
"Science fiction short stories" rule the moon's cats, and they are the new owners


In fact, there were no cats on the moon.

Don't say it's a cat, there's not one more.

After humans began to live in the universe, the moon did not become a habitat that humans were willing to choose to live in.

Is it because there is no vast and turbulent life above it, only the cold of loneliness?

No brilliant and colorful colors, only endless desolate grays?

There is no suitable environment for living, only the radiation of instant death?

Not all of these reasons.

Because other more distant planets are much worse than the environment of the moon, but there are many humans who choose to live.

What is the reason why so few humans have settled here?

Just because it's too close to Earth.

Everyone wants to go far, go farther, go to a more distant planet.

At present, the moon only exists as a transit station for human beings to go farther, to go farther, to more distant planets.

Cats on the moon follow humans to go far, farther, to more distant planets,

The cat that unintentionally lost on the transfer station,

A cat that deliberately escapes at a transit station.

Originally, these cats lived only in the transit station.

As the number of fleeing cats increases, they multiply faster and faster, the transfer station can not accommodate so many cats, coupled with the lack of management, the intelligent robots stationed at the transfer station use the most brutal way to solve this problem:

Drive these cats out of the stopover,

Let them fend for themselves on the harsh moon.

Bags of cats were thrown out of the transit station,

Generations of cats are tortured to death by harsh environments;

Generations of cats have been forced to adapt to harsh environments;

Generations of cats have been inspired to evolve by harsh environments.

Generations of cats have evolved...

One day, they adapted to the harsh environment of the moon.

Their number began to change from less to more;

Their intelligence begins to change from weak to strong;

Their society began to change from primitive to advanced.

The Moon's function as a transit point for human beings on Earth began to lose.

The moon's function as a habitat for the new species of cats began to be established.

The moon's current owner is the new species of "cats".

They destroyed the transit station established by the Earthlings and built their kingdom.

Now all creatures that want to enter the moon must first enter with their permission.

This is the history of cats on the moon.

All cats on the moon take a history course on Cats on the Moon in their infancy.

"Then our enemy is a human?" Many juvenile cats will ask their elders after taking this history course.

"No, boy, our enemies are currently only foreigners who want to invade our moon." Their elders replied.

"Why not humans?" They asked.

"Because their species is in decline and not far from extinction."

It will soon be a page in the history of the universe, but it will also be a page of great color. ”

Their elders replied.

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