
Huake graduation ceremony "everyone" and "small family" jointly complained about the feelings of the family and the country, and the principal sent a message to the students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Li Bowl rong

Correspondent Wang Xiaoxiao Gao Xiang

On the morning of June 21, the 2021 undergraduate graduation ceremony of Huazhong University of Science and Technology was held at the Optics Valley Gymnasium. Nearly 7,000 undergraduate graduates bid farewell to their alma mater. Li Yuanyuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of the school, sent a deep message: Graduates must have a sense of family and country, bravely assume great responsibilities, and be dreamers of national rejuvenation. Fang Zhong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, spoke as an alumni representative, and he shared his study story with his students. What is even more fateful is that June 21 is also the graduation ceremony of Fang Zhong's daughter. After graduating from Huake, her daughter Xiaofang will continue to explore on the road of scientific research and contribute to the rejuvenation of the nation.

Huake graduation ceremony "everyone" and "small family" jointly complained about the feelings of the family and the country, and the principal sent a message to the students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

Huake graduation ceremony scene

Send a message to students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

The graduation ceremony kicked off with a chorus of nearly 7,000 students, and the school leaders first read out the decision on the commendation of outstanding graduates, and the decision on the recognition of graduates who were employed in the hardship areas of the western region, grass-roots level and national key units. It has been learned that more than 2,000 of these graduates have joined the Communist Party of China during their college years; 49 volunteers of the Western Program are about to go to the places where the motherland is most needed to express their youth and serve the grassroots; and more than 3,800 students will continue their studies in well-known universities at home and abroad.

At the graduation ceremony, Academician Li Yuanyuan, president of the school, praised these students, "Students, your experience of building dreams of youth and thriving has also left a deep imprint on Central China University, converging into the majestic force of the school's 'double first-class' construction." Outstanding achievements in the school, you are all contributors. ”

Huake graduation ceremony "everyone" and "small family" jointly complained about the feelings of the family and the country, and the principal sent a message to the students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

Academician Li Yuanyuan, president of the university, delivered a speech

Academician Li Yuanyuan, the president, introduced the school's achievements as many as a family, and the applause on the scene continued. Li Yuanyuan is a message to the graduates to bravely take on great responsibilities and be dreamers of national rejuvenation. He sent a message to the students, set great aspirations, and strive to be strivers with their hearts in mind; Ming Dade, strive to be a devotee of reverence and self-cultivation; become a great talent, strive to be a pioneer in the pursuit of excellence; take on great responsibilities and strive to be a dreamer of national rejuvenation.

"Students, the time is not waiting for me, only the day. The realization of the Chinese dream calls for the responsibility of the young generation, the pie will not fall from the sky, and happiness depends on struggle. I hope that everyone will start from themselves, have the courage to go to the grass-roots level with difficult conditions, the frontline of production and construction, and the forefront of project research, not be afraid of wind and rain, dare to shoulder heavy burdens, dare to dare to do it, firmly believe that Qingshan will not relax, make contributions to the realization of socialist modernization, and strive to be a dreamer of national rejuvenation. Li Yuanyuan issued a call to graduates.

After Li Yuanyuan finished speaking, there was a burst of applause at the scene. The feelings of home and country, the dream of national rejuvenation have long been engraved on every graduate of Huake. "Thanks to Central China University, we have engraved the mark of the times of "serving the motherland" on us. The school's outstanding graduates represent Guo Ziqi of the School of Energy and Power Engineering. During his time in school, Guo Ziqi's academic performance ranked first in the grade, and more than ten science and technology innovation competitions won awards. In the future, he will devote himself to the research of heat transfer at the micro-nano scale, and contribute his modest efforts to promoting the energy revolution and achieving the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality".

Huake graduation ceremony "everyone" and "small family" jointly complained about the feelings of the family and the country, and the principal sent a message to the students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

Graduation ceremony site

Academician alumni send their daughters to graduate and join hands to serve the country

"I was admitted to Huake in 1987, and my daughter came to Huake 4 years ago to study." Academician Fang Zhong introduced. This year coincided with the graduation of her daughter Xiaofang, who studied in the school's School of Energy and Power Engineering during college, engaged in research in new energy, and then pursued graduate school to continue his studies. She will work with her father to fight for the prosperity of the motherland.

Huake graduation ceremony "everyone" and "small family" jointly complained about the feelings of the family and the country, and the principal sent a message to the students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

Academician Fang Zhong spoke as an alumni representative

In 1987, Fang Zhong was sent to Huake from Hanchuan No.1 Middle School in Hubei Province, and continued to study for 5 years after graduating from the university. Academician Fang Zhong is a condensed matter physicist, mainly engaged in computational condensed matter physics research, he has been on the road of scientific research and continuous exploration.

Returning to campus, Fang Zhong visited the dormitory and canteen. "Walking into the campus, it was like stepping back to my study time in Huake. After we got out of class, a group of people ran to the cafeteria. The meals in Huake Canteen are still very good and the meals are cheap. After the end of the study, everyone wants to eat a hot meal and hot dishes at the first time. Fang Zhong recalled.

Four years ago, Xiaofang chose Huazhong University of Science and Technology at the suggestion of his father. "I am a student who graduated from Huake, the learning atmosphere of the school is good, the campus environment is also very good, and the first thing I recommend when my children go to college is Huake." Fang Zhong said. This year, Fang Zhong's other child has already taken the college entrance examination, and he laughed, "I also hope that my child can also be admitted." ”

For four years of college, XiaoFang spent most of her time in laboratories and libraries, and like her father, she was immersed in scientific research. Father and daughter usually exchange scientific research and learning methods, Fang Zhong often encourages his daughter to study diligently, "We are not a research field, I often tell her to be more humble to learn from teachers, brothers and sisters, and think more yourself." Fang Zhong said. The low-key and shy Xiaofang was not interviewed by reporters, but she said she learned a lot from her father. In addition to studying diligently, Fang Zhong often told his daughter to have a sense of family and country, and to study hard to contribute to the cause of the motherland.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Fang Zhong also spoke as a representative of alumni, in which he shared with his students the story of his growth in Huake and the path of scientific research. He encouraged the students to have lofty ideals, "As graduates of Huake, as Chinese youth in the new era, we must establish lofty ideals, care for the country, be a person useful to social development, take it as our duty to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and live up to the cultivation of our alma mater, the cultivation of the state, and the great era of ours." ”

Huake graduation ceremony "everyone" and "small family" jointly complained about the feelings of the family and the country, and the principal sent a message to the students to be dreamers of national rejuvenation

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