
"People's Court Daily": Open the heart knot, the octogenarian couple broke the mirror and reunited

author:Hunan High Court
"People's Court Daily": Open the heart knot, the octogenarian couple broke the mirror and reunited

Li Wenling, a first-level judge of the Executive Bureau of the People's Court of Shaoyang County, Hunan Province

"Judge, from the time I filed the lawsuit to today's application for enforcement, my case has been dragging on for a long time. If you still can't get the money, I'm going to come to you every day. He Mou, an application executor in his 80s, snapped at me. After nearly an hour of patient enlightenment, although the old man's mood was much calmer, he repeatedly advised, "You must grasp it."

After sending away He, I immediately dialed the mobile phone of the executor Xia. Although Xia Mou was a little ear-backed, he was extremely emotional when he learned that it was a call from the enforcement judge: "I am not responsible for payment, if you deduct my pension, I will come to you every day!" Then he hung up the phone.

He and Xia are a remarried couple with more than 40 years of marriage experience, and have been separated for nearly ten years due to emotional discord. Xia is a retired worker with a monthly pension of nearly 3,000 yuan, and He is a rural woman. When the two sides separated, they witnessed and issued a maintenance agreement at the village committee, and Xia paid a certain monthly maintenance fee to He.

In 2020, Xia was hospitalized with illness and spent a fee to stop performing the agreement. So He took Xia to court. The court made a judgment in support of He in accordance with the law. Xia Mou was deeply aggrieved and felt that he had lost face, so he refused to perform the obligations determined by the judgment.

Although the case is small, it is easy to close the case: the pension of the executor can be deducted directly from the bank. However, this simple approach not only cannot eliminate the grievances of the parties, but on the contrary, it will deepen the contradictions and cannot conclude the case.

I decided to adjust the enforcement thinking and persuade the person subject to enforcement to consciously perform his obligations as much as possible.

In the next half a month, I repeatedly read the case file and understood the facts of the case; I talked to the trial judge to gain a deeper understanding of the marital status of the elderly; I brought the case to the door to relieve the emotions of the parties and resolve the crux of the accumulated grievances.

At first, Xia Mou was very resistant to me, the door was not allowed to enter, and his face was ugly. Under my "soft grinding hard bubble", Xia Mou was finally willing to sit down and talk to me.

The old man likes to pull homely routines, so I will tell him some family cases. Often going to the door to persuade, Xia Mou slowly became accustomed to my appearance, and I slowly became Xia Mou's friend who did not talk about anything.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was the day of the family reunion, and I came to Xia's home as usual and brought the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts. After calming down and listening carefully to Xia's confession, I once again patiently and meticulously explained the Fa and reasoning. After more than two hours of enlightenment, the old man finally let go of his feelings, not only agreed to fulfill his obligations, but also promised to take his wife home for a reunion Mid-Autumn Festival.

At the moment when Xia took He to his home, I was sincerely relieved to see the smiles on the faces of the two old people who broke the mirror and reunited, and the wrinkled faces were full of smiles, and I felt that my efforts were worth it.

Enforcement judges must not only have the impartial heart of impartial law enforcement, but also have the ordinary heart to put down the world, and only by building a bridge of spiritual communication, listening to the voice of the heart at zero distance, and treating the parties as friends and relatives can they open the knots in the hearts of the parties.

(Li Wenling/Dictation Li Guo, Chen Lingyun, Wang Rong/Finishing)

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