
The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

author:Luoyang Photography Network

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two years ago I heard that The birds in Baoshan Baihualing, Yunnan Are very famous, not only many small bird varieties, but also many rare varieties, the most prominent is the blood finches, Baihualing its unique varieties. Later, I have been reading and appreciating a lot of bird powder photos taken from Baihualing, and its brilliant colors, colorful figures, and varieties that have never been seen before are heartwarming. However, I have also heard that Baihualing is particularly far away, the road is not easy to walk, it is not easy to go, and the cost is extremely high. </h3>

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >'s heart is not as good as action. This Spring Festival decided to go, first, it is the season to shoot birds, and second, it can realize the trip to the rare birds in Baihualing, which has been haunted by dreams in recent years. Unexpectedly, this long-distance trip, there were unexpected problems, experienced three of the most dangerous processes, is for many years of self-driving alone travel has never encountered. The first is the puncture, because the tire has been aging for many years, fortunately on the ordinary road, the speed is slow, there is no big thing, it is difficult to change the spare tire in the ice and snow, and fortunately, I met the master of the family, to replace it with four good tires, grasping the ground, strong, stable. Then, when I walked to Xuanwei, Qujing, Yunnan, I suddenly encountered a powerful blizzard at night, this was the first time in my life that I saw such a large blizzard, I couldn't see anything outside the car window, the thick snow blocks fell from the sky, the speed of the car was only 20 yards, due to fatigue driving, plus there was a section of road staggered high beams, snowflake reflections, I couldn't see the road in front of me at all, a sharp turn, almost drove down the cliff, at that time, I played a left direction from fatigue and fainting, turned off the high beams, and saw the road clearly. Awakened by the shock, I stopped down to see that the right rear wheel was already riding on the edge cliff of the road, feeling that the luck of life was going to run out here? </h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">


< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > even more terrifying scenes happened next. Walking along, in the light, I saw a stone rolling down the mountain in front of me on the left, the car quickly came to the front, I subconsciously hit the right side, but a large stone still rolled down, smashing the left front door, very loud. Fortunately, I hit the direction in time, otherwise this big stone would definitely hit the front windshield of the car, and it would be over. After walking for a few hundred meters, stopping, taking a picture with a flashlight, the left car door was smashed into a large pit, and the iron skin had leaked. Just happened to patrol the police car came over, a young man traffic policeman in Yunnan Mandarin asked, there is a Lang a thing? Lang BuLang called the police? I said no, it didn't hurt anyone, it didn't hurt the key parts of the car, it was fine. The young traffic policeman said, down the front of the gram, pay attention to the safety point, there is something gram to hit 110. I certainly thanked for a while. It happened to be Chinese New Year's Eve that night. </h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > it was night, and I was in a service area in Qujing, like many cars, sleeping in the car. Tianma Ma Liang I then desperately rushed to the road, ran more than 700 kilometers, and finally arrived at Baoshan in the evening, under the highway Gaode said that there are still 75 kilometers to reach Baihualing. Provincial roads, county roads, township roads, village roads, all the way to the correct navigation, according to the pre-formulated small Liu bird guide farm, and finally came to his family's yard, this is a Dai village, almost every family is to serve the shooting of birds for the opening of hotels, restaurants, etc., the formation of a larger industry, I heard that in the golden season of shooting birds, there are hundreds of bird powder from all over the country every day, each pond is full, and there is no machine space at a later time. </h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > before on the road, when I walked to Zunyi, Guizhou, there was a report of Wuhan pneumonia, and my daughter-in-law called me to turn around. I think that since it is hard to go to Baihualing, I will pluck up enough courage and continue to move forward in a mixed mood. Good thing is that I ran fast, on the first day of the first year, I rushed to the Baihualing At the foot of Gaoligong Mountain, and then the bird guide told us that if everyone came up a day late, it would not work, because the road was closed at the intersection of the village in the morning of the second day of the first year, and many people who came to shoot the birds were persuaded to rebel. I am glad again, oh, if I am slow and lazy on the road, one day late, this arduous journey of nearly three thousand kilometers, it is in vain. What a reward for hard work! </h3>

