
The integration of the two modernizations in Suzhou "on the Tao": Kaos creates a new engine for the development of the digital economy

author:China Fortune Network

Core tip: The integration of the two modernizations, that is, the integration of industrialization and informatization, is the core of informatization and digital support, taking the road of sustainable development. The integration of the two is a strategic idea, and the industrial Internet has gradually become the core key to its innovative development.

The integration of the two modernizations, that is, the integration of industrialization and informatization, is the core of which is the support of informatization and digitalization, and the road of sustainable development is taken. The integration of the two is a strategic idea, and the industrial Internet has gradually become the core key to its innovative development.

The integration of the two modernizations in Suzhou "on the Tao": Kaos creates a new engine for the development of the digital economy

From October 15th to 16th, the Second Conference on Integration and Digital Transformation of Informatization and Informatization, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the Jiangsu Provincial Government, and co-hosted by the National Center for Industry and Information Security, the Jiangsu Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Suzhou Municipal Government, was held in Suzhou, and experts gathered in Suzhou again to talk about a new chapter in integration transformation and development.

At this conference, as a leading enterprise of China's industrial Internet, KAOS COSMOPlat demonstrated the latest empowerment and research and development achievements through its cross-industry, cross-field and cross-regional deep-plowing practice, explored the road of in-depth development of "integration of two modernizations", and created a "new engine" for the integration and development of China's digital economy and real economy.

Leadership: Explore transformational best practices

As the only country in the world with all the industrial categories listed in the United Nations Industrial Classification, China's in-depth integration process is also the link process between its own industrial manufacturing capabilities and technological innovation in emerging fields, and the carrier of this link is the industrial Internet.

Through internal intelligence, modularization, external linking, and cloudification, the Industrial Internet can achieve high-precision decision-making in the whole process and establish a highly flexible production mode of digital products and services. CAOSCOMOPlat summed it up as "high efficiency driven by high precision", that is, with the help of flexible, digital and intelligent technologies in the mass customization mode, the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency in industrial production is achieved.

The integration of the two modernizations in Suzhou "on the Tao": Kaos creates a new engine for the development of the digital economy

Taking Haier Tianjin Washing Machine Interconnection Factory, which has just won the honor of WEF "Lighthouse Factory", as an example, in order to meet users' expectations for more diversified products, faster delivery and higher service quality, CAOSCOSMOPlat jointly built an ecological platform with ecological resources, enabling the factory to integrate 5G, IoT, automation and advanced analysis technologies, increasing product design speed by 50%, reducing defects by 26%, and reducing unit energy consumption by 18%.

"High efficiency driven by high precision" is actually an improvement in the production efficiency of more than one factory. More importantly, through the industrial Internet, the user's personalized needs are integrated together, and through interaction, design, experience, pre-sale, manufacturing, iteration, and finally realize the realization from demand to product, forming a large-scale customization model.

Therefore, the practical direction of CAOS COSMOPlat's exploration of transformation is not a simple machine substitution, but a large-scale customization of the whole process of user participation. By creating a large-scale customization road, we will export the "Chinese model" for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and lead the wave of industrial innovation.

Aggregation: Release ecological superposition effects

As digital development continues to deepen, more SMEs are also changing from watchers of transformation to participants. They often do not have the resources, technology and talents of large enterprises, so they prefer to use effective industry collaboration to solve the pain points and needs of their own development in a targeted manner through the targeted application of digital technology.

Faced with the dilemma of enterprise transformation, CAOS COSMOPlat innovation proposed an ecological empowerment model of "large enterprises co-construction, small and medium-sized enterprise sharing". Under such a model, the role of KAOS COSMOPlat is more like a "leader", which can create industry common solutions based on industry characteristics by building vertical industry and vertical field platforms with head enterprises, so that the platform enterprises can achieve each other's needs, realize the efficient flow and aggregation of production factors across industries, fields and regions, and release the superposition effect of the industry ecology.

The integration of the two modernizations in Suzhou "on the Tao": Kaos creates a new engine for the development of the digital economy

Taking China's first chlor-alkali chemical industry industrial Internet platform jointly built by KAOS COSMOPlat and Tianyuan Group as an example, the platform provides a unified mobile application framework for creating a chlor-alkali application software ecology, and precipitates the industrial data and production experience of Tianyuan Group into industrial mechanism models and SaaS products, sharing industry applications with small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve win-win cooperation between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

The platform first carried out empowerment practices in Haifeng and Rui Enterprises of Tianyuan Group, realizing the consistency and sharing of enterprise production data and the visualization of production information, with a cumulative cost reduction of more than 20 million yuan and an increase of more than 30 million yuan in revenue. After obtaining the sample verification, the platform is copying the solution of the safety scenario to Shaanxi Jintai Chlor-alkali and other enterprises, helping enterprises to comprehensively improve the level of safety management, environmental protection monitoring and emergency disposal.

Refactoring: Build a new engine for integrated development

In the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan, China proposes to use digital transformation as a whole to drive changes in production, lifestyle and governance methods, and promote the digital transformation of industries. Therefore, the deep integration of digital technology and physical industry is the only way to achieve China's manufacturing industry from big to strong, and it is also an inevitable requirement for building a digital China.

At the "New Scene and Industrial Internet Platform Innovation and Development Forum" held on the 16th, the relevant person in charge of Caoos COSMOPlat shared the exploration and practice of the digital integration of CAOSCOSMOPlat with the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises enabled by digital twin technology as an example. Based on the connection of all elements, the whole industry chain and the whole life cycle of the industrial Internet, CAOS COSMOPlat has built a digital twin system of "two-way integration", and through the digital twin platform, realizes the "symbiosis" of digital models and physical entities, and helps the high efficiency and high precision of enterprise digital and intelligent transformation.

The integration of the two modernizations in Suzhou "on the Tao": Kaos creates a new engine for the development of the digital economy

In addition, in order to allow more enterprises to join the process of digital transformation, based on the disassembly of the needs of the whole elements, the whole process and the whole value chain of the enterprise, CAOS COSMOPlat modularizes the most urgently needed capabilities of enterprises such as intelligent manufacturing, supply chain, procurement, government and enterprise services, and creates a flexible combination and rapid deployment of professional cloud platforms and applications, while helping traditional enterprises find the second value curve of their own development, more fully activate the industrial industry value paving the way, with the "increment" of the digital economy. Revitalize the "stock" of traditional manufacturing.

At present, CAOS COSMOPlat has bred 15 industry ecosystems such as molds and chemicals, linking nearly 800,000 enterprises and serving more than 70,000 enterprises, and is collaborating with all parties to create, transmit and share value with the new ecology of the industrial Internet, helping the transformation of traditional industries and high-quality economic development.

The integration of the two modernizations in Suzhou "on the Tao": Kaos creates a new engine for the development of the digital economy

Digitalization is an open future that embraces all innovation and change. Driven by a new generation of information technology and driven by the industrial Internet platform, promoting the digitalization, networking and intelligent development of the manufacturing industry will become an important goal of the integration of the two modernizations in the new era of China, and will also be an unconventional catch-up of China to reconstruct the industrial structure and economic pattern.

In the future, CAOSCOSMOPlat will continue to deepen digital transformation, promote the deep integration of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing, accelerate the release of the superimposed multiplier effect of the industrial Internet, and build a new engine for China to achieve the coordinated development of the digital economy and the real economy.

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