
Family of Tomorrow heals your heart with love

author:Bright Net
Family of Tomorrow heals your heart with love

Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, many places have delayed the resumption of work, and we have had the longest Spring Festival holiday. In this "Family Squat Spring Festival", there are many passages born on the Internet, one of which is: "You must not quarrel with your parents during this time, because there is no place to run away from home." ”

"Family" is also an eternal topic in film and television works. In such an enclosed space as "family", countless interesting stories are born. Japanese filmmakers especially like to focus on family life, from Yasujiro Ozu to Kore-eda, and generations of Japanese directors have carefully examined and analyzed the social organization form of "family" under the lens.

Next Monday, some units will resume work one after another. At the end of the holiday, take a look at these three Japanese family comedies and think about what "family" is in laughter.

Take care of yourself and cherish your family!

"Tomorrow's Family": Love is the essence of the family

At an old age, he was transferred to the digital marketing department, and the new boss turned out to be his son-in-law...

Japanese actor Matsushige Toyoshige is well known to Chinese audiences for his role as "Goro" in "The Lonely Foodie". In "The Family of Tomorrow", Matsushige toyoshige transforms into a veteran employee of a large company, Shunsaku Onodera.

Onodera lived a life that was envied by outsiders, with a wealth of money and a happy family. He borrowed money to build a two-generation villa so that his daughter could live together when she got married. However, the middle-aged Onodera Shunsaku does not have the leisure to "eat and eat" every day like Goro: he used to be a middle-level leader at the ministerial level in the company, but at an old age, he encountered corporate reform and was transferred to the completely unfamiliar digital marketing department, and the new minister was his former subordinate, Kotaro Toshito (Eita Nagayama). The cripple of life comes one after another, and Kotaro turns out to be the fiancé of Onodera's daughter Risa (Aoi Miyazaki) - the boss not only becomes his son-in-law, but also lives under the same roof in the future, Onodera Shunsaku is just thinking about it is a headache...

"Tomorrow's Family" is a TV movie broadcast in early January this year, and director Yutai Doi has directed high-scoring Japanese dramas such as "Calm Leisure" and "Quartet", which can be called "healing masters". This time, the "miserable life" of middle-aged people is presented by Yutai Doi in a humorous way, which makes people laugh and then feel a little sad.

In the play, the business backbone of the older generation can't keep up with the current new technology, can't use tablets, and can't understand new terms such as "user portrait" and "KPI"; and the wife who has always been virtuous is now making an awkward fuss to "separate"... Caught between work and family, Onodera Shunsaku is "too hard" to move.

However, all the family "dead knots" were finally reconciled under communication and understanding. At the end, the father took out the plum wine that his daughter had brewed at birth and drank it with his 30-year-old daughter who was about to marry; in a relaxed and warm atmosphere, the daughter suddenly bowed solemnly to her father, thanking her for years of nurturing grace: "I will become the happiest person in the world." ”

What "Tomorrow's Family" wants to tell the audience is that the family can appear in the guise of blood, responsibility, and social relations, but love is the essence of the family.

"Family Suffering 3": A family can not live without "she"

After the family entered the thief, the 400,000 yen of private money stolen by the sister-in-law was discovered...

Veteran Japanese director Yoji Yamada began filming the "Family Suffering" series when he was 85 years old, and has now made the third film. The series revolves around the trivialities of the Hirata family's life, with the third part focusing on the eldest son and wife who live with the hirata family: the daughter-in-law Shi zhi is a full-time housewife who is responsible for taking care of the daily life of hirata and her husband Konosuke and her two sons. One day, a thief entered the house, and Shi Zhi stole 400,000 yen of private money hidden in the refrigerator and was stolen...

Although the "Family Suffering" series seems to be short in parents, each one will reflect a social topic. In the first part, the divorce of the old lady Rich Son reflects the social phenomenon of "mature divorce" in Japan; in the second part, rich man's husband, Zhou Zao's old classmate, died in their home, discussing "lonely death"; in the third part, Shi Zhi's "private money storm" brought out the topic of "whether housework should be paid".

