
Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security launched an anti-fraud propaganda film to see how the "undercover police" can combat fraud

author:Cover News

"Anyone who pretends to be a 'public prosecutor's law' and mentions any secure account is a liar!" "It seems that being a policeman is much more demanding than being a liar!" A game between undercover police and fraudsters, a high emotional intelligence contest between justice and anti-justice, the plot twists and turns, and it is thought-provoking.

Recently, the anti-fraud public welfare propaganda film "Who is Undercover" launched by Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security, in the form of a micro-film, exposed the telecommunications network fraud routine, which triggered a hot discussion on the whole network. It is reported that the joint shooting of anti-fraud propaganda film is the second cooperation between Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security after the establishment of the "Internet Online Alliance to Combat and Control New Types of Illegal Crimes in the Network", which not only reflects the high recognition of Chengdu Public Security for Zhen'ai Network's past anti-fraud work, but also conveys the confidence and determination of police and enterprises to cooperate in jointly cracking down on network fraud and building a clear cyberspace.

Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security launched an anti-fraud propaganda film to see how the "undercover police" can combat fraud

Superb deception high-energy reversal who is undercover surfaced

This anti-fraud propaganda film, in the interview scene of the fraud gang recruiting horses, integrates the nonsensical funny elements such as rap and cross-dressing that young people like, and all kinds of popular fraud methods are all told. "Part-time brushing orders, only rebates" "Investment and financial management online courses, there are loopholes and high returns" "Ultra-low mobile phone replacement, as long as 99, Apple you take away"... Led the audience through a special interview.

In the short film, the scammers are interviewed and competed for jobs, and all kinds of deceptions take turns. As viewers immerse themselves in the "who's undercover" puzzle, all the bosses and interviewers who meet them are jailed. It turned out that the bodyguard was an "undercover policeman". At the end of the short film, the scammer also had to issue a sigh, "It turns out that being a policeman knows more than being a liar!" ”

Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security launched an anti-fraud propaganda film to see how the "undercover police" can combat fraud

Internet fraud beckons Qing qi, and anti-fraud methods are also often new. In recent years, similar anti-fraud propaganda has been carried out in full swing on the Internet, exposing various fraudulent methods and alerting netizens to prevent fraud, which has become a powerful means of cracking down on online fraud and clear cyberspace.

Police and enterprises cooperate to combat fraud, cherish and help build a clear cyberspace

Entering the Internet era, uniting all sectors of society to crack down on online fraud and build a clear cyberspace is not only an important measure to ensure personal network security, but also an important factor in the healthy development of Internet platform enterprises.

As the head enterprise of Internet marriage and love, Zhen'ai Network's anti-fraud work has never slackened. In recent years, Zhen'ai Network has not only taken the initiative to give full play to the technical advantages of the Internet platform, relying on the police's high recognition, high tracking and credibility in law enforcement and popularization of law enforcement, jointly established the "Internet Online Alliance for Combating New Illegal Crimes in the Governance Network" in Wuhan, Nanjing, Suzhou and other ten places, and also actively promoted the cooperation with Tencent's "Anti-Fraud Brain" in technology, and established an anti-fraud system that attaches equal importance to early warning and prevention, investigation and crackdown of "Skynet System + AI Governance Program + Police-Enterprise Linkage".

Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security launched an anti-fraud propaganda film to see how the "undercover police" can combat fraud

This time, Zhen'ai Network and Chengdu Public Security jointly launched the "Who is Undercover" anti-fraud propaganda film, which is not only an important step for Cherishing to build an honest and safe marriage and love platform, the strategic insistence of building a clear cyberspace and purifying the user's social environment, but also a useful exploration of Chengdu Public Security based on the high recognition of cherished anti-fraud work, trying to use the respective resources and advantages of both sides to establish a deepening cooperation model. In the future, with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, we will eventually usher in a clean, safe and clear online world. Here, we also remind the majority of netizens to improve their awareness of network security and risk prevention capabilities, and consciously abide by Internet laws and regulations.

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