
What is a sadder story than sadness?

author:Unprofessional mother-in-law

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What is a sadder story than sadness?

Want to buy gifts for your boyfriend

There are recommended gifts

But no recommended boyfriend


When the teenager picked up the sword

Find that the princess is long gone

The dragon did not arrive as promised

Stories that are sadder than sadness are

The two people inexplicably broke up,

Then tried the compound two or three times,

Still can't go together

What is a sadder story than sadness?

It is about 60 points of the paper and 59

The little sisters who experienced a crush at the same time all came out and successfully got off the list

And I often think he can't let go of him

With this thought, I am ready for the twentieth single Tanabata


There is such a family in Shanxi,

After the eldest son was vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis, he got Japanese encephalitis.

After the younger son drank Sanlu milk powder, he suffered from stones.

After the husband's finger was cut off by the machine,

The small iron works where they were located were shut down by the government and forced to be laid off.

My wife likes to watch the legal program of CCTV 12 the most,

Comfort yourself while watching:

"It turns out we're not the most unfortunate people."

The relationship with his ex-girlfriend was told as a story by many people

Now she's been married for a year

A middle-aged man, dead,

Drowned in the dam, listening to the onlookers,

Struggling in the water for a long time, he committed suicide.

Sent away from childhood, adoptive parents have not had children at first,

Treated him very well, and a few years later gave birth to a son,

Treat adopted children as a burden.

Several times he rushed his adopted son back to his biological parents, but his biological parents did not recognize him.

Little reading, no decent education,

As an adult, I did not receive any support from my family.

No family, no tiles.

Working for a cloth shop all year round,

In middle age, hands and feet are not as good as young people Ma Li is disliked,

One day he was suddenly insulted by the boss, and it turned out that he wanted to dismiss him.

Finally unemployed. No wife and no children, all in one body,

Desperate to die.

This person was a relative of my relative, who died in a dam near my house.

Three years ago, I wanted to marry my girlfriend who had been dating for several years.

That year, because I couldn't get 100,000 dowries,

Her mother took us apart.

I cried in despair for days,

I went to North Drift alone.

Three years later, I came back.

I asked her out to meet,

I put all my savings on one bank card,

Then I wanted her to take it out for me and marry her as a bride price.

I told her that the password has always been your birthday,

After she listened, she couldn't stop crying, crying non-stop...

Later, I learned...

She got married on Valentine's Day this year.

What is a sadder story than sadness?

Be a licking dog... Lie to you about riding an electric donkey to actually drive,

Actually just don't want to send you home;

Hates being late for movies, but he doesn't care about you at all,

Go straight to buy a burger, and then you stupidly arrive early and wait for 2 hours...

The movie has been on the way for more than an hour

And also

Every breakup is a week before Valentine's Day,

It's also amazing

What is my sadder story than sadness?

Female, born in 1999

It should be 2018

When I was in secondary school, I was recommended by the school to buy an adult junior college.

Graduated, worked outside, and knew that academic qualifications were a hard injury,

So I begged my father to let me read and then read

(patriarchy in the family),

After several efforts, Dad finally agreed,

Cancel the adult college, ready to register for the 2019 college entrance examination,

But at the end of 2018, my dad drove (truck driver) overturned,

Crushing workers who think they are cooperating in unloading goods is sentenced to illegal loading,

There is not a single point of insurance reimbursement,

There is also a mother in the family who has been mentally ill for more than ten years.

A younger brother who has just entered the beginning of the primary school, an elderly grandmother

Suddenly it was dark, and the books could not be read,

Adult college is gone, I am still sick,

I always cry in the middle of the night, I hate myself for being useless,

I hate the fate of the ill-fated, smiling and greeting people during the day,

They all said I was so confident, and I laughed bitterly.

I am most afraid of others asking about academic qualifications, asking about age,

I don't know how to answer, and some people may say,

Why don't you teach yourself, why don't you work hard,

I also want to know why, I'm not motivated,

Even if you are already poor and in debt,

This life, ordinary and poor,

Mom has been gone for many years,

From being dependent on his father to seeing him integrate into his new home,

Even the old home was completely unconhabited, an empty house.

I don't have a home anymore, and I'm in my uncle's house for the New Year.

Watching my dad get along well with my aunt and her daughter and son.

My heart was sour and I felt superfluous.

Year after year,

I used the excuse that I rarely took vacations to work in other places and rarely went back.

Mom is the root of a child, and Mom is at home.

These years really feel like duckweed,

I don't know where I'm drifting.

No one cares or expects.

Only I was, silent, lonely, living quietly.

What is a sadder story than sadness?

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