
Don't blow it and don't black, Dapeng's "Auspicious Ruyi" made by Providence, can pass the censorship is a miracle 123

author:Delian is beautiful and entertaining

When it comes to Dapeng, many people's first impression is comedy coffee, from "Di Si Men" to "Pancake Man" and "Sewing Machine Band", which is funny and grounded.

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But I didn't expect that Dapeng's new movie "Auspicious Ruyi" used the most authentic brushstrokes to reflect the real rural family situation and poke at the sore spots of too many people...

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Unlike all movies, Dapeng made this film purely by "providence".

In 16 years, Dapeng has exactly 5 months of free time, which will coincide with the Spring Festival.

Dapeng wants to make a different type of film to record the happy daily life of the Northeast family Spring Festival.

Without a script, without planning, let's go shoot with nature.

He found the heroine Liu Lu to play himself, because he felt that the female role could be more impressive.

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So he set off with the team, ready to go with the flow to complete the work.

Unexpectedly, the day before the boot, Dapeng's grandmother fell and fell directly into a coma.

Originally wanted to shoot a clip of the happy New Year, but it could only be stopped, and Dapeng had to replace the protagonist of the movie with a sick third uncle.

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Later, Dapeng's grandmother did not wake up and died.

During the filming, the whole process was recorded, and the comedy turned into a tragedy, more real and poignant, not pretentious.

This kind of shooting method is very novel, the death of Grandma changes the protagonist of the film, becoming a conflict of stories, and the entire content is not planned.

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I have to say that this is really a work of providence, and it is a blessing to see it.


The film is divided into two parts, namely "Auspicious" and "Ruyi".

Dapeng's third uncle was named Wang Jixiang, and when he was young, he was the chief of the oil field's security section.

Later, due to encephalitis, the head was damaged, and the intelligence became like that of a child of several years old.

Subsequently, his wife divorced and took away his only daughter, and the third uncle could only stay with Dapeng's grandmother, that is, Jilin Ji'an Zaoshu Village.

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In the movie, the phenomenon of relations during the older generation of the northeast is first exposed.

When the third uncle did not have an accident that year, he took special care of the family, arranged for the children of his brother and sister to become urban hukou, and also arranged work.

At that time, a city hukou was too valuable!

Not to mention a good job, you can eat a lifetime of dividends.

Although it is to praise the kindness of the third uncle Gu family, the third uncle did give the back door, used the personal relationship, Dapeng directly broadcast this paragraph, too dare!

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Then, the film reflects the selfishness and indifference of human nature, as do relatives.

After the third uncle Wang Jixiang fell ill, it was difficult to take care of such a person with low intelligence.

He can't express it, can't take care of himself in life, loses his temper and shouts at every turn.

The second uncle and second sister-in-law, who are usually responsible for taking care of the third uncle, have long been holding back a stomach full of bitter water.

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After the death of Dapeng's grandmother, the other four brothers and sisters of the third uncle sat around a table and discussed the matter of supporting the third uncle.

The second uncle and the second sister-in-law constantly complained bitterly, saying that they had already taken care of enough, which was very torturous.

The others did not live in the village and were too far away.

The third uncle's only daughter, Li Li, has not returned to the village to see the third uncle for 10 years since he fell ill.

Don't blow it and don't black, Dapeng's "Auspicious Ruyi" made by Providence, can pass the censorship is a miracle 123

True Lily

It's so sad to see here.

Don't blow it and don't black, Dapeng's "Auspicious Ruyi" made by Providence, can pass the censorship is a miracle 123

The third uncle is a burden in everyone's eyes, everyone is prevaricating with each other, even if it is a brother and a daughter?

People, they all want to live their own little lives, they all have that selfish side, and they will be more obvious when they encounter things!

The current situation of the third uncle, a disabled person, is truly presented to the public, and Dapeng belongs to the "ugly" that has torn up his own family and showed it to the audience, which is also very brave.


The second part of the film, "Ruyi", shows the process of filming the film.

In this part, the biggest attraction is that the third uncle's true daughter Li Li has returned.

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Li Li's behavior is even more painful, as a daughter, no matter the father, he did not come back for 10 years.

How many selfish children who do not support their parents are there in China? Seeing the news of those who abandoned the old man and threw them in the pigsty, I am afraid that it is not only a minority!

When the fake Lili saw the real Lili, she couldn't help but ask: "Why haven't you come home for so many years?" ”

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Zhen Lili over there did not know how to answer, and could only play with her mobile phone with her head down, and the scene was once very embarrassing...

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Right actor Liu Lu plays Li Li

In fact, Li Li is also a poor person.

In an off-site interview, she confessed that she grew up in a single-parent family, lacked love, and did not know how to love others.

With a mother on one side, a sick father on the other, and her own family and children to take care of, she also has a hard time.

Of course, the most poignant thing about me in the film is the performance of the third uncle.

Everything that happened, the death of his mother, the rejection of his family, the abandonment of his daughter, he could not know, like an outsider.

But delirious, he was thinking about his family.

The "Wenwu Xianggui, One Two Four Five" that he chanted every day in his mouth were the names of Wang Jiwen, Wang Jiwu, Wang Jixiang, Wang Jigui, and the other 4 brothers and sisters.

Don't blow it and don't black, Dapeng's "Auspicious Ruyi" made by Providence, can pass the censorship is a miracle 123

He always said"Ming'er watched his mother go", thinking about his mother.

There is also singing the song "Often Go Home to See", more like saying to his daughter, hoping that she will often come back to see herself...

He forgot who he was, but he never forgot the names of his family.

Fortunately, outside the movie, the four brothers and sisters still took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the third uncle, and the family took care of it for 3 months, and the year passed quickly.

Don't blow it and don't black, Dapeng's "Auspicious Ruyi" made by Providence, can pass the censorship is a miracle 123

In this Spring Festival, after watching this movie, I was deeply touched.

The scene of the New Year in the countryside, the funeral experience when a loved one dies, and the real ordinary actors remind me of my experience of growing up in the village.

Don't blow it and don't black, Dapeng's "Auspicious Ruyi" made by Providence, can pass the censorship is a miracle 123

Thank you Dapeng for bringing the audience such a good movie~

Let's have an interaction, have you watched this movie of Dapeng? How did you feel? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

#吉祥如意 #

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