
The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

author:Wildlings also have love

"The Eternal Wave" is the crowning work of the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe, which has won many heavyweight awards such as the "Wenhua Award" and the "Five One Project Award", and the selection of a beautiful and elegant "Fishing Light Song" on the evening of this spring is even more numerous fans, and every tour is difficult to find.

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

"The Eternal Wave" tells the story of the revolutionary couple Li Xia and Lan Fen covering the underground radio station in Shanghai, and finally Li Xia was unfortunately arrested and heroically sacrificed. This is a work of art based on the revolutionary martyr Li Bai, although the form of the dance drama is still the first time, but in fact, the image of the martyr Li Bai has long been put on the screen by artists. As everyone knows, "Latent" starring Sun Honglei and Yao Chen tells the story of Li Bai's martyrs.

In 1939, the party organization arranged for Li Bai and Qiu Huiying to pretend to be husband and wife to cover the radio station and secretly carry out "guerrilla warfare in the air" in Shanghai. At the end of 1948, it was the decisive stage of the Liberation War, and the Kuomintang also stepped up its efforts to detect the CCP's underground radio stations in Shanghai.

On the night of December 30, even though the footsteps of the enemy who had come to capture him were clearly audible, Li Bai insisted on sending a very important telegram and wrote the words "goodbye, goodbye, goodbye" at the end to bid farewell to his comrades. Li Bai was killed in 1949, less than 20 days after the liberation of Shanghai...

Red-themed works, it is easy to fall into the strange circle of "hand tearing devils", forcibly sensationalizing, empty slogans, etc., but "The Eternal Electric Wave" does not give people this feeling, but has been unanimously praised by school-age children and up to the elderly, especially by young people, which must have its own wonderful points. In my opinion, its charm lies mainly in the sense of picture like a movie, the rhythm control and the all-round detail processing.


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > cinematic look</h1>

Now people evaluate the quality of a TV series, often say that it has a "movie-like texture", what is the texture of the movie, I think it is difficult to describe it clearly in words, in my opinion, it is a kind of atmosphere created through light, picture, music, narrative rhythm and so on. "The Eternal Wave" is such a textured dance drama, limited by the size of the stage, the props and sets of the dance drama are extremely simple, but the artists still use various forms to create a high-level atmosphere that allows the audience to fully immerse themselves.

The first is the application of sets and lights. Instead of using a traditional background board, "Eternal Waves" uses a dynamic electronic screen. At the beginning of the performance, heavy rain poured down, and the actors held black umbrellas and walked quickly through the dim light, but fixed their eyes on it, and what fell on the electronic screen was not raindrops, but a string of Morse codes! Subsequently, the main actors appeared together, and the name and position of each character were displayed accordingly on the screen, and in a few strokes, the background of the story and the relationship between the characters were clearly explained. In less than five minutes in total, the theme of the play is pointed out, and a very tense atmosphere is created, showing the condensed beauty of stage art to the fullest!

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

Second, it is the application of space. Although the stage is no bigger than a dozen square meters, in the eyes of artists, it is a vast world where great achievements can be made. In this play, the creators used multiple sliding partitions to divide the entire stage into multiple small spaces. When expressing the fireworks of the Shanghai alley, these partitions resemble houses in the alley, flower girls, primary school apprentices in tailor shops, rickshaw drivers... These characters with obvious characteristics of the times weave through them, making people feel as if they are in the noisy streets of the last century, Shanghai Beach.

When the agent disguised as the master of the photo studio found the clue from the photo, the partition divided the entire stage into several parallel time and space, and the blood-colored film was projected on the partition to flow dynamically, while the people between the partitions were statically frozen, as if there were a pair of cunning eyes staring at this seemingly calm alley at all times, which made people feel chilled. In the second half of the dance drama, when Li Xia was hunted by the enemy, the partition appeared again, and he anxiously shuttled between the partitions, as if caught in a labyrinth, this scene, anyone who watched it can not be nervous!

