
Cherry trees should be done well before they flower

author:Zhongnong Le

1. Spraying.

The base of diseases and insect pests in warm winter is large, and it is not enough to clean the garden with one branch. The use of drugs during the isolation period of the inflorescence is particularly important, creating good environmental conditions for ensuring cherry flowering, fruit set, branching and young fruit development.

(1) The main disease is brown spot perforation disease, overwintering spores remain on the deciduous leaves, spread with spring rain, it is recommended to use fine beauty 1000 times or carbendazim 800 times prevention.

(2) The main insect pests are green blind bugs, scarab beetles, leaf curl moths that harm buds and young leaves and flower buds. It can be controlled by 5% wind vane 8000 times + machete 2500 times, and last year's garden with more red spiders was eradicated by 8000 times.

(3) In order to enhance cold resistance and stress resistance and promote cherry flower tube elongation, normal pollination and insemination during flowering can be 1000 to 1500 times + polyboron 2500 times.

(4) Guarantee effect.

Time is accurate: the separation period is selected from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. spray.

Homogeneous: secondary dilution. The medicine and water ions are stirred evenly, and the results are doubled with half the effort.

Sufficient amount of water: 400 to 500 pounds of spray potion per mu.

Good atomization: multiple sprinklers.

Fine spraying: meticulous and thoughtful, leaving no dead corners.

Cherry trees should be done well before they flower

Second, flush fertilize.

Due to the weak strength of the trees in the drought last year, there are many flowers, in order to ensure the development of cherry blossoms, fruit set, branches, and long-leaved young fruits in the early stage, those who do not flush and apply water-soluble fertilizer before flowering should pay close attention to gun application.


(1) Small trees 1 to 2 years to promote the end, to nitrogen fertilizer, long-acting fertilizer, a small number of times, water and fertilizer combination, to promote its fast growth of trees, early formation, promote nutrient growth.

(2) 3 to 6 years of small young trees, from vegetative growth to reproductive growth transformation, the potential to prosperity and long strips, reduce the application of milk protein, more than the application of 28 or biological enzyme fungal hormones, mu to apply a bucket or a bag, mainly for control.

(3) For fruit trees, the amount of flowers is large and weak, and it is necessary to mu Shi Mengli 28 bags + 2 bags of milk protein + 2 bags of deep three feet 2 bags to ensure that the nutritious buds are full of flowers and flowers, and the fruit is set well.

(4) The main cultivars are mainly early ripening, such as early fruit, early red is best mu plus a bag of high potassium water-soluble fertilizer, because the cherry growth and maturity are in the early stage, and the potassium demand is higher than that of other fruits.

(5) For the cherry orchards of the Gisela series and the Court rootstock, due to the small amount of dwarf growth, easy flowering, and early results, it is necessary to appropriately increase the amount of milk protein to enhance the tree potential, ensure stable production and high quality, and prevent premature aging.

Cherry trees should be done well before they flower

Third, re-cutting.

(1) Engrave buds on the bare part of the inner part to promote the development of short and medium-sized fruit branches, disperse and control the polarity of the upper part, and slow down into flowers.

(2) Spread the buds. The main trunk and main branch of the young tree are erased with 1 to 2 competitive shoots, so as to open at a favorable branch angle and grow and develop evenly.

(3) Sparse flower buds. As a result of the weak amount of flowers, the mother branch retracts more and droops and the weak branches of the flowers, (including the weak buds, sparse twin multiple buds) concentrates nutrition and open source throttling, reduces consumption, improves the commodity rate, and strengthens the branches and flowers, high quality and efficiency.

(4) For the result of strong force, the mother branch, dora branch, more flowers and fruits, with the fruit control crown, balance the branch potential.

Cherry trees should be done well before they flower

Fourth, water. Combined with topdressing fertilization, watering before flowering, soil water holding capacity of 60 to 70%, to improve fertilizer utilization rate and meet the early flowering fruit set branch and long leaves of the water supply. Note: Dryland orchards should use drip irrigation and seepage irrigation to ensure growth and development.

Due to the different altitudes and regional advantages in different places, the flowering will be different by 5 to 10 days sooner or later, and it is hoped that the various plans can be completed in time.

Author: Xie Yuming, lecturer at Zhongnong Le Fruit Industry Research Institute

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