went to the street and met a villager in her mother's village, Uncle Ma, after a period of greeting, my sister thought that it was not easy for my sister-in-law's orphans and widows to live a life, so she bought a bag of salt from the "salt leaf" package and asked Uncle Ma to bring it to my grandmother and her sister-in-law.

Uncle Ma came home, just when my grandmother went to work and was not at home, Uncle Ma thought that his home was also quite far away, and it was rare to run around, so he sent this bag of salt to my grandmother's house next door- Grandpa's cousin's house, and told my cousin,Yunyun, to help my grandmother.

However, my grandmother did not receive this bag of salt, and my cousin did not tell her that it was happening. It was still a year later that Grandpa's sister returned to her mother's house and mentioned that she knew that there was such a thing, which was a later story.

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