
France will start daylight saving time and shorten the time difference with China to 6 hours

author:Overseas network

Source: Overseas Network

France will start daylight saving time and shorten the time difference with China to 6 hours

France will enter daylight saving time (infographic)

Overseas network on March 26, local time 28 Japan Sunday, France will enter daylight saving time, that night at 2 a.m., the clock will be set to 3 o'clock. The time difference between France and China will also be adjusted from 7 hours to 6 hours.

Since 1976, France has switched daylight saving time to winter time on the last Sunday of March and the last Sunday of October every year, according to France Television 3. This adjustment of the time system was originally intended to save energy, especially to encourage the reduction of electricity consumption, but this adjustment has been increasingly questioned in recent years. In recent years, some studies believe that the anthropogenic adjustment of time will disturb the human body clock, and the adverse effects on children and the elderly are particularly obvious. Every year, during the period when daylight saving time is initiated, the suicide rate in society has increased, the incidence of heart disease has increased significantly, and traffic accidents have also increased. In a 2018 survey of nearly 5 million netizens, 84% of respondents wanted to cancel the time shift.

With the current spread of the covid-19 pandemic, the impact of the time shift on the elderly and infirm is of particular concern. In response to the adjustment of this daylight saving time, the French government has changed the start time of the curfew from 18:00 to 19:00 from the 20th.

The European Commission decided in 2019 to cancel the transition between winter and daylight saving time, which was originally scheduled to be completed by 2021, but due to events such as the COVID-19 crisis and Brexit, this plan has been forced to be delayed, and there is no new timetable at present, but it is not expected that this will be the last time-based transition. On Sunday, October 31, France will change from daylight saving time to winter time. (Overseas Network - Paris - Lujia)

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