
The "Quartet" in Spring

author:Northeast Net

——Interpretation and thinking on the reconstruction of industries, the reorganization of elements, the reconditioning of kinetic energy, and the reshaping of the environment in our city

The "Quartet" in Spring

Editor's Note

As a resource-based city, Daqing must be transformed and developed. Transformation, direction and path are particularly important. Under the new normal, in the critical period of Daqing's transformation and development, based on cracking the three major contradictions of resources, system and structure, focusing on the center of economic construction, in accordance with the requirements of "doing a good job in transforming and upgrading the 'old brand', deeply developing the 'original brand', and cultivating and expanding the 'new name'", the new municipal party committee proposed to reconstruct the industry, reorganize the elements, reunite kinetic energy, and reshape the environment. Starting today, Daqing Daily launched the column "Do a Good Job in Three Big Articles and Play the Transformation Quartet", which explains the "Quartet" as a whole, and makes special reports and interpretations on the reconstruction of industries, the reorganization of elements, the reunion of kinetic energy, and the reshaping of the environment, so that the whole city has a full understanding of the background and significance of the "Quartet", has an accurate grasp of the main content and specific connotation of the "Quartet", has a clear understanding of the realistic path and goals and tasks of realizing the "Quartet", and has a clear understanding of the safeguard measures for the implementation of the "Quartet". Specific measures have clear actions, further unify thinking, gather consensus, stimulate motivation, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of Daqing's transformation and development to make new progress.

The "Quartet" in Spring

Vehicles, supporting facilities, services to develop the automobile industry in a coordinated manner, by the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan", more than 100,000 "Daqing luxury cars" Volvo, global sales. Photo by Liu Weiqiang, a reporter from the news center

In the spring of 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping made two important speeches to Heilongjiang, calling for focusing on the center of economic construction and striving to find a new way of comprehensive revitalization.

For a time, the spring thunder of the Longjiang land stirred, inspiring the people of Longjiang to forge ahead. As an important sector of the province's development, in the "resource trap", in the economic development of the historical inflection point, transformation is at an important turning point, daqing what to do? Daqing people have found the crux of the problem, strategized ideas, found paths, and solved problems, and taken a solid step in the exploration and practice of comprehensive revitalization of transformation and development.

It's spring again. A "quartet" of reconstructing industries, reorganizing elements, reuniting kinetic energy, and reshaping the environment soared into the hundred lakes and sang vigorously.

"Quartet": A critical period of transformation

During the "two sessions" this year, Zhang Dejiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National People's Congress, was very concerned about the transformation and development of Daqing when he participated in the deliberations of the Heilongjiang delegation. Han Lihua, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the Daqing Municipal Party Committee and mayor, said in response to the chairman's question that Daqing is accelerating the comprehensive revitalization of transformation and development by reconstructing industries, reorganizing elements, reuniting kinetic energy, and reshaping the environment.

Many media reporters keenly captured this information and rushed to report on the "quartet" of Daqing's transformation and development. The "Quartet" rose to the oil city and gradually entered the Colorful Movement.

It can be said that the "Quartet" is the Daqing of the key period of transformation and development and comprehensive revitalization, and the work of "seeking innovation in change, seeking progress in change, and making breakthroughs in change" is born by taking advantage of the situation, taking advantage of the situation, and responding to the situation.

——This is a practical transformation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and new ideas, new ideas and new strategies for governing the country, especially the spirit of Longjiang's important speeches. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "Daqing is the benchmark and banner of the whole country" and "the difficult situation in the international oil and gas field will continue for a considerable period of time in the future, and Daqing will bear considerable pressure". "It is necessary to take the oil head and tail as the starting point, promote the deep processing of oil, and promote the development and transformation of the oil city." "Do a good job in transforming and upgrading the 'old brand', deeply developing the 'original brand', and cultivating and expanding the 'new brand' three big articles." To take root in Daqing, we must focus on the center of economic construction and strive to build a new pattern of more supportive diversified industries at the end of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period.

——This is a concrete undertaking of the overall deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to promote the comprehensive revitalization and development of Longjiang. In the economic structure of the province, Daqing is "pivotal". In recent years, the province's traditional oil, coal, grain and wood industries have been concentrated in the negative direction, and in 2016, the province's energy industry was reduced by about 160 billion yuan compared with 2012, of which Daqing dragged down 128 billion yuan. Daqing, which has been forced into a "dead corner," must take the initiative and take greater responsibility in the new requirements and new tasks of realizing the comprehensive revitalization of Longjiang.

