
Cook two big dishes on the weekend

author:Special grinder old Lee

1. Eels

Cook two big dishes on the weekend


Cook two big dishes on the weekend

Eels, tonics. It has the effect of tonifying blood and qi, enhancing memory, and has high nutritional value. Each 100 grams of eel meat contains 17.2-18.8 grams of protein, 0.9-1.2 grams of fat, 38 mg of calcium, 150 mg of phosphorus, 1.6 mg of iron; in addition, it also contains thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (vitamin PP), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and other vitamins. It is a very good ingredient.

Make a stir-fried eel on the weekend

Ingredients: Eel (farmer's market slaughter and wash), green onion, ginger and garlic, mint, leeks, hot pot base, bean paste, soy sauce, sugar, peppercorns

Wash the eel, mix with onion, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce and small powder to marinate well

Add oil to the pan and stir-fry the hot pot base, bean paste, garlic cloves, ginger slices and peppercorns

Add the eel and continue to stir-fry, add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, sugar until cooked thoroughly, then add mint leeks and stir-fry to make a cut off the raw can be out of the pot

Taste good and well received!

2. Thousand pieces of meat

There are three ways to buy good pork belly, the skin needs to be processed: ask the seller to burn it with a blowtorch; or go home and burn it with charcoal; or rub the pork skin in a dry pot at home. Choose one of them. Put in warm water, scrape with a knife, then put into the pot with cooking wine, ginger and cook until 6 ripe, rinse with cold water, and let dry. Put oil in the pan, put the pork belly into the frying, pay attention to the skin facing down, low heat, to prevent oil splashing can cover the lid, fry the four sides of the golden brown. Out of the pot, put in the water with soy sauce (soy sauce) grass fruit star anise ginger and so on, low heat for 20 minutes to get out of the pot, wait for cool after cutting 2 mm thick slices of meat, put it in a bowl, pay attention to the skin facing down.

Dried pickles are bubbled in water, fished out and chopped, controlled by water, stir-fried with oil in a pot, add soy sauce, sugar, stir-fried flavor overflow, no water.

Pour the sautéed pickles into a pork belly bowl and steam in a steamer over low heat for about 4 hours (you can also steam in a pressure cooker for about 1 hour)

Remove and use the plate to turn the pork belly bowl upside down on the plate.

Cook two big dishes on the weekend

A thousand pieces of meat

The taste is, fat and not greasy, but do not eat more.

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