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

Finally, there is the application of advanced narrative techniques. Li Xia and Lan Fen from a fake couple to a real couple, and later Li Xia's identity was exposed and arrested and sacrificed, which may not be a new story in film and television works, but as a dance drama, this story can be quite complicated, in order to tell this story in two hours through body language, the screenwriter is very creative to use scenario reproduction, dreams, parallel narratives, montages and other narrative methods.

First of all, the underground party members, the primary school apprentices of the tailor shop, used the expression of dreams when they died. When the elementary school apprentice was killed, it was only a gunshot, which came to an abrupt end, and then Li Xia and the old treasurer of the tailor shop reunited with the little tailor in the dream, but it took a lot of space.

In the dream, Li Xia teaches the primary school apprentice to write, the old boss blames the primary school apprentice for playing greedily, the primary school apprentice is so happy in the dream, mischievously playing hide-and-seek with Li Xia and the old treasurer, but they can't catch him, and eventually the primary school apprentice gradually drifts away until he disappears into the darkness.

This dream vividly expresses the innocent, eccentric image of the elementary school apprentice and the sincere feelings of the three fathers and sons, teachers and students. Although the primary school students have bright smiles throughout the performance, and the music is relaxed and cheerful, the more beautiful it is, the more the audience feels heartache.

The plot after the sacrifice of the old treasurer of the tailor shop adopts the method of scene reproduction and parallel narrative. After the old treasurer's sacrifice, two beams of lights split the stage in two. On the right side of the stage, Lan Fen encountered a spy disguised as a rickshaw driver, and after a fierce psychological struggle, Lan Fen bravely raised his gun to eliminate the enemy.

On the left side of the stage, Li Xia came to a messy tailor shop after being raided by the enemy, suddenly, the fallen hangers were all restored, just like a detective movie, Li Xia's mind reproduced the scene of the old treasurer fighting with the enemy in the last moments of his life, as the hanger fell again, the stage picture returned to reality, Li Xia also found the old treasurer hidden, with important information written on the leather ruler! The whole process is flowing and flowing, in one go, the rhythm is tense and fast enough to make the audience dizzy, but the storyline can be explained clearly, and such a superb narrative technique is indeed impressive.

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

Lan Fen and Li Xia have a premonition that the storm is coming, and a memory at home is the most wonderful and acclaimed clip in the whole play. This part uses the performance of montage, the main picture is now Lan Fen and Li Xia, at the same time, other corners of the stage appeared in different periods of Lan Fen and Li Xia, there were two people when they first met, one was on the bed, the other was sleeping on the ground as a guest; there was mutual affection after the two fought side by side; there was a quarrel like an ordinary couple.

Several shots are edited and spliced together at the same time to form a flowing picture, showing the audience the process of the revolutionary couple from acquaintance to acquaintance and love, and the deep and determined feelings of the two are naturally self-evident.

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="71" > the narrative rhythm of the desire to be suppressed </h1>

This is a story from joy to sorrow, but also a story from calm and soothing to tragic and exciting.

The first half of the dance drama mainly shows Li Xia's busy work at the newspaper office and the lively city life in the Shanghai lane. Among them, the group dance "Fishing Light Song" is the most exciting and famous!

In this dance that was staged at the Spring Festival Gala, the dancers wearing cheongsam and holding pu fans danced in the melodious fishing light song, elegant and lazy, reproducing the exquisite Shanghai women chatting leisurely at the mouth of the alley and waiting for their husbands to return home. The whole dance has a very high artistic standard, the actors' every move, a smile, and even the angle of the shaking fan are as if they have been carefully designed, showing the style and breathtaking beauty!

