
When will I receive the admission notice for new students in Zhengzhou Primary School? Look here

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Newspaper reporter Zhang Ya

"We successfully submitted the application information online on September 1, the first day of the first period, when will we receive the admission results of the primary school?" "After the first period of registration, now Zheng Haoban's APP shows 'in the process', this is the registration success, right? Is it okay to wait for the notification? "We just submitted the application materials online on September 8, how do we know the results of the application for primary school admission?" ...... Since the second period of the online registration of new primary school students in Zhengzhou in 2021 kicked off on September 8, many parents have consulted the reporter of Dahe News.

When will I receive the admission notice for new students in Zhengzhou Primary School? Look here

(Zhengzhou Municipal Affairs Service Attack Group Office Area)

On September 9, the reporter of Dahe News learned from the Zhengzhou Municipal Affairs Service Attack Group that after the parents of the students submitted the online registration application for enrollment materials, they entered the verification stage from acceptance, and the staff of the Zhengzhou Municipal Education Department is currently conducting a background review of the relevant materials for the school-age children who have successfully registered, and classifying the registration data by partition.

"If the user receives an acceptance SMS from the district education bureau after completing the registration process, the submission is successful." The staff of the Zhengzhou Municipal Affairs Service Attack Group told reporters that the final admission results of the new primary school students will be notified by text message or telephone after the end of the three registration periods on September 18, "Parents please keep your mobile phone open and wait for the telephone notification of the admission school." ”

When will I receive the admission notice for new students in Zhengzhou Primary School? Look here

Some parents also ask: If you accidentally fill in the wrong information, what should you do if you find out after submitting the registration?

During the opening period of the entrance, the applicant can "revoke" the declaration through the "My Office" page of Zhenghaoban (the application can be revoked after 1 hour after the successful submission of the office, and it cannot be revoked within 1 hour before the entrance is closed), and the applicant can re-apply after the cancellation of the application.

"The property only has a contract for filing, what should I do if I have not obtained the house capital?" Can I register my child for the second time? A parent asked. OK! In the case of "I want to go to primary school - permanent residence in Zhengzhou city", in the "nature of real estate", select "the student's parents own the house, but have not applied for the real estate ownership certificate". If it belongs to the situation of "I want to go to primary school - children who move with me", you need to select "Whether the student's parents have a house in the nine districts of the city" and select "The contract filing has not obtained the house book" to register.

It is reported that as of 17:00 on September 9, the number of new students enrolled in Zhengzhou Primary School (the second batch) Zhenghaoban has registered: 30908.

Source: Dahe Yu Video Editor: Hou Xiaoyong

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