
Pestilence control method for snails in passion fruit orchards

author:Passion fruit production and marketing platform

Foreword: Recently, there has been more rainfall in various places, the humidity in the fields of passion fruit orchards is larger, and it has reached the period of high incidence of snail hazards, so we must pay attention to prevention and control.

Pestilence control method for snails in passion fruit orchards

The harm of snails to passion fruit

Snails are the animals with the most teeth in the world, omnivorous, with special licking scraping mouthpieces, used to scrape the young tissues of plants, and scraping passion fruit leaves, stems, flowers and fruits with the teeth tongue of young shells and adult shellfish. It will cause the leaves to lose green curls, rotten leaves, growth setbacks, but also nibble on the flower, affecting the flowering results; the surface of the fruit after eating is uneven, and even form a pit, affecting the appearance quality of the fruit.

Pestilence control method for snails in passion fruit orchards

Snails are generally active in April-May and September-October. Like to live in a dark and humid environment, day and night out, mostly after 6 p.m. to start activities, feeding, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. peak, after midnight to gradually reduce the amount of food, to the early morning to stop feeding, dive into the soil or hidden places. Snails prefer dark, humid environments and can move and feed day and night on rainy days.

When snails encounter bad environments such as dryness and odor irritation, they can quickly contract their gastropods in the shell, and secrete mucus, forming a mane membrane outside the shell mouth to protect themselves and survive the bad environment.

Pestilence control method for snails in passion fruit orchards

Snail control methods

1. Deep ploughing of the land before planting, turning eggs and overwintering adult insects to the surface, sunburning or being eaten by natural enemies, timely eradication of weeds, drain of accumulated water, destruction of snail habitat and spawning sites.

2. When a small number is found, manual capture is carried out on the ground and on the plant in time, and the quicklime is used to kill the treatment.

3. When the snails do not dive into the soil in the morning, spray with 1% salt water. Or sprinkle a layer of quicklime around the plant, snails will lose water and die when they come out to feed at night, but the effect is poor when it rains and wet.

4. In the evening of a sunny day or after rain, sprinkle "6% tetraacetaldehyde granules". After the snail comes into contact with or sucks, it spits up a lot of water in 1-2 minutes and eventually dies due to massive dehydration. The prevention and control effect is remarkable, reaching more than 95%. (Note: Please refer to the instructions for the specific use and dosage of pesticides.) )

For more information, please pay attention to the passion fruit industry information public number.

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