
The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

author:I'm a codeword

What is an anti-genre film?

Generally speaking, anti-genre films are relative to genre films, and our common police films, disaster films, romance films, comedies and other themes belong to genre films, which can be repeated, copied and mass-produced.

Anti-genre films are aimed at artistic expression, abandoning the flood of plots, choosing a special angle to tell the story, and generally you can also put anti-genre films and literary films, niche films and non-mainstream films together.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

In the history of Hollywood, or simply a dozen years ago, there was a box office blockbuster cartoon that cloaked itself in genre films but had the core of an anti-genre film called The Incredibles.

"The Incredibles" has a score of 8.1 on Douban, and it is interesting that the rating of IMDB in the United States is actually 8.1 points, which is a little higher than "Zootopia".

According to the practice that Douban scores have always been higher than IMDB, "The Incredibles" may be underestimated by some fans in China.

Taking me as an example, among the most watched animated movies in Hollywood is "The Incredibles", because I feel that this movie has a special attraction.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

First, the setting of the hero's return is popular

Now there is a popular routine in the online novel industry, that is, a certain soldier king fell to the city for some reason, starting from a humble small role, encountering a big thing and having to shoot, and then the king returned to show his most cattle side. Well, in fact, "Wolf Warrior 2" is also this routine.

This routine is not new at all, at least in 2004's "The Incredibles".

Mr. Super becomes an insurance company clerk, Stretch Supergirl becomes a nagging housewife, and after discovering Mr. Super's plot, their hero, who originally only wants to live a stable little life, returns to destroy the plan of the villain.

What's more, the descendants of Mr. Superpower and Stretch Supergirl also showed cool superpowers, which were later copied away by Disney and made into "Superman College". Of course, Disney and Pixar were still working together at the time.

Such a plot does belong to the kind of relatively safe design, at least to ensure that the basic plot of this movie can meet the tastes of most people.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

2. Exhibitions of all kinds of superhuman abilities

One of the biggest selling points in "The Incredibles" is the various cool superpowers of Mr. Superman's whole family.

Mr. Super's super power is relatively flat, and it is unexpected that Disney's "Superman College" also uses this setting, which shows that in the eyes of the screenwriter, Hercules is the first choice of superpowers that the audience can think of and accept.

Stretch Supergirl's super stretch and deformation ability is far more cattle than her husband's, and in the movie, Stretch Supergirl has transformed into a parachute and a speedboat. And the bridge section where she is caught in the door and divided into three parts is hilarious.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

The superpower of Mr. Superman's son Ba Xiaofei is to run fast, which is also a relatively basic superpower, as if a man's superpower is always related to strength and speed, but the bridge section where he uses his feet as a propeller is still very interesting.

And The superpower of Mr. Super's daughter Ba Xiaoqian undoubtedly makes many people envious, she can be invisible, which is the superpower that many people dream of, in addition, she also has the ability to make protective shields, which is simply a collection of thousands of pets. It's just a pity that she doesn't have many opportunities to show her superpowers in the film.

Mr. Super's youngest child, Xiao Jie's superpowers are various transformations, which is equivalent to an Easter egg.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Although Mr. Super's friend Cool Ice Man is not very strong in the film, his footage of skating anytime and anywhere on the street is still eye-catching.

The display of multiple superpowers makes "The Incredibles" have a unique charm, just like watching "Doraemon" and constantly surprising people.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Third, the design of anti-type bridge segments

"The Incredibles" is actually not a particularly typical anti-genre film on the whole, after all, the plot of the hero returning to defeat the villain is a common routine in cartoons, especially superhero movies.

However, "The Incredibles" has the gene of anti-genre films in many bridge designs, such as Superman who can't fly.

In the author's opinion, the most anti-genre characteristics in "The Incredibles" are the first half of the film, that is, the family life of Mr. Superman's family.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Mr. Super Neng works as an employee in an insurance company, and his work content seems to be very hard, often reprimanded by his boss, commuting to work and enduring congestion and exhaust gas like ordinary people, and even facing unemployment.

Stretch Supergirl has to take care of her youngest child at home and two inattentive sons and daughters. Ba Xiaofei is strong and competitive and likes to do pranks, and Ba Xiaoqian enters adolescence, sentimental and has a bad temper.

The family is often caught in a noisy dilemma, looking like an ordinary working family, only Mr. Super Neng still holds the dream of helping society, and he and Cool Ice Man secretly go out to do good deeds without leaving a name.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

This bridge design looks very grounded, it is not like a cartoon, but a drama for adults, and many work and life troubles make adult audiences feel empathy.