——This is the symptomatic "prescription" for re-understanding, re-judging and grasping the situation of Daqing City. In recent years, affected by factors such as the "double decline in volume and price" of crude oil, Daqing's economic development has encountered unprecedented difficulties, with negative GDP growth for the first time in 2015, and in 2016, it turned from negative to positive and stabilized and rebounded, but it is still in a critical period of climbing over the obstacles. From the perspective of structural contradictions, in the case of a decline in the total amount, the proportion of secondary production still reaches 58.4%, the oilification industry in the regulation industry is in an absolute dominant position, accounting for 78.4%, food, equipment manufacturing, building materials and other advantageous industries, the size is not big enough; from the perspective of resource contradictions, Daqing oilfield comprehensive moisture content rises, natural decline rate rises, production and storage imbalance Contradictions become increasingly prominent, "Thirteenth Five-Year" period Daqing main oilfield output decreased by about 2 million tons per year; from the perspective of institutional contradictions, production factors are relatively solidified, The state-owned economy is large and insufficiently dynamic, and the non-public economy is small and developing slowly, accounting for only 45.2% of the total, which is lower than the national and provincial averages. To crack the "three major contradictions", we must accurately implement policies and see tricks and tricks.

——This is a perfect development of daqing's strategic thinking on sustainable development of transformation and development. To achieve the transformation and development of resource-based cities, it is necessary to follow the law of economic development. The magnificent turn from the oil city to the space city in Houston in the United States, and the fission of the German Ruhr from the coal city to the modern multi-industrial city, all have a long process of finding the correct positioning, exploring the path, and striving to practice. After more than 20 years of transformation and exploration, Daqing has become more determined in its transformation direction, clearer development ideas, and more perfect urban functions. In particular, the Ninth Municipal Party Congress and the First Session of the Tenth Municipal People's Congress have further clarified the goals and tasks for future development, and a clear path is needed to implement them. To get out of the smiling curve of the transformation and development of resource-based cities, we must take out the spirit of nails and hammers one hammer after another.

"Quartet": Stir up the development of the strongest tone

The Quartet is both a concerto and a symphony. The "quartet" is closely related and mutually supportive, and every movement and every note needs to be fully rhythmic and passionately collided in order to play and interpret the strong tone of the times that realizes the transformation and development of Daqing under the new normal.

-- Reconstructing the industry is to accelerate the creation of a diversified industrial system. Oil is the background of Daqing's economy, and although the strategy is reduced, it still maintains a high level of development. While serving the oilfield well, we will exert efforts from the fields where there is both market demand growth space and its own distinct supply advantages, and promote the multi-point blossoming and multi-way progress of the continuation industry.

The central and direct, mixed reform and private jointly support the chemical industry. Surround the "oil head" to strengthen the "tail", find the "coal head" to do the "tail", support the oil refining and expansion of the central enterprises of oilification, adjust the product structure, support the comprehensive utilization of 15 million tons of coal by Hegong, the processing of 5.5 million tons of heavy oil in Longyou and other projects to achieve results, and simultaneously plan petrochemical mixed reform, fine chemical industry, Russian oil and Russian gas processing projects, extend the industrial chain, and strengthen the "first support" of the continuation industry.

Vehicles, supporting facilities and services coordinate the development of the automobile industry. Adhere to the vehicle production and parts matching, traditional cars and new energy vehicles, front-end manufacturing market and back-end service market synchronous advancement, promote Volvo's high-end vehicle annual output of more than 100,000 vehicles, "Daqing luxury car" global sales.

The whole chain of production, processing and marketing promotes the high-end food industry. Relying on the abundant agricultural and animal husbandry resources to grasp the "grain head and tail" and "farmer's head and worker tail", build key projects such as 2.2 million tons of corn deep processing in Yipin, strengthen the marketing value-added of leading enterprises, and promote agricultural industrialization through the extension of the industrial chain.

High-tech, high-intelligence, high-end integration to strengthen the electronic information manufacturing industry. Seize the strategic opportunity of Made in China 2025, support the completion and operation of the new generation of display projects in Yingao, promote the overall completion and operation of Huawei's cloud computing data center, and create high-end electronic information and "Internet +" industry sectors.

Cluster, intelligence, and green work together to drive strategic emerging industries. Led by major technological breakthroughs and major development needs, we will make overall plans for the use of geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy and biomass energy to build whole industrial chain projects, actively apply for the construction of national renewable energy demonstration zones, and strive to form new economic growth points。

Production, life and ecology are integrated into the development of modern service industries. Relying on the advantages of good urban functions and overall ecological resources, we will combine the development of characteristic tourism, ice and snow sports, trade logistics, e-commerce, health and pension and other characteristic products, and promote the accelerated extension of the productive service industry to specialization and high-end of the value chain, and accelerate the transformation of the living service industry to refinement and high quality.

