
The first issue of "Job Seeker Youth Season" was launched

author:Job Seeker Season 2

Usher in the positive energy of the youth workplace

Produced by Shandong Satellite TV and Tianjin Glory Xinghe Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and jointly created by Beijing Boshi Interactive Culture Communication Co., Ltd., the first program of the youth workplace recruitment program "Youth Season of Job Seekers" was broadcast on Shandong Satellite TV at 9:20 pm this Wednesday.

In this episode, we have welcomed three job seekers with dreams and unforgettable intentions, and their respective stories are moving and thought-provoking.

The first issue of "Job Seeker Youth Season" was launched

There are dreams that do not hesitate to wipe out 280,000 annual salaries to attract the boss group to compete

He said that "simplicity is done to the extreme, making the ordinary great." In the face of Meng Fei, the first job seeker of "Job Seeker Youth Season", Zhang Xuefeng, a member of the transformation group, made such an evaluation.

Meng Fei, a 27-year-old young man. After joining the army and retiring from the army, he became a volunteer wiper on the basketball court by chance. This small post that is not noticed by people, Meng Fei regards it as extremely important. He said bluntly on the show, "Picking up a towel is like picking up a steel gun to protect the safety of players."

The first issue of "Job Seeker Youth Season" was launched

Unlike some young professionals who are now "low in the eyes", he has been a "rubbing brother" for 8 years, wiping the venue of more than 200 large-scale basketball events, from provincial competitions to national competitions, from the CBA to the All-Star to the World Cup. Meng Fei told the guests at the scene that his dream is to "wipe all over the country and go to the world".

Do not underestimate this "rubbing brother", it is precisely because of his attitude of "doing things to the extreme" that he is valued by the boss of the current company, who brought him from Shenzhen to Beijing and became the operator of a well-known Internet company, with an annual salary of up to 200,000 yuan.

The boss team on the spot extended an olive branch to the young job seeker, and the boss offered an annual salary of 280,000 yuan just to include him. How will Meng Fei choose? All revealed in the main film.

Out of the haze of life, pole dance instructors overtake in curves to rejuvenate the workplace

Du Fengcun, 39, is the second job seeker to come to the show. As a professional pole dance instructor, she came to the scene hoping to find a job as an education and training instructor or fitness coach.

Through the transformation of the herd psychological experiment, the members of the observation group found that she was easily influenced by others and lacked independent thoughts. Although there will be reasonable doubts of their own, they are not firm enough. But the sentence "I may have refuted it immediately before, but now I don't want to argue anything" also left a question in the minds of the boss team.

The first issue of "Job Seeker Youth Season" was launched

It wasn't until the on-site face-to-face communication that the bosses learned that she had suffered from depression for 4 years because of the double whammy of family and career. In those gray days, she began to drink heavily, groggy and did not want to do anything, and gained 25 pounds in less than a year. The deformation of the figure is a fatal blow to the pole dance coach, and many students' remarks of "you go up" have stung her heart. It wasn't until Du Fengcun met her current husband that the situation began to improve. Her husband accompanied her through surgery, walked through the twists and turns together, and changed her life with love. The on-site interaction of the two people made the boss at the scene directly call "enviable"!

Such a woman who has experienced the ups and downs of life, it is admirable to pluck up the courage to face life again. According to her own situation, the boss group also gave the emerging position of "fitness coach anchor" on the Internet according to local conditions, believing that Du Fengcun, who successfully realized his dream, will have a brighter future.

Determined to feed back the society, left-behind children came out of the mountains to find jobs

Hubebe is a special job seeker in this episode. In addition to his job search, he hopes that someone can join the child care and protection work. And this stems from the fact that he himself was once a left-behind child.

Just three months after his birth, Hubebe's parents divorced. In his memory there was no motherly look, not even a vague outline. Because his father was disabled, he was raised by his grandparents from an early age. In the days that followed with her stepmother, it was common to be scolded and beaten. In 27 years, the only time Hu Beibei spoke to his biological mother was to ask for support for college tuition, but only got a sentence of "don't interfere with each other, each is fine." Asked if he had a grudge against his parents, he confessed that "even if the parents are wrong, the children are innocent." But with time, the sharp ice that crossed the heart was slowly melting.

The first issue of "Job Seeker Youth Season" was launched

When the topic of "should I be supported when I was abandoned by my mother when I grew up" appeared, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. Ma Rui, a member of the boss group, empathizes that "no one can ask for kindness" and "the source of love is to have love in the heart, to love people who deserve love".

When it comes to work, Hu Beibei said that the human, material and financial resources in the mountainous areas are lacking, and if he can, he hopes that people who go out can return to their hometowns in the future and help more people. On the one hand, I want to go out, on the other hand, I hope that others can walk back. He is both real and realistic, and people can't help but reflect.

The first issue of "Job Seeker Youth Season" was launched

The first program of "Job Seeker Youth Season" is wonderful, young job seekers are assembled on the spot, youth positions are released in surprise, and watch the job seekers and bosses pass the scene. Every Wednesday at 9:20, lock in Shandong Satellite TV's "Youth Season of Job Seekers", let's open a new chapter of job hunting together.