
Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

author:Beijing Jishuitan Hospital
Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors
Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

Not long ago, in the lecture hall on the fourth floor of the administrative building of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, a vivid and wonderful party lesson was held. Professor Wu Xinbao, Vice President of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Executive Deputy Director of Beijing Institute of Trauma orthopedics, Chief Physician of department of Trauma orthopedics of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing Scholar and Expert Enjoying Special Allowances of the State Council, gave a special party lesson on Party history study and education for young physicians at the invitation of the Party Branch of the United Education Association. Hu Rui, director of the Personnel Department, Han Hongna, deputy director of the Department of Education, Pan Feng, deputy director of the Education Department, Zheng Peng, assistant to the director of the department, and more than 70 young doctors and party members and workers of the Party Branch of the Education Union listened to the special party lesson together, and Sun Yuqing, deputy director of the Education Department, presided over the lecture.

Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors
Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

Vice President Wu Xinbao

Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

Sun Yuqing, Deputy Director of the Education Division

Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

In the party class report, Vice President Wu Xinbao elaborated from three aspects: "not forgetting the original heart and firm belief", "how to be a good doctor", and "embodying responsibility in practice". He shared with everyone his own feelings and experiences in studying party history, aroused everyone's thinking about the original intention of communists with a profound and sharp "Geng Biao's question", cited the example of Wu Jianqi, the leader in the field of anti-stealth radar, vividly and vividly described how a qualified communist party member made contributions based on his post, and also recommended for everyone the tribute dramas "The Age of Awakening" and "Meritorious Service" that tell the unremitting struggle and exploration of Chinese communists and the sacrifices and contributions made to the interests of the people. Vice President Wu Xinbao pointed out that seeking happiness for the Chinese the people, and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation is the original intention and mission of the Chinese communists, and it is also the fundamental driving force that encourages the Chinese communists to keep forging ahead.

Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

So how do you become a qualified doctor? Vice President Wu Xinbao gave the answer based on his own experience. He learned medicine from yin and yang to become a good doctor with a reputation, in addition to professional knowledge and technology, more importantly, he has responsibility, has the people's life in his heart, and has the people's suffering. He told everyone three small stories in the process of practicing medicine, whether the patient is poor, rich, relative, or alienated, he strives to think differently and take the patient as the center. For every patient who has been in contact with and every film he has seen, he will patiently diagnose and treat, be conscientious and responsible, tirelessly explain the condition to the patient, really relieve the pain of the patient, communicate with the patient with heart, and use love to resolve the pain for the patient, fully interpreting the "sincere, fine and meticulous" hospital motto of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital.

Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

Finally, President Wu used the famous words of Academician Zhang Xiaoqian, an expert in gastroenterology in China, "Patients trust each other with their lives, how can we not be sincere and afraid" and General Secretary Xi Jinping's heartfelt words "I will live up to the people without myself" to encourage everyone to remember the original intention, have the courage to take responsibility, do their own work, and become a qualified doctor. At the end of the lecture, everyone was deeply encouraged and inspired, and the scene broke out into unceasing applause.

Don't forget the original intention, dare to take responsibility, and do your own job well - remember a party lesson given by Vice President Wu Xinbao to young doctors

Wenshu Education United Party Branch

Picture 丨 Mission Center

Editor 丨Jin Xiaofang Yu Miao

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