
Let intellectual property rights go all the way to "child" line! IP summer camps are in full swing everywhere

author:China Intellectual Property News
Let intellectual property rights go all the way to "child" line! IP summer camps are in full swing everywhere

  In front of the exhibition board on the introduction of the development of intellectual property, two primary school students were whispering. "When I grow up, I'm going to build a building that's exactly the same as the 'Bird's Nest.'" "No, you are infringing, although the 'Bird's Nest' is a building, but it also has intellectual property rights." If you don't believe me, you can go and look at the introduction just now. This is a corner of the site of the first "Intellectual Property And Youth Walk" summer camp in Jiangsu Province held in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province recently, and nearly 100 students from many schools in Nanjing and Zhenjiang participated in the activity.

  In fact, in addition to Jiangsu Province, similar activities are also held in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, Tianjin City, and teenagers' thirst for knowledge is like a blazing sun, adding a lot of color to this hot summer.

  Jiangsu: Interactive experience is lively and interesting

  It is important to hold ip summer camps. Chen Wanxin, deputy director of the Publicity and Education Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Intellectual Property Office, said that holding a summer camp is a useful attempt to promote the popularization of intellectual property education in primary and secondary schools in Jiangsu, which not only helps to cultivate and improve the innovation awareness, interest and ability of young people, but also cultivates the intellectual property culture concept of "respecting knowledge, advocating innovation, and abiding by the law in good faith". This summer camp not only popularizes intellectual property knowledge to young campers in the student stage, cultivates innovative spirit and practical ability, but also encourages them to become "publicists" of intellectual property protection, affects a family, and promotes the improvement of intellectual property awareness in the whole society.

  What do the little campers learn from the summer camp? In the Jiangsu Intellectual Property Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Platform, the campers not only learned about the development of intellectual property rights, but also heard vivid cases related to intellectual property rights. Through small cases and stories of intellectual property rights, the campers have a deeper understanding of intellectual property rights, and are fully aware of the need to respect the intellectual property rights of others and protect their own intellectual property rights in their future study and life.

  Intellectual property rights are inseparable from the three keywords of innovation, creativity and creativity, and for the education of small campers on intellectual property rights, it is not only necessary to instill theoretical knowledge, but also to stimulate their sense of innovation. Led by the volunteers of the summer camp, the young campers walked into the China Vinegar Culture Museum to learn about the production process and related trademarks of Zhenjiang Balsamic Vinegar, a geographical indication product. When they saw the intelligent filling production line with a filling capacity of 24,000 bottles per hour in full swing, the robotic arm "flying up and down" under the control of computer instructions, and accurately placing the goods in the designated position, the small campers could not help but marvel at the magical power brought by technological innovation.

  Of course, the most exciting activity for the young campers is the interactive link, some of them lined up to experience VR, robots and other innovative projects, feel the new experience brought by science and technology; some actively participated in the intellectual property knowledge fun quiz, and picked up the paintbrush to draw their own designed products and imagination of future life; and some gathered together, laughed about their indissoluble relationship with intellectual property rights, and talked about how to protect their copyright in the future... "Before, we always thought that intellectual property rights were far away from us. Now we find it all around us. When asked how the summer camp brought everyone feeling, almost all the young campers made such an exclamation. Xu Yuhan, a student at Phoenix Garden City Primary School in Nanjing, said excitedly that intellectual property rights are very interesting, and after participating in the summer camp, she learned a lot of knowledge that she had not learned before, and she wanted to engage in intellectual property-related work in the future. Bao Yinuo, a student at the affiliated primary school of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, realized that intellectual property rights are a powerful and important force in the country, and only by better protecting intellectual property rights can the country develop better.

  Tianjin: Innovative Classrooms

  In Tianjin, organized by the Youth Palace of Heping District and sponsored by Tianjin Intellectual Property Protection Center (hereinafter referred to as Tianjin Protection Center), the "Inheriting Red Genes and Striving for a New Journey" into the Intellectual Property Theme Education Summer Camp was held at the Tianjin Protection Center, and more than 30 students and parents from many schools participated in the activity.

  At the beginning of the event, the staff led the students and parents to visit the Tianjin Protection Center, where students and parents could get close to the office hall, the circuit court, the mediation room, etc. Subsequently, the experts of the Tianjin Protection Center opened a unique intellectual property simulation trial activity for the students in the circuit trial court, with the staff of the rapid rights protection department of the center serving as the presiding judge and clerk, and the students simulated playing the roles of plaintiff and defendant. The moot court is solemn and orderly, and the students argue with reason and evidence. Finally, the presiding judge popularized the knowledge of copyright to everyone and gave a correct value guide to the issue of "copying homework". Students and parents not only felt the majesty and solemnity of the trial court, but also had a deeper understanding of copyright.

  After the moot court activities, the staff of Tianjin Protection Center also brought a vivid intellectual property activity class to the students, introduced the relevant knowledge of intellectual property rights for the students, and gave an in-depth and simple explanation of patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights and other knowledge through vivid and vivid cases, so that the students could understand that intellectual property rights were around, guide the learning of intellectual property knowledge, and establish innovative concepts.

  Xiamen: Hands-on practice is full of harvest

  The fiery weather could not resist the enthusiasm of the Xiamen students. Recently, the 6th Xiamen Primary and Secondary School Intellectual Property Summer Camp with the theme of "Innovation outside Xiamen, The Future of Intellectual Property" was opened in Xiamen Wai Chinese School.

  "Young people are the future of the motherland, intellectual property awareness is widely embedded in the hearts of young people, and combining innovation and creation with the intellectual property system will lay the foundation for China to become an innovative country." Qian Yongchang, director of the Xiamen Foreign Chinese School Office, encouraged the campers to take the initiative to accept new knowledge and enjoy the fun of innovation in the summer camp activities.

  "Calculate the distance, measure the wind direction, adjust the angle... 3! 2! 1! launch! In the maker activity class, through the guidance of the teacher, the young campers not only learned about the scientific knowledge contained in the water rocket, but also learned to use simple coke bottles, tape, etc. to make various rockets, and launched a competition with their own water rockets on the playground. This kind of "immersion" learning is deeply loved by the young campers, although the heat is unbearable, but everyone's face is full of joy in learning knowledge.

  "The launch of the water rocket tells a truth, it is like a rocket carrying dreams, inspiring us to fly to the blue sky and pursue the truth of success." Huang Jingwen, a student who participated in the summer camp, said that she had gained a lot.

  "In this summer camp, I learned a lot about intellectual property rights, and I also learned how to protect intellectual property rights, and I was like a happy little angel, swimming in the ocean of knowledge." Chen Chongwen, a fourth-grade student at Binbei Primary School in Xiamen, wrote his experience in his diary.

  "On paper, it ends up shallow." At present, many schools in China have attached importance to cultivating children's awareness of intellectual property rights, and on the basis of implementing the curriculum of scientific disciplines, they have independently planned and held distinctive and creative science and cultural festivals, and set up a number of high-quality science clubs in the school. This three-dimensional learning of the summer camp not only deepens the students' understanding of intellectual property knowledge, but also helps students cultivate the awareness of protecting and using intellectual property rights from an early age, providing a steady stream of "fresh force" for the construction of China's intellectual property power. (Liu Peng, Zhang Hanhong)

Let intellectual property rights go all the way to "child" line! IP summer camps are in full swing everywhere

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