However, how warm and beautiful the "Fisherman's Song" in the front is, how fierce and tragic the storm in the back is. The twist of the story begins with the newspaper secretary, Liu Nina, taking off her disguised cloak and revealing her true face as the head of the intelligence station. The music in this section is very clever, and the melancholy sound from the old gramophone is stacked with a very tense piece of music, forming a "strange" polyphony, suggesting that at this moment, there is an undercurrent under the bright and green Shanghai Beach. After the music, the whole story also transitioned from a city full of gas to a battlefield without smoke!

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

In the second half of the dance drama, the contradictions continued to escalate, the underground party members rickshaw drivers, primary school apprentices, and old treasurers were killed one after another, accompanied by a fierce storm, and the tense atmosphere progressed layer by layer, until finally Li Xia let Lan Fen go first, and he stayed behind to send the information that the comrade-in-arms protected with his life! In the poignant duo dance of the two people's life and death, the audience's hearts will be broken.

Finally, in the tragic and majestic music, Li Xia's eyes firmly went to the radio, in the ticking sound, in the blood-colored lights, the last radio wave left by Li Xia to the world appeared on the screen: "Farewell forever, comrades, I miss you"! At this moment, the whole drama has reached its climax, and the audience's emotions have also reached the peak under the layers of preparation and promotion! "Tearful eyes" is no longer an adjective, but a true reflection of the audience.

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

Wanting to raise the first and suppress, the rhythm of layers of progress, let the surging emotions shoot at the audience like waves, and it is wave after wave, it is really difficult not to be moved!


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="74" > all-encompassing details</h1>

It is said that details determine success or failure, and the final state of a work depends largely on whether the creators are careful about the details. And "The Radio Wave That Never Disappears" is definitely a work of conscience with an attitude. The first is the stage action of life, such as Lan Fen pulling out Li Xia's white hair and patting off the dust on his body, these actions seem to be small, but they show the trivial and ordinary side of the daily life of the revolutionary couple, they are not born without fear of death, just an ordinary couple, but choose to dedicate themselves to the great cause. I think these life-like treatments are the reason why this red theme work is real and touching people's hearts!

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

In addition, there are some props for the application. In the first half of the dance drama, Lan Fen knitted a bright red scarf for Li Xia, Li Xia has been wearing it, and in the second half of the dance drama, the primary school apprentices took off the red scarf and put it on themselves in order to cover Li Xia's retreat, and finally were mistakenly killed by the enemy.

A red scarf is full of the deep friendship between his wife and comrades-in-arms for Li Xia. Finally, after the liberation of Shanghai, Lan Fen returned to Shanghai wearing this red scarf, and a sentence that pointed out the main theme of the whole play appeared in the background: "The long river runs silently, only love and faith will last forever." The Long River refers to the Huangpu River, which has silently witnessed the rise and fall of Shanghai Beach for hundreds of years, and does not this red scarf symbolize love and faith?

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

Finally, and most importantly, there is the costumes for the show. The cheongsam costumes that appear in large numbers throughout the play have raised the beauty of the entire stage to a higher level. Of course, the cheongsam is not just here for beauty, but first of all to echo the background of the story. The woman wearing the cheongsam is itself the most distinctive and beautiful landscape on the beach.

Secondly, the costume can also show the personality of the character, in the opening of the second half, in a group dance in the qipao shop, Mrs. Kuo wears a velvet cheongsam, while Lan Fen wears a plain cotton cheongsam from beginning to end. Even if Lan Fen stood there and did nothing, her gentle and virtuous character was already presented to the audience.

The long river runs silently, only love and faith last forever, and the film-like picture feels the narrative rhythm of the film

All in all, "The Eternal Wave" is a work that has done an excellent job in dance, music, choreography, narrative and other aspects, and is the leader of modern dance dramas, especially the main melody works, which is worth watching. With local advantages, this drama is still staged in Shanghai more times a year, but whether you can grab tickets depends on your hand speed!

The long river runs silently, only love and faith will last forever!

That's all! Peace&amp;Love

*All images in this article are from the Internet, non-commercial use, invasion and deletion*

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