
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

author:Small stay has depth

In the outskirts of Dalian City, there is a small village that cannot be found on the map——— Qianyan Village, there is a typical northeast rural courtyard lined up with 4 bungalows in the village, there is a housekeeper dog at the entrance of the courtyard, and when it sees strangers, it makes a "Wang Wang" call...

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

This is where Wang Junxia lived as a child, and when she "ran" out of this place with a strong local atmosphere, she was 15 years old.

Wang Junxia was born on January 19, 1973 in a rural area on the outskirts of Jiaohe City, Jilin Province, to a difficult family.

In 1988, Wang Junxia was photographed by Coach Wang Shizhong of Dalian Sports College at the Dalian Primary and Secondary School Sports Games. Under the tutelage of Coach Wang Shizhong, Wang Junxia's foundation played well, and her performance improved rapidly.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

In 1991, Wang Junxia participated in the National City Games with good results and was selected by Ma Junren, coach of the Liaoning Athletics Team.

She became the first Athlete in China to win the Olympic gold medal in long-distance running and was known as the "Sacred Deer of the East".

She broke the world records in the women's 3,000 meters and 10,000 meters, and became the first athlete in China to win the Olympic gold medal in long-distance running, laying confidence in China's long-distance running career.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia has won countless championships in her lifetime, but the most impressive champion is the women's 5,000m champion at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.

"When I was participating in the Olympics, I was not in good health, but I couldn't report it at the time, and I needed to block the news. I was not sure I was going to get the gold medal in both of the events I was involved in. At that time, the Athletics Management Center gave every athlete a task at the Olympic Games, some people won gold, some people won medals, and I didn't even have a medal task. My idea was that being able to participate once was an experience in my life. ”

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

The Olympic race began, "there were a lot of people signing up at the time, and there were 5,000 and 10,000 pre-finals, which meant I had to run four times." "5,000 meters is not Wang Junxia's strength, the leader wants her to give up 5,000 meters, and specialize in 10,000 meters, Wang Junxia, who has always been very obedient before, did not obey this time," I said at the time that I knew about my physical condition, from coming to Atlanta and living in the Olympic Village, my body has been diarrhea, I think my body is consuming every day, I don't know if my physical fitness can persist on the last day. If on the last day my body can not hold on, and I give up the previous game, then I don't have a chance at all? ”

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

The 5,000-meter showdown began, "At that time, my physical condition was really bad, and I didn't expect that I would win the gold medal in the 5,000 meters, and I told the coach off the field that I would go on the field to compete, and I would fight when I had the chance." I didn't expect this spell to be spelled out! Wang Junxia involuntarily raised her tone, "In fact, the final result of the 5,000 meters is not as good as the domestic qualifiers, about 8 seconds slower." But it's just getting the championship, I think it's amazing. ”

Wang Junxia wears the national flag with a sense of belonging.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

After winning the championship, the reserved program was to wear the national flag and go around the field for a week, but because the Chinese team was not prepared, Wang Junxia had to look for the national flag all over the field. "I was so excited when I came down, I looked for the flag. An international student took a flag and threw it at me from the stands. I was on display, and I was running and shouting, 'I'm so lucky, I'm winning the championship!' I still thought it was incredible, the excitement at that time was really hard to believe, and it was natural to think of taking the flag and letting others know that this project was our Chinese to win the championship. At that time I had a strong sense of national pride, a sense of belonging. ”

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia, why did you retire at the peak of your career?

In the women's 5,000m final at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, people remember Wang Junxia, who ran around the field wearing a national flag after winning the championship.

Also remember the town of Maud sitting silently in the stands.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

He is a hero, a well-deserved hero.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

And this made Ma Junren's face even more dull.

Although the town of Maud is ready for all kinds of turmoil. But many things that happened later still made him deeply sad and helpless.

Later, The town of Mao de was ostracized everywhere and eventually died of cancer.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Ma Junren and Wang Junxia, although they reconciled in public, it is reported that the two did not move around much in private.

Wang Junxia had more regrets and dissatisfaction, and in the end, she also had to embark on the road of retirement.

At this point, a generation of champions has fallen!

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

The 1997 injury caused Wang Junxia to retire at the age of 24. Wang Junxia won the Owens Award in 1994 and was inducted into the IAAF Hall of Fame in 2012, becoming the first athlete in Asia to be inducted.

The legendary "Oriental Sacred Deer" was at the highlight of her career, but she chose to retreat in a rapids when she did not accept defeat.