-- The elements of reorganization are to speed up the improvement of resource utilization efficiency. Over the years, Daqing's production factors have been rich but relatively solidified, mostly for internal circulation and small cycles, to change this passive situation, it is necessary to actively integrate into the national productive forces layout, increase the intensity of market-oriented allocation of resources, and strive to make greater progress in transforming comparative advantages.

Promote the agglomeration of policy elements. Seize the strategic opportunities such as the "Belt and Road", "Longjiang Silk Road Belt", and the new round of northeast revitalization, build a national petrochemical industry, an oil and gas development science center and an innovation "two bases", a resource-based enterprise sustainable development reserve, mixed ownership reform, investment project commitment system "three pilots", The Daqi Sui Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Demonstration Zone, the Hadaqi National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, the National Renewable Energy Demonstration Zone, and the China-Israel Agricultural Cooperation Park "Four Zones", these things are both tangible and shadowy. Gathering and releasing will surely do more with less.

Promote the activation of institutional elements. Promote the market-oriented operation of operating assets in the fields of municipal water supply, heat supply, property, and media, improve the allocation efficiency of non-office assets of organs and institutions, and non-operating assets of state-owned enterprises, improve the PPP model to leverage social capital, and improve the professional level of urban operation and management through government procurement of services, so that the government and the market "two hands" are tightly clasped together.

Promote the sharing of production factors. Local enterprises work together to promote the diversification of equity, the aggregation of high-quality elements, the combination of scientific and technological resources, and the integration of diversified operations, and work together to make greater progress in increasing the amount of crude oil processing and cultivating the main body of mixed reform. The municipal school jointly builds a university science and technology park, a joint research and development base, and a joint education of industrial talents, and builds a supply-demand connection mechanism and a collaborative innovation chain between industry, education and research. Regional cooperation highlights complementarity and win-win results, builds major facilities such as comprehensive bonded zones and The Dasui Expressway, promotes intercity cooperation and trade upgrades with Russia, and expands daqing's "circle of friends".

Promote extraterritorial feature grafting. Make full use of the two kinds of international and domestic resources and two markets, around the long-term 30 million tons of Russian oil and 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas resources in the desert line, plan projects, spawn industries, extend the chain, improve the ability of local transformation, support the construction of petrochemical industry bases, and rely on good winds.

-- To reunite kinetic energy is to accelerate the cultivation of new supply entities. In the face of the practical difficulties of the sudden weakening of traditional kinetic energy, adhere to innovation to promote upgrading, expand the structure of volume adjustment, deepen the structural reform of the supply side, expand the scale of supply entities in clusters, and accelerate the formation of new development momentum.

The whole people have cultivated a batch of entrepreneurship. Improve the entrepreneurship and innovation platform, build an entrepreneurial ecology of "policy support + platform service + incubation guidance + model innovation", form a crowd-creation, crowd-contracting, crowd-support, crowdfunding alliance, introduce professional managers and entrepreneurial mentors, improve the entrepreneurial quality of the four teams of scientific and technological personnel, college students, farmers, and urban transfer employment workers, and cultivate more new entrepreneurs and "small and specialized" enterprises.

The transformation of achievements has landed in a batch. Adhere to the combination of technical logic and market logic, accelerate the sorting out of achievements, the establishment of companies, incubation, cooperation with the capital market, the construction of regional scientific and technological achievements trading center and technology market system, the development of harbin university environmental group and other industrial incubation platforms, the establishment of technology-based leading listing groups, to create a more supportive enterprise cluster.

Revitalize the stock to increase a batch. Support the expansion of the number of existing enterprises, technological upgrading, joint venture and cooperative development, promote the vitality of existing enterprises, the production and efficiency of existing projects, and the improvement of the efficiency of existing parks, guide enterprises to carry out quality improvement actions, and create "century-old stores" and "century-old factories".

The introduction of elements spawned a batch. Promote industrial chain moves

Business, professional investment, precision investment, to achieve resources for industry, market for projects, stock for increments.

Support the non-public economy to nurture a batch. Strive to break the "glass door", "revolving door" and "spring door", implement the three-year action plan for the development of the non-public economy and the growth project of small and medium-sized enterprises, and strive to promote small regulations, expand the total amount, increase vitality, and grow fast.

