
The 2021 Summer Solstice Music Day will return to china and many places will hold free concerts


Beijing, 29 May (Xinhua) -- The 14th Summer Solstice Music Day was officially launched in Beijing on 27 May. The reporter learned from the press conference held on the same day that the event will be held nationwide and will last until June 30. More than 150 free performances will be performed in 10 cities and regions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Kunming, Wuhan, Shunde, Lijiang and Changsha.

The 2021 Summer Solstice Music Day will return to china and many places will hold free concerts

On May 27, 2021, Gao Ming, Minister Counsellor for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Affairs of the French Embassy in China and Director of the French Cultural Center in Beijing, introduced the activities of the 14th Summer Solstice Music Day at the press conference. Courtesy of respondents

Last year, due to the requirements of epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic, the Summer Solstice Music Day could not be held. This year's Summer Solstice Music Day, organized by the French Embassy in Beijing and the French Cultural Centre in Beijing, will return with a variety of exciting events, including hip-hop, electronic, jazz, rap, metal and other musical styles.

Summer Solstice Music Day is an annual musical event and an excellent opportunity for Chinese and French artists to exchange ideas. This year's Summer Solstice Music Day invites French musicians living in China to perform for Chinese audiences. Among them, Zhang Si'an, a musician from Bordeaux, France, will bring a special repertoire of indie rock and Chinese folk music to the audience with the band.

Composed of Chinese lead singer Suna and French guitarist Gabriel, the Chinese-French duo is known for its diversity of musical forms and performance styles, and they will use avant-garde pop music to interpret the Fusion and Blending of China and France on the stage of Summer Solstice Music Day.

The 2021 Summer Solstice Music Day will return to china and many places will hold free concerts

Zang Hongfei and his band, the Dragon Shinto Band, brought a performance at the press conference. Courtesy of respondents

The Summer Solstice Music Day Mini Program is also officially launched, and the audience can obtain relevant information such as the time, place, and musician of the performance in the Mini Program, and can also register for the concert online.

Gao Ming, Minister Counsellor for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Affairs at the French Embassy in Beijing and director of the French Cultural Center in Beijing, said that music can more directly stimulate people's emotions and feelings than other art forms, and it is easiest to connect different groups of people. "The exchange of artistic creation between China and France will enhance the friendship between the two peoples." He said.

Summer Solstice Music Day was originally founded in Paris in 1982 by then French Minister of Culture Jacques Long to celebrate the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere by offering free music in many forms to the public.

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