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > bird guide Xiao Liu family parked full of cars, a look at Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu and other places, bird fans have old and young, and even two mouths together to shoot the birds, two mouths to shoot very interesting, the male main shoot, the female on the side to observe, with the telescope to look, but also to say the name of the bird, guide the choice of shooting, really is the husband singing women with. When I asked, some of them had been coming for several days, because they had not filmed the "protagonist" Blood Sparrow, and had not left. What makes me very impressed is a beautiful middle-aged woman bird powder from Sichuan, she is also a lone car, running to shoot birds, this woman makes me very admirable, she has always been a long-distance self-driving lonely trip, I asked her if she is not afraid of a person? Especially lesbians. She said that she was not afraid, and she slept in the car at night, and twice crossed the Xinjiang desert alone and crossed the Xinjiang desert... If you hear the words of his legendary lonely journey alone, think about the long lonely journey long-distance self-driving, how many hardships and hardships there are on the road! </h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >haha, several Sichuanese, of course, I talk to them in Guizhou dialect, Yun Guichuan was originally a family. Bird fans traveled thousands of miles to a place, although they did not know each other before, because of the bird's edge and acquaintance, naturally very happy. The next day, that is, the second day of the first year, the sky is dark, the bird guide Xiao Liu drove us all to the mountain pond, the 32nd pond owner Xiao Zhang arranged a good camera position for us, everyone began to shoot, no need to wait, the flock of birds has begun to perform, I am very excited, thinking of the difficulty of shooting birds in the north, every time it is difficult to see a rookie is not necessarily photographed. And now, flocks of birds, different species appear in front of your eyes, only to listen to everyone's high-speed shutter sound like machine gun bullets high-speed out of the chamber... Powerful are two Guangxi big guys, 600 cannons, 1dx and d850 plus handles and Sony Dafa, one of the big guys one person two cameras and cannons, left and right bow, lying on the stomach sound non-stop, amazing! According to his conversation, I learned that this great master was a veteran of photographing birds for many years, and had been shooting birds in other places for many years, from Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Hebei, in the north, to Jilin, Liaoning, in the east, to Yunnan, Tibet, and to Guangxi, Hainan Island in the south, and almost all the bird shooting points. Once in Order to shoot a bird species in Xinjiang, the travel fee alone cost more than 10,000 yuan, which can be imagined because it likes to shoot birds and pay the price and madness. </h3>

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > "bird luck" is coming, just when everyone has been tired of shooting other "rookies", at about four or five o'clock in the evening, finally waited for the bird that most wanted to be photographed, when the red "star": male bird blood sparrow, this guy who was listed as an endangered animal had red feathers all over his body, and the individual was medium, which was a unique bird breed for Gaoligong Mountain, extremely rare! Maybe it was a few of us who came and brought bird luck to this pond to photograph this "giant panda". As the saying goes, good flowers don't bloom often, good times don't last long, this blood sparrow came for just a minute, drank a little water and flew away, until the evening has not appeared again, good regret. But everyone is already very "happy", contented, some bird friends have not been photographed in a few days! At the same time, today, another rare species, the leopard bird, is also a very rare bird, and everyone's fast shutter also includes her in the camera. The shooting of the birds was in the deep mountains of Gaoligong Mountain, the temperature was very low, because I wore less, I was frozen and shivering one day, fortunately, the birds were lucky to resist the cold. </h3>

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Since I have photographed the most beautiful blood finches in my mind, my plan to shoot another day was canceled, and I had to cancel, because on the third day of the first year, the village has completely closed the mountain and is not allowed to go up the mountain to shoot birds. At the same time, Wuhan pneumonia has been strong and spreading, and the news of road closures has been reported everywhere, and several of us have decided to hurry home the next day, otherwise we will not be able to get off the highway and not be able to enter the city. The most pitiful thing is that some Wuhan people, as long as they are driving a car that starts with the word E, especially those who start with E,Eda, have been reported everywhere they go, they can't get off the highway and can't go back to the city, they have to wander and drift on the highway, live in the service area at night, sleep in the car in the cold, very miserable. Seeing the pitiful experience written by these Wuhan people on the headlines, my tears fell. I personally think that as long as people are not infected, society should treat people fairly, arrange for them, at least have a warm place to live and a place to eat, all Chinese, treat them well. </h3>

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > because of the fear that Luoyang is also locked down, I came back is more crazy rush, more than 2400 kilometers, hard two and a half days back to Luoyang City, so fast speed, even I was surprised, crazy little Alto, all the way the performance is very good, not only fuel saving and speed can be in 120 yards (speed specified range), have to admire the classic and quality of Japanese Suzuki cars. I "lived" in the service area for two nights, slept in the car, and thanked my attentive wife for the few large and small quilts prepared for me, otherwise how dare I sleep in the car? At the mouth of the Luoyang Zhoushan Expressway, personnel dressed in various protective clothing, such as facing a great enemy, stopped the car one by one to measure the temperature of the driver and passengers, and specially asked where you came from. At this time, I saw that all cars with some foreign license plates were not allowed to enter the city, and I was persuaded to rebel. </h3>

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the most arduous and arduous bird shooting experience, perhaps another "purgatory" process in life, almost lost his life, fortunately good luck covered, finally reached the expected harvest, not worth the trip, but also know a lot of bird powder and bird guide and pond owner, the birds photographed are rare bird species in China, which can not be seen or photographed in the north. </h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > text, pictured: Associated with Lan</h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > shooting location: Baihualing, Gaoligong Mountain, Baoshan, Yunnan</h3>

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan


Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 11400 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 8000 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 9000 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 4500 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 1600 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 5000 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 3600 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Aperture: f/5.6 Shutter: 1/499 Focal length: 500mm ISO: 2200 

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > in order:</h3>

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1 big fairy,</h3>

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2 vernacular grey-winged plover</h3>

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 3 spot-breasted hook-billed stork</h3>

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4 red-winged</h3> plovers

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5 red-tailed noisy stork</h3>

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 6 rusty frontal spotted</h3> grebe

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 7 gray capuchins</h3>

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 8 large pseudo-woodpeckers</h3>

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >9 saber-billed storks</h3>

< h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (followed by gradual addition of bird photographs</h3>).

The most arduous photography experience, 3,000 kilometers one-way during the Spring Festival, photographed rare birds in Baoshan, Yunnan

Luoyang Photography Network

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