
The 2021 Qingdao Tangdao Bay Listed Companies Summit Forum was successfully held


Panorama News on May 28, 2021 "2021 Qingdao Tangdao Bay Listed Companies Summit Forum" was held yesterday in Qingdao West Coast New Area. Relevant leaders of Qingdao local government, executives of more than 150 listed companies, chief analysts of more than 30 securities companies, elite leaders in the industry and representatives of dozens of top domestic institutions gathered together to exchange views on the topic of "financial empowerment of industrial upgrading and building a new engine for high-quality development", in-depth analysis of the endogenous driving force of China's economy, and the pulse of China's high-quality economic development.

Under the guidance of Qingdao West Coast New Area Management Committee, Qingdao Tangdao Bay Fintech Innovation Zone and Blue Ocean Equity Exchange Center, the forum was co-sponsored by Panorama Network and New Fortune, a domestic first-line financial media that deeply cultivates the capital market and pays attention to the high-quality development of listed companies, and joins hands with Far East Horizon, a listed company across the financial and industrial comprehensive group, and co-organized by Qingdao Ocean Investment Group Co., Ltd.

Build a bridge of communication and win-win cooperation

Shao Rui, deputy mayor of Qingdao West Coast New Area, said in his speech that the Qingdao Tangdao Bay Listed Companies Summit Forum has built a bridge for communication and win-win cooperation in related fields such as people's livelihood, consumption, manufacturing, etc. Qingdao Tangdao Bay, as a promoter, is willing to work with everyone to build a solid foundation for cooperation, tighten the bond of feelings, and build the Qingdao Tangdao Bay Listed Companies Summit Forum into a brand of unity and cooperation among listed companies and listed companies, a banner of mutually beneficial cooperation, and create a community of common destiny with responsibility, win-win cooperation and happiness sharing. Write a new chapter of development together.

Zhan Jing, one of the organizers and assistant to the president of Far East Horizon Co., Ltd., pointed out that Far East Horizon will continue to uphold the concept of gathering global resources and helping China's industry under the new situation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", continue to promote the high-quality development of the "finance + industry" model, better integrate financial resources, and help build a new development pattern.

Chen Wei, one of the organizers and general manager of Shenzhen Panorama Network Co., Ltd., said that standing at the historical intersection of "two hundred years", Panorama will uphold the original intention of "communication to create value", constantly innovate and upgrade its own business platform and service system, work together with all walks of life to jointly promote the healthy development of the capital market, practice the historical mission of the financial capital market to serve the real economy, and present the centenary of the founding of the party with a perfect answer.

Looking forward to the future of the real economy and capital market

The summit forum was carried out with the theme of "financial empowerment industry upgrading and building a new engine for high-quality development", and the whole event not only had a macro forum with great foresight and observation of the general trend, but also an industry forum that went deep into the industry and saw the micro-knowledge, and the participants discussed the practice and innovation in depth.

Ren Zeping, a well-known economist, delivered a speech with the theme of "Listening to Thunder in silence - China's Economic Outlook", in-depth analysis of the macroeconomic situation in 2021. In his speech, Ren Zeping put forward three basic judgments about China's long-term prospects, namely "the new 5% is better than the old 8%," "the best investment opportunities in the future are in China" and "China's economy is standing at the beginning of a new cycle."

As the representative of the organizer, Wei Yangang, general manager of the urban public utilities department of Far East Horizon Co., Ltd., delivered a speech on the theme of "financial capital empowering industrial upgrading". Wei Yangang said that the new urbanization with people as the core will be a change in the quality height, market depth and product breadth of the upgrading of residents' consumption. After years of follow-up research, on the basis of in-depth service city upgrading, the Far East City Index is proposed from three major dimensions and 13 subdivision indicators of financial environment, urban scale and urban development to help industrial transformation and upgrading.

Wang Dongmei, Managing Director of the M&A Department of CITIC Construction Investment Securities and Chief M&A Expert, delivered a wonderful and professional speech on "Registration System Reform and The Trend of M&A and Restructuring of Listed Companies". Wang Dongmei pointed out that in the registration system environment, the mergers and acquisitions of listed companies have shown trends such as cooling down by backdoor listings, strengthening the logic of industrial mergers and acquisitions, and becoming a trend of spin-off and listing events. In addition, with the gradual deepening of the registration system reform, the main board market will also carry out a thorough registration system reform in the future.

Explore the opportunities and challenges of industrial development

This summit forum also focused on the three hot sectors of machinery manufacturing, electronic information and people's livelihood consumption, and held three parallel sub-forums at the same time, where a number of new wealth best analysts and executives of listed companies in related industries conducted in-depth and sincere exchanges and discussions on the future development trend of the industry, the opportunities and challenges faced.

Lv Juan, Managing Director of the Research and Development Department of CITIC Construction Investment Securities, Chief Analyst of the Machinery Industry, and Best Analyst of New Fortune, shared her views on the trend and future of intelligent manufacturing.

Yang Chengxiao, deputy director of Tianfeng Securities Research Institute, chief analyst of non-ferrous metal industry, chief analyst of new material industry, and best analyst of Xinfu, elaborated on investment opportunities in the metal industry under pro-cyclical conditions.

Tianfeng Securities Electronics Industry Chief Analyst, New Wealth Best Analyst Pan ┰ LiHan attached to the tree said that the domestic substitution process of the hard industry chain.

Yan Guicheng, chief analyst of the communication industry of CITIC Construction Investment Securities and the best analyst of New Fortune, elaborated on the topic of "5G commercialization will bring profound changes to various industries".

Liu Zhangming, deputy director of Tianfeng Securities, chief analyst of commercial and social service industry, and best analyst of New Wealth, elaborated on the topic of "decentralization promotes the rise of new consumption, and tax-free expansion carries the return of consumption".

Tu Yiting Tu, chief analyst of light industry papermaking industry at Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute and best analyst of New Fortune, delivered a speech on the theme of "Taking the home furnishing industry as an example to see the trend and development of the light industry under the brand dividend".

At the same time, Liu Xiaodong, secretary of the board of directors of LONGi Co., Ltd. and member of the New Fortune Gold Medal Board Secretary Hall of Fame, Zhao Jie, secretary of the board of directors and secretary of the board of directors of New Fortune Gold Medal, and Wang Lei, secretary of the board of directors of New Fortune Gold Medal, also shared their valuable experience in the industry for many years with the themes of "Looking at the Development and Opportunities of the Photovoltaic Industry from Carbon Neutrality", "Trend Sharing in the Liquor Industry - Rational Return to Productism" and "Market Opportunities of Shuangliang in the Field of Heating and Industry under the Dual Carbon Target", respectively. A number of executives of listed companies and industry experts present at the same time made suggestions and suggestions for the development of the industry.

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