This is the greatest thing about the movie "The Incredibles", it does not follow the simplest hero to save society routine, but first puts the superhero in a realistic family and work, and the design of these bridges sublimates the idea and taste of this movie.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Although the fight scenes in the second half of "The Incredibles" are also wonderful, many viewers have said that in fact, the first half of the film is more popular, which is the charm of the anti-genre movie bridge.

A commercially flavorful genre film integrated into the anti-genre bridge section has formed its own unique charm.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Fourth, the Chinese voice is full of pyrotechnics

I have watched "The Incredibles" many times, relatively speaking, I have watched Chinese dubbing far more times than I have watched the original version, so the Chinese dubbing of this movie is also charming.

For the Chinese dubbing of "The Incredibles", netizens have two extreme views, one is that the dubbing classics of Jiang Wen, Xu Fan and Chen Peisi are incomparable. The other is to think that the star dubbing of Jiang Wen and others is a failure, and even some people think that this kind of American classic movie should watch the original sound.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

The author's point of view is that, first of all, the release of foreign films with the dubbing of this Chinese is a common practice all over the world, which is in the interests of the vast majority of audiences and is beyond reproach. Secondly, native English speakers are of course most suitable for directly watching the original version, and most people who are not native English speakers are still more suitable for watching the dubbed version, except for those who want to learn listening. Finally, the overall level of China's film and television dubbing industry is still worthy of recognition.

Of course, in recent years, some non-dubbing professional star dubbing has indeed been criticized by many audiences, such as the Chinese dubbing of "Kung Fu Panda 3" is not as wonderful as the first two films, and the audience always has to identify the voice of the star but it is easy to jump the scene.

Therefore, when the author first watched "The Incredibles" in the face of Jiang Wen and Xu Fan's voices, he also had a rejection mentality, but when the author carefully watched the dubbed version of the Chinese once, compared with the original version, the author believes that it is more enjoyable to watch the dubbed version.

Reason: Grounded, or more pyrotechnic.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

There are some English-language characters in The Incredibles that aren't perfectly shown by the dubbed version, such as "freeze, don't move, freeze." But this does not affect the audience experience, because the dubbed version of the film also has some Unique Chinese Voices.

Especially in the first half of "The Incredibles", Jiang Wen simply turned Mr. Super energy into an old cannon in Beijing.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Some of Jiang Wen's classic lines: "I will leave the work for a few days", "Serve the people", "Open the door and cut it", "There is a door!" "Let's hang it up" and so on, all of which are permeated with thick Chinese fireworks.

Mr. Superman's body shape and appearance even including personality are a little similar to Jiang Wen, coupled with Jiang Wen's pyrotechnic dubbing, this American superman has a bit of a Beijing flavor, such a localization dubbing is an excellent example, which is very suitable for the vast majority of domestic audiences.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

Xu Fan voiced the stretch superwoman, many people think that Xu Fan's lines are too nagging, listening to boring. In fact, this is exactly what Xu Fan and the film want, because the image of elastic superwoman in the first half of the film is a nagging housewife, and even in the second half, there are such moments. After all, according to the plot, the stretch superwoman is already middle-aged.

Of course, there are two other voice actors who surprise people in "The Incredibles".

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

One is Chen Peisi, who voiced Mrs. Moina Yi, and many viewers recently said that Moina is simply too likable, her personality and language are a highlight in the film, and Chen Peisi's performance in the role of Moina is even better than his role with the little dragon in "Mulan", there is no blame. His conversations with Jiang Wen and Xu Fan give the impression of a Chinese blockbuster in an instant.

The most classic thing about "The Incredibles" is that it is anti-genre Superman? Or pyrotechnics Jiang Wen?

The other is Tian Erxi, who voices the owner of the love insurance company, who is a somewhat funny old man who is always an impressive supporting role in the film. Tian Erxi, who voiced him, was the second son of the late famous performance artist Tian Chengren, and his representative dubbing work was "Kangxi Dynasty", in which Sony and Yao Qisheng and others were voiced by Tian Erxi.

So, when you watch "The Incredibles" again, you can also imagine the boss of the love insurance company as Yao Qisheng, is it more interesting at once.

The above four points are the reasons why I can go over and over to see the movie "The Incredibles", I hope you can also like this movie.

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