
Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

author:Renaissance Workshop

As I read and watch, I listened to the beautiful music in those movies and paintings - hello, I am the film of the dog, let me lead everyone to read books and talk about movies and music.

Today we start a new project series on classical music and vinyl records hidden in movies, famous paintings and bestsellers.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

Vinyl classical music series videos in book shadow paintings

Why just vinyl records, why not CD sources and digital sources? Because, like movies, vinyl is a carrier of feelings. The process of listening to a vinyl record is like a prayerful prayer, from the time you pick out a turntable all the way to the pleasant music that fills every corner of the room, the whole process is very ritualistic, you can't chew wax information like a short video, and you can't jump fast food to a classic masterpiece. During this stay at home time, let us, calm down, slowly taste, let those details hidden in the depths awaken the inner perception little by little.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

The ultimate in mechanical and aesthetic achievement - physical sound source vinyl record player

In this series, in addition to briefly reviewing the storyline of the film and the works of calligraphy and painting, I will lead you through the classical music elements and tell the story of these repertoire and the past of the composers and performers behind them. Of course, there will still be record purchase recommendations and approximate price reference standards.

In addition, we will recommend some relevant wonderful performance videos to you in the sequels after each episode, and explain some related knowledge about the label, version, appearance and purchase of vinyl records.

Okay, back to the point, episode one, let's take a look at a movie clip

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We mainly do three things in this episode, talk about movies, talk about music, and pick a turntable.

The first part of "The Mechanic" tells the story of Arthur, the killer played by Statham, who has a very subtle technique, a stable mentality, and every target he aims at dies silently, just like natural death, without attracting people's attention, which is why he stands at the top of the killer series.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

Count the killer Arthur

However, instead, Arthur is given a new mission to assassinate his old partner and mentor Harry. Although Arthur could not bear to do it, after clearly learning that Harry was inevitably dead, he finally sent Harry away. At this time, Harry's son Steve appeared, and in order to avenge his father, he decided to learn from Arthur. Under Arthur's training, Steve gradually mastered the skills necessary for the killer, and collaborated with Arthur on one assassination mission after another. Although Arthur never told Steve about Harry's killer, Steve learned that his father had been murdered by Arthur, and eventually the two tough guys each showed off their abilities to start a simple story of the final showdown.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

The Mechanics in the A and B corners Arthur and Steve

Sometimes we watch movies, in fact, it is a sense of indulgence, not seeking to worry about the stomach, the picture is a simple, painful bystander. Clean and sharp rhythmic progress, crisp and neat killing and killing, black and red as if dripping with oil tones, smooth and non-stop photography, and, jumping out of place and the most eye-catching aristocratic chamber music. You can find time to review this hilarious killer movie.

Arthur's strict and methodical methodical is not only reflected in his planning and implementation of the task, the director also arranged these in the bits and pieces of his life, playing vinyl, loading luxury cars, are all time-burning heartburn connotations, Arthur is doing it as a kind of enjoyment and burying the biggest foreshadowing of the film.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

Arthur's methodicalness is also reflected in the moments of life

The turntable used by Sen Ye in the film is the Austrian Pro-Ject 10 LP vinyl record player, the price is about 30,000 yuan, (Mechanic 2 Li Bian Sen Ye changed a Canadian brand Oracle Audio's turntable Delphi MK VI) Interested students can go online to search, we will not say more about hardware here.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

The eye-catching vinyl turntable in the film - treasure disc RPM10

Let's move on to the piece, the second movement of Schubert's Piano Trio No. 2 in E major, Schubert: Piano Trio, D.929.

Speaking of piano trio, the earliest form of chamber music existed only as an accompaniment to piano sonatas. However, with the advent of the "Grand Duke" trio and so on, Beethoven raised its status to the point of equal emphasis on strings and pianos, and harmony directly chased the symphony, which can be said to be unprecedented. Those who came later also felt pressure, so there were few people who came out. At the end of 1827 Schubert composed two of his own piano trios, one to challenge Beethoven's heights, and the other from an invitation from his musician friends in Vienna: violinist Shupanchek, cellist Joseph Linke was the soul of the group that premiered Beethoven's late quartet, and the bohemian pianist Bochlert.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

Oil painting by Schubert and friends

On January 28, 1828, at Spann's grandiose engagement ceremony, Buchlert, Shupanchek, and Linke played a trio by Schubert. It is this first E-tuning three.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

A popular family concert scene in the upper class at that time

Schubert's Piano Trio fully integrates his experience in composing string quartets and piano sonatas, and is the most able to grasp the beauty of classical music and his romantic grammar in his chamber music works, fully demonstrating the harmonious beauty of chamber music. In the work, Schubert focuses on the use of a changeable melody to portray the ups and downs of the soul, especially in the second movement, the cello gently embraces the piano and sings in a low voice, tugging at the listener's heart, and the listener only wants to cry, which is incomparably beautiful. In the second installment after this episode, there is a visual score video in which you can see the melodic direction of the cello and the intertwined and tangled gentle changes between the violin. Some music critics believe that the work presents a kind of "blood-crying beauty". Schubert himself said of D.929: "It is not a gift to a certain person, but all those who can find beauty in it are its masters."

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

Link: Video of Schubert D.929 Second Movement Visualization Score

I am afraid that this is also the case, this steel three, this movement has been favored by many directors, has been "Linton", "Schubert Nocturne", "Happy to Death", "The Hunger", "Barry . Linden, "After a Thousand Years of Blood", "Red Storm", "Piano Teacher", "The Man in My Life", "The Country of the Blind", "Dear White People", "Memories of the Yellow House", "Love, Simplicity", "Miss Julie", "Gotham" and many other films are used as OST as the soundtrack.

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

Movie "The Piano Teacher"

Here are several versions of the performance video recommended, in order to facilitate the enjoyment, in the subsequent sub-part, I will push the second movement involved in the film to the whole video

In the second half of this episode, let's continue to recommend this track-related vinyl record!

Book And Picture Series Episode 1 "Statham's Mechanic and Schubert Piano Trio" (Part 1)

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