Hirata's family is a very typical Japanese family. The father Zhou Zao and the eldest son Konosuke have the same personalities, both are very macho, believing that they only need to be responsible for making money to support the family; Zhou Zao's wife Fuzi and daughter-in-law Shi Zhi are both housewives, gentle and virtuous. The traditional family model of "male outside and female inside" seems to have a reasonable division of labor, but the labor value of housewives is consciously or unconsciously ignored. In the film, Shi Zhi is doing housework every time she appears, she is busy with her family day and night, she has no life of her own, and the only "income" is the family given by her husband.

Like many husbands, Konosuke also regards housework as a wife's obligation, so when Shi Zhi's private money was discovered, Konosuke was furious: "I work hard outside, but you doze off at home." I really want to do your job, your private money is deducted from my salary! ”

It was only after Shi Zhi ran away from home, Tomiko fell ill, and no one did the housework that the men of the Hirata family finally realized the hardship and importance of the housewife's labor. For this "belated discovery", director Yoji Yamada's treatment is quite witty: Zhou Zhao, an old man who has not done housework for most of his life, will not use the dry function of the washing machine, and the brushing bathtub almost slipped; the doctor who was moved by him to be a rescue soldier will also overturn the table when he wipes the table... In the end, it was the lady owner of the izakaya who came out to clean up the house.

After experiencing this day, Zhou Zao said to himself: Without his daughter-in-law Shi Zhi, this family will be scattered.

"Survival Family": Family is the driving force to survive

A family of four riding a bicycle to escape the blackout of Tokyo, Dad's survival skills are too worrying...

Like most Japanese family movies, "Survival Family" also set up a family crisis for the Suzuki family in the film, but this crisis came to science fiction: the electricity in Tokyo suddenly disappeared out of thin air, all the electrical appliances could not be used, including mobile phones, computers, etc. could not be used, hydropower stations, supermarkets, banks, etc. were closed, and cars, planes, and rail transit were shut down... The Suzuki family of four, who live in Tokyo, decide to save themselves and escape Tokyo by bicycle.

Director Yaguchi Shijing grafted the two genres of doomsday disaster films and family films, and made "Survival Family" into a "family disaster comedy". On the one hand, the film raises the question: How can humanity regain its survival instinct and continue to live when the modern civilization on which we depend is suddenly paralyzed? On the other hand, the reactions and changes of the four members of the Suzuki family in the face of disaster have also become the focus of the story of "Survival Family".

At the beginning of the movie, the Suzuki family is a family that looks like a god. Dad is a "social animal" who buries his head in work and only takes care of his own business when he returns home; his mother is a housewife who is only a promise; his daughter and son are typical adolescent girls, who do not leave their mobile phones and do not speculate with their parents.

The sudden catastrophe of the blackout disrupted everyday life and forced the Suzuki family to face the crisis in front of them. This crisis eventually turned into an opportunity for family members to communicate and communicate. In the process of fleeing, the way they get along has also quietly changed. In the past, my father was the head of the family who was responsible for earning money and supporting the family, and he was a small boss in the company, accustomed to giving orders. When he fled, he always made a wrong judgment, and his family took a lot of wrongful roads. Instead, the seemingly unassailed mother became the most reliable person on this escape journey. She exerted the "wisdom of a housewife" at a critical moment, bargaining a bottle of water from 3,000 yen to 600 yen to make a careful calculation for the family.

In the face of disaster, the members of the Suzuki family finally stopped being selfish and formed a real family: the two sons and daughters grew up and learned to think about others; the "waste wood dad" who always made jokes would also run for the family's food, even at the cost of fighting for their knees.

In the face of disaster, the family becomes the driving force and energy for everyone to survive.

(Reporter Hu Guangxin)


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