
To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

author:The sunset is quiet

There is nothing to read the articles I wrote before, many photos in this article have evoked my memories, photos record the moments of history, are precious materials, and also record the return of the corps to the grassland and the gathering of deep comradeship. It is now sent out to commemorate our youth and the gathering of young people who huddled together in their later years.

May 16th, this day is hard and unforgettable for me.

Fifty years ago, on this day, a cry of "reclamation of the border, the use of soldiers in the peasants" made us ignorant young people rush from all over the country to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and use our bodies to build an indestructible Great Wall of flesh and blood on the northern frontier of the motherland!

We are: PLA soldiers who do not wear badges and hats! We are: brave fighters!

We are: Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps people!

Since then, we have a new title between us - comrade-in-arms!

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Female soldier of the Deputy Company of Workers, photographed in the winter of 1970 by Bai Yinhua of the 43rd Regiment.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

The female comrades-in-arms of the deputy company of the 43rd regiment work took a group photo with the senior deputy company commander. In the winter of 1970, he was in BaiYinhua

This day is an important turning point in our lives, from this day we have a new identity - the Beijing Military Region Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps Corps soldiers, our lives have since had a different meaning, our fate also began a period of life experience closely linked to the Zhiqing and the Corps.

It was a special era, in that place that should not belong to us, leaving too much experience and tribulation for our corps, experiencing the sweltering heat and cold of the steppe, you will understand what is "rebirth", what is "hundreds of steel".

Now when we think of the grassland, it is the blue sky and white clouds, the green grass, living in yurts, drinking milk tea, roasting leg of lamb, participating in Naadam, watching wrestling, riding archery, watching Mongolian dance, but that is the treatment enjoyed by tourists, it is a quick glimpse of the grassland, it is also a warm side of the grassland, and it is the etiquette of hospitality.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

In fact, life on the grassland is not as relaxed and romantic as the average person imagines, the grassland has a harsher side, spring, summer, autumn and winter, each season has a monotonous, heavy labor. People who have not lived here for many years cannot experience it.

The first arrival of the billet, fire; summer sand screening, grazing; autumn dung picking, grass picking; winter reed cutting, stone digging, well digging, are all vividly remembered. Even in the most beautiful season of the grassland, in July and August, although the grass is green, but the heavy labor, the dullness of life, the loneliness of homesickness, do not have the heart to look at those.

In particular, the winter in the grasslands is long and difficult, and in September, when the inland is still full of flowers and enjoying the fruits of autumn, the first snow has begun here, and it is not until May of the following year that the snow and ice melt and the green grass sprouts.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Some hygienists of the 43rd Regiment Health Center took a group photo with Director Du and Dr. Li. In the early spring of 1972 in the Bori Gestai steppe.

Snow covers everything, the sky is white, the ground is white, the house is white, the snow connects the heavens and the earth, and the phrase "the scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of frozen snow" is the best portrayal.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

People who have not been to the grassland, do not know the cold of the grassland, the temperature of minus tens of degrees, more than dripping water into ice, we wash clothes to the outside to dry, hands touch the wire immediately stuck, and then retract the hand may tear off a layer of skin. Frostbite on the hands, feet, and face is common, and everyone's little face is frozen red, just like the fat doll in the painting of The Willow Youth, and if it becomes frostbite, it is like a rotten peach.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Take a group photo with the hygienists Wu Yun and Ren Xiaohua in the grass in front of the health center

The most terrifying thing is the white hair wind in winter, the fierce wind rolls the blizzard and swirls, and the heavens and the earth are chaotic, "flying up three million jade dragons, stirring up the cold of the week." Snow particles hit the face of the pain, the eyes can not be opened, people can not distinguish the direction, once lost is more fierce than jiji. I once said that a soldier of my regiment, on a white-haired night, could not distinguish the direction in front of the company, got lost, and when he was found after a day and a night, he was frozen and hungry in the snow, and finally cut off his legs.

Compared with nature, it is really too small. At that time, it was most appropriate to say that people are like ants.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Worked in a pharmacy at a health center.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Take a photo in front of the dormitory of the health center

I don't know if it was because I was young, optimistic, or experienced a lifetime, the reason why the mentality tended to be peaceful, now looking back on those years, even the cold of winter, the difficult loneliness, the hopeless future, in the memory are also happy and beautiful, affectionate.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Comrades-in-arms often like to say that "there is no insurmountable difficulty at the bottom of this bowl of old wine in the corps." Indeed, if we look at the tribulations we have experienced from a different perspective, we have also experienced a strong character and an unwilling heart when we experience hardships and tribulations. This allows us to face life in the future, no matter what ditches and bumps we encounter, we can face life and live tenaciously.

This is not a precious spiritual treasure in our lives!

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

Group photo of some medical staff of the 43rd Regiment Health Center

Life is like water, the past is like smoke. This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of our arrival in the Inner Mongolia Corps, half a century.

In life, many of the memorable past events that were so hard and unforgettable at that time will also be slowly forgotten with the passage of time, but only the experience of the Corps, the bits and pieces of the year and month that have been experienced, reappear in front of our eyes, and everything in the steppe seems to be in front of us, lingering, and the memory is still fresh.

After scouring the yellow sand to find gold, the rest is the grassland. And as I get older, this emotion grows deeper. Nowadays, those of us who were once in the Corps are already in the past, and we all want to do a good job of doing an activity to reminisce about our youth and commemorate our fifty years in the Corps.

To the Youth of Our Comrades-in-Arms of the Inner Mongolia Corps - A Half-Century Commemoration (I)

But the unexpected epidemic has made the organizational activities a bubble, and at present, we cannot add chaos to the country. Thinking about it or in another way as a memorial. The old photos of the corps and the photos of the gathering of comrades-in-arms in recent years are sorted out in chronological order to commemorate the past of our youth and the unforgettable corps complex of our corps.

To be continued -

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