
Apology Statement: Sincere apologies to Teacher Li Wenqi and Teacher Cai Ming

author:Cute lord entertains

Hello netizens, in the video released on June 17, the title content involves two teachers, Li Wenqi and Cai Ming, of which "Li Wenqi revealed that he had slept with Cai Ming!" Closer than two people, Li Wenqi and Cai Ming have a good relationship" In the video, I enlarged the clips of the interview telling interesting stories about the work of the two teachers, taken out of context, and enlarged them in the title, which brought adverse effects and deep harm to Teacher Li Wenqi and Teacher Cai Ming.

On the morning of July 15, I received feedback from Teacher Li Wenqi on the video. Realizing the seriousness of the incident and the harm done to the two teachers, I immediately reviewed and removed all relevant videos and content, and felt guilty about the video that won traffic and eyeballs.

Apology Statement: Sincere apologies to Teacher Li Wenqi and Teacher Cai Ming

Here, I sincerely express my deep guilt and apologies to Teacher Li Wenqi and Teacher Cai Ming.

In this regard, I have seriously reflected on this matter, and should not take the interview clip out of context, catch the wind and catch the shadow, and use the word Bo eyeball in order to obtain traffic. Once again, I solemnly apologize and ask for the forgiveness of the two teachers.

This time, because of my ignorance, I hereby appeal to the public not to spread false rumors, and to respect artists like Teacher Li Wenqi and Teacher Cai Ming.

Apologies are hereby made

July 15, 2021

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