
Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

author:Mr. Tidebang

"Daddy's Big Suit", "Grandma's Flower Cotton Jacket", "Printed TV Cloth"... These elements of the last century have become fashionable elements that are often seen in fashion weeks. So how do we wear these seemingly pompous trends out of novelty and high-end in life? Ma Yili has done a good job of wearing "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, and studying her outfit can bring us a lot of inspiration.

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

If a vintage mid-silhouette suit is the simplest piece, then "Big Mom Pajamas" is an eye-catching artifact. Ma Yili's "big aunt pajama pants" wears a new meaning in a simple and ordinary style, and wears a sense of luxury. Other star airport wear contrast stitching, design stacking, ordinary people are difficult to learn the essence or get the same model.

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

But in the kaleidoscope, Ma Yili's simple white T plus pajama pants, with basic small white shoes, these ordinary people's usual comfortable items, appear more advanced and not deliberate. Learn to wear pajama pants with Ma Yili, and get lazy wind with ease

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Ma Yili's "big mom pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis</h1>

Printed pants in lower saturation colors were chosen

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

Ma Yili's printed pants chose the dark green lake blue series, and the white print on the pants echoed the white shirt and shoes, looking elegant and clean. Relatively tacky and difficult to control than the big red and green décor, Ma Yili chose the cold tone dark print pants that are more in line with the temperament. The white print brings vitality and highlights to the dark pants, and is more petite, otherwise the pure dark color is easy to appear monotonous and has a "big mother feeling".

The pants fabric chooses a draped texture, and the waist is tightened in a better proportion

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

The material of the printed pants is also the key to the high-end lazy wind, and the printed pants worn by Ma Yili belong to the straight-leg version, and the material is lighter and thinner. Walking and swinging with the wind, it is a good disguise for the defects of the leg shape. The waist is tightened, the shirt is pinned to the pants, and the waist line is protruding from the tightening, making the legs straight and the proportions of the figure are absolutely perfect.

The pattern of the pants is already very prominent, Ma Yili chose the shirt to shorten, reduce the sense of volume, and focus on the printed pants, clean and neat.

Wear it with a colour that's found on printed trousers for a more advanced pairing

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

The pattern of the printed pants is prominent, and if you choose other decors to match, it will definitely look tedious. Ma Yili's hat, top and shoes are all white, corresponding to the pattern color on the printed pants, which not only abandons the tacky, but is more advanced.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" what problems should be paid attention to > in printing and wearing? </h1>

1. Combination of traditional and simple

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

The most important thing to pay attention to in the wearing of printing is the "combination of complexity and simplicity", so that the combination will not make the overall dress too complicated, nor will it be without visual focus. Ma Yili's black and white polka dot top with a red skirt is not eye-catching visually, but it is still eye-catching.

2. Same color collocation

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

The second element of printing collocation is the same color collocation, which has been very popular in the past two years, and it is also very suitable for printing and wearing. Large-area printing is inherently complex, if the printing pattern, color is more chaotic, the same color printing solves this problem.

3. Fun stacking

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

Choose a closer color on the chromaticity scale and stack different materials, such as gray brown and black, and you can also match different senses of luxury. The gray sweatshirt material is lined up, with gray printed pants with close saturation, plus the denim material jacket, which is stacked to create a multi-layered fashion sense, which also reflects the unique wearing ingenuity.

The pattern that appears in the pants corresponds to the details of the hat jewelry, which is called a delicacy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > dress summary:</h1>

Ma Yili temperament is really good, can put the "big mother pajama pants" out of the sense of luxury, looking quite fashionable Ma Yili "big mother pajama pants" high-grade sense of wearing analysis print wear should pay attention to what problems? Dress Summary:

1, printed pants version material selection is very important, soft and lightweight material is lazy, hard straight pants more modified leg shape. When matching different styles of tops, consider the consistency of the material style.

2. The color is selected to match the single product with the same color system and close saturation. Tops, shoes and accessories can be selected for printed pants with the same pattern and color embellishment.

3, pay attention to the sense of quantity, printed pants pattern is prominent, then other items need to choose low-key and simple style.

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