-- Reshaping the environment is to accelerate the construction of new advantages for revitalization and development. In accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements of "deeply promoting the construction of the rule of law and focusing on creating a comprehensive revitalization environment", Daqing must start from the most urgent key points, start from the most strongly reflected problems, and create a market-oriented environment that respects business and values enterprises.

On the one hand, we should pay attention to the construction of a soft environment, simplify administration and delegate powers, reduce taxes and burdens, and cut complexity and eliminate disadvantages. Deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", promote the cancellation or decentralization of the whole chain of related examination and approval matters; expand the industrial guidance fund, with a total scale of 20 billion yuan in 5 years, continue to reduce taxes, fees, and reduce factor costs; promote Internet + government services, realize one application, one window acceptance, and one network communication office; implement negative list management in national parks, make good use of public resource trading platforms, and drive the improvement of government service efficiency and efficiency; carry forward the daqing spirit of iron man spirit in the entrepreneurship of officials, and continuously give new era connotations. Take a clear-cut stand to grasp positive typical demonstration guidance and negative typical case investigation and handling, improve the Public Credit Information platform, and create a daqing of creditworthiness and a daqing of the rule of law.

On the one hand, we should grasp the construction of a hard environment, promote production with the city, revitalize the city with production, and interact with the city. Improve the basic functions of urban three-dimensional transportation, "three supplies and two governance", logistics distribution and distribution, as well as the level of public services such as education, medical care, and culture, improve the professional integrated bearing function of various types of parks at all levels, encourage the expansion of diversified financing platforms, mixed reform cooperation platforms, scientific and technological innovation platforms and resource trading platforms, and provide carrier support for the landing of industrial projects.

"Quartet": Roll up your sleeves and work hard

General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "There will be no pie in the sky, and hard work can make dreams come true." The "quartet" is composed in practical work, and the strong tone of the "quartet" must also be played by hard work.

Recently, Han Lihua, secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, stressed many times during the investigation of the county and district that to complete the set goals and tasks, it is necessary to roll up the sleeves and work hard, and the time is not waiting for me, and the night is in the public service.

To work hard, we must maintain strategic determination. Officers need to work hard only for the day, but also have the tenacity to work hard for a long time. The more difficult it is, the more we must strengthen our confidence, muster up enough courage, firmly believe that Qingshan will not relax, will not slacken off, will not be impetuous, and will not waver, and do a good job in laying the foundation, benefiting the long term, and saving stamina in a down-to-earth manner.

Hard work, we must have the courage to put pressure on ourselves. The iron man said, "The well does not produce oil without pressure, and the person floats lightly without pressure." Daqing has come from oilfield development and construction step by step to today, relying on the encouragement of daqing spirit iron man spirit. Behind the pressure is responsibility, and with responsibility there is motivation, and we can "not have to whip ourselves up" and proudly shoulder the heavy responsibility of history.

To work hard, we must be bold and bold. At present, the tasks of reform, development, and stability are very arduous, new situations and new problems are emerging one after another, old methods often do not work, old ways often do not work, and they always stick to the rules, look ahead and look ahead, and can only stand still and even go backwards. We must emancipate our minds, dare to be the first, and use creative thinking and extraordinary measures to open up the work situation.

To work hard, we must speed up the improvement of capabilities. "Whatever you do, you have to drink." In particular, leading cadres at all levels must match their knowledge reserves and ability levels with their post responsibilities; they must not only grasp the work with their hands, but also calm down to grasp the study, temper their comprehensive quality, and also enhance their professional skills, especially in the fields and work they are in charge of, so as to ensure that the policies are clear, the figures are clear, the situation is clear, and the problems are clear; this is the basic skill for doing a good job.

Hard work must truly form a synergy. No matter how strong a person's ability is, it is impossible to fight the world alone. Leading cadres must take the lead, "work in a down-to-earth manner and walk in the forefront," and be even more good at mobilizing the wisdom and strength of all aspects, and "everyone rowing an oar and driving a big boat." It is also doubly necessary for the unity of the party and the government, the unity of local enterprises, and the joint efforts of cadres and masses, thinking in one place, making efforts in one place, and twisting into a rope, and making concerted efforts to do a good job in Daqing.

Xiongguan Mandao, Daqing's development has entered a major turning point and entered a new historical period. The Ninth Municipal Party Congress and the First Session of the Tenth Municipal People's Congress have clearly defined the strategic development tasks and objectives. The "quartet" plays in the spring, she marks the new direction of Daqing's transformation and development, and she is like a seed of hope, which will surely take root, grow, blossom and bear fruitful fruits under the careful care of the whole city.

Daqing Daily reporter Jia timed out

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