The Olympic champion in Atlanta, retired at the age of 23, is a non-entanglement and difficult to say.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

This is not an active choice, but a passive departure.

Before the London Olympics that year, in an interview with People magazine, she reviewed the past 20 years: the grudge with Ma Junren, the individual resistance and compromise...

"Now, I can look at things very objectively." Wang Junxia told the "People" reporter, "I don't want to distinguish between right and wrong, nor do I want to talk about personal gains and losses. I just want to see, in that era, why did this happen? ”

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia: The contradiction with Ma Junren is because of youth.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

In 1993, Ma Jiajun blew a gold whirlwind at the Athletics World Championships in Stuttgart, but after that, the prize money storm caused Ma Jiajun to fall apart. But after a few years, Wang Junxia and Ma Junren reconciled.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Reporters described their reconciliation as "a laugh and a grudge," but Wang Junxia disagreed.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

"Well, from any point of view, our coach has trained me for so many years, so that I have achievements, a day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father. And Ma Dao has really created brilliance in my sports career. This kindness will not change until death. This kind of teacher-student relationship, I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life. However, there is no problem of enmity, it may be that everyone had some contradictions in the handling of some small things. "I have been separated from Ma For many years, and I left in 1994, and now I am more and more grateful to him, and I am very worried about this teacher-student affection." Seeing him would involuntarily care about him and talk to him. Those grievances in the past, it should be said that the grievances, that kind of resentment, ah, suddenly diluted, heartache. ”

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia said: "In recent years, Ma Dao's changes have also been particularly great, and the main attitude is much milder, thinking about others. Through this incident, my biggest feeling is that time will really make people change. We've all been young. If you were a little younger at the time, it might have been more intense. ”

After saying these words, Wang Junxia smiled heartily again, and the original grudges also dissipated in her laughter.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

But this woman who is in the limelight stumbles on the road of feelings.

Which woman does not want to have a lifetime and a couple, but there is too much helplessness in reality, so that Wang Junxia goes around looking for the man who is destined.

However, 3 children and 3 fathers, as the name suggests, Wang Junxia has been married for 3 years!

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia's first marriage: husband football player.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

On February 24, 2001, Wang Junxia and football player Zhan Yu held a wedding.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia's first husband Zhan Yu, at the age of 11, entered the sports school and became a member of the Shenyang Junior Football Team, although he has not been able to play famous, but handsome and resolute he conquered Wang Junxia with his manhood, Wang Junxia once said in his evaluation of her husband, "I love Zhan Yu." First, he is beautiful, handsome, resolute, more than words, and has a manly temperament; second, he is not vain, but rich and beautiful in heart; third, we are all athletes, have a common language, and can understand and support each other."

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

When wang Junxia was married, she had not yet retired from the army, in order to take care of her wife, Zhan Yu once became a full-time husband, and Wang Junxia's life, treatment, laundry and boiling medicine were all covered. But this marriage still did not escape the 7-year itch. In Wang Junxia's seven-year marriage with Zhan Yu, she always felt that she was singing a one-man show, and whenever she was excited to talk to her husband about some interesting stories about life, her husband was either silent or only answered one or two words, and the atmosphere at home was too dull and serious, so that she could not feel sweet and relaxed.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

In 2006, Wang Junxia and Zhan Yu ended their married life. When she left Shenyang, Wang Junxia was almost out of the house: her son was raised by Zhan Yu, mercedes-benz and villas were left, and she only drove a Land Rover to let her children live well, which was her original intention.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia's second marriage: Husband name music producer Huang Tiantian.

After the divorce, Wang Junxia left the sad place in the northeast and came to live in Shanghai. After living for two years, Wang Junxia met Huang Tiantian, a Chinese-American, by chance. Huang Tiantian, Master of Music, University of Denver, USA, is a famous music producer in Denver.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

The two of them quickly became acquainted, and due to the failure of the marriage, Wang Junxia felt that she might not be mature enough, not mature enough, so her ex-husband would not love himself. Therefore, in her interaction with Huang Tiantian, she learned to be spoiled and changed herself a lot.

After six months of dating, the two decided to get married. However, relatives and friends are very unfavorable to the two, especially the woman's parents are very opposed, Wang Junxia said: I am looking for a failed marriage this time, so at this time, I must find an experienced, even if I have divorced several times, older, it does not matter. ”

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

After getting married, the couple moved to the United States to live, Wang Junxia's son and Huang Tiantian's four children, seven living together. Only the day after the final marriage, Wang Junxia regretted it a little, and the two even wrote down a divorce agreement.

Originally, the living habits of the two were so different. When eating, you can be noisy, it may be that Wang Junxia is where Huang Tiantian is uncomfortable, Huang Tiantian directly scolded at the dinner table, without giving in, without the demeanor that a man should have.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Even Huang Tiantian's daughter couldn't look at it: "Dad, you can't treat Junxia like this, she's a woman, she's a girl, you should hurt her, care for her, let her, tolerate her, you can't win everything." ”

Huang Tiantian said: "No, why should I let her do this, she makes me uncomfortable, I also want her to do this." What's more, Huang Tiantian was extremely strict with Wang Junxia and did not allow Wang Junxia to go out and have contact with anyone. She could only carry her children at home for a day, and she felt that such a life was like imprisonment.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia filed for divorce from Huang Tiantian in 2013, and in the end, the two went to court for six years. In 2015, Wang Junxia met her current husband, Li Huiyang, with whom she had two children from her first two marriages and soon had children.

In 2015, Huang Tiantian published the book "Oriental Sacred Deer - My Wife Wang Junxia", which is the first biography to record Wang Junxia's life.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Her ex-husband Huang Tiantian wrote a book that exposed Wang Junxia's privacy, probably in revenge for Wang Junxia's abandonment of her husband, right? In addition to exposing the privacy between husband and wife, the book also disclosed a lot of Ma Jiajun's insider information for the first time. What is even more outrageous is that it is also said that Wang Junxia was raped by an anonymous coach.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

On June 29 of that year, Wang Junxia posted a statement on Weibo, accusing her former husband Huang Tiantian of publishing and distributing the biographical book "Oriental Sacred Deer - My Wife Wang Junxia" without authorization and a large number of untrue contents, and also admitted that she had held a wedding with her third husband, Li Huiyang, on June 27.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia and her current husband Li Huiyang.

On September 8, 2015, Wang Junxia and her third-married husband participated in a TV station program, and her husband was exposed to the public for the first time.

In China, it may not be okay for an ordinary woman to marry twice, but to be married three times, but to be laughed at. But Wang Junxia is not afraid, this is her third challenge to the happiness of life, the spirit is commendable.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia admitted that she and Li Huiyang met on the Internet. When I first met, because I was worried that Li Huiyang knew the identity of his world champion, he first used a pseudonym to chat with Li Huiyang on WeChat, and in the process of chatting, he felt that he could talk very well, and he talked very thoroughly, and he felt that there were many common topics, and then he finally decided to meet.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Talking about the process of meeting, Li Huiyang said: "It feels like love at first sight for her. After meeting, we will go step by step. Wang Junxia was also full of appreciation for Li Huiyang in her words: "He told me to give me a guarantee, to divorce the marriage with me, and then to bear all the things with me, let me not worry or be afraid." Wang Junxia said frankly: "If a man really cares about you, he will rush over and do everything for you." Wang Junxia also said in the program that she and her husband are very secure together, and knowing him for three years is the happiest time in her life.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Three marriage sieges, Wang Junxia, who is invincible on the runway, has experienced bumps in the emotional road. But thankfully, she reaped the love she really wanted.

In the first two marriages, Wang Junxia had a son and a daughter, and her current husband also had a child, and all three children currently live with them.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Three children and three fathers, but Wang Junxia and her husband Li Huiyang treat the three children equally.

Wang Junxia once said: "At home, all the children call him Daddy and call me Mommy." “

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Wang Junxia, 47, said that her third husband was true love!

She chose to spend the rest of her life with her third husband, Li Huiyang, who is now 47 years old but still very energetic. Now and her current husband Li Huiyang live happily.

For such family harmony, Wang Junxia was very satisfied, and also announced in the interview that she would give her husband a child.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

She was in good health and had the energy to bring new life to the family.

While busy with her family, Wang Junxia did not forget her career.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Since returning to China in 2019, she has frequently appeared in some large marathon events, guiding the younger generations, or serving as a frontrunner, and also sat in the position of chairman of the Dalian Athletics Association.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Today, when short videos are popular, 47-year-old Wang Junxia has also transformed into a network expert, promoting and popularizing running skills on video websites. Specifically in response to the phenomenon of not being able to go out during the epidemic, home running classes have been launched.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

Although she has been retired for many years, young people rarely know her now. But Wang Junxia always feels that passing on her knowledge and experience is the best reward for her athlete's career.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

At the age of 47, you can still live a wonderful life.

Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

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Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love
Wang Junxia's recent situation, she stumbled on the road of feelings, and the 47-year-old said that her third husband was true love

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