
Small summer yellow eel race ginseng

author:Liangcao Hakka medicinal food
Small summer yellow eel race ginseng

"The rain is getting clearer in the summer, and the thunderstorm is starting to take off the heat." On July 7th, unconsciously, it was the summer festival again. A little summer arrives, the warm wind arrives, the crickets live in the yu, and the eagles start to dove.

Although the summer is not the hottest season of the year, it is followed by the hottest season of the year, the summer, and the folk have the saying of "small summer and summer, steaming and cooking". XiaoXia is the time when the yang qi of the human body is at its strongest.

"Spring and Summer Yang Yang". In the hot summer, the sun shines brightly, the geothermal steaming, it is the time when the human body's yang activity is vigorous, and the health care should also focus on the yang to adapt to the seasonal changes. As the saying goes, "The mind is quiet and naturally cool". When people are working and living, they should pay attention to the combination of work and leisure to protect the yang of the human body. Therefore, at this time, it is best to adhere to the principle of "less movement and more quiet", it is best to go to nature, walk mountain trails, touch pine bamboo, and also read and learn words, taste tea and poetry, and watch the scenery in a quiet indoor environment. Exercise is best selected in the morning and evening, morning exercise should not be too early, so as not to affect sleep.

Judging from the custom of "eating", the way for folk to spend the day is to eat cool food to cool off the heat. As the saying goes, "head fu dumplings two volt noodles, three volt flapjack stall eggs". This way of eating is to make the body sweat more and discharge various toxins in the body.

However, from the perspective of Yangyang, "small summer yellow eel race ginseng", classic dishes almost all over the world have yellow eel as raw materials, especially in the Hakka area of Fujian, especially popular. Yellow eels grow in mud caves on the waterfront, and the most nourishing and delicious is the summer eel in the month before and after the summer heat.

In the month before and after the summer, the eel is the fattest. The eel meat is tender and fresh, with fewer spines and high nutritional value. It is rich in DHA and lecithin, high in protein, low in fat, and its calcium and iron content is the first among common freshwater fish.

Small summer yellow eel race ginseng

In addition, this period is often chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases of the relief period, at this time with yellow eel tonic can play a more effective role in tonifying the qi, tonifying the liver and spleen, removing rheumatism, strengthening the muscles and bones.

Here is a small summer Hakka area delicious:

Stir-fried leeks with yellow eels

Main ingredients: 500 grams of yellow eel, 100 grams of leeks, soy sauce, cooking wine, peanut oil, salt, pepper, ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper to taste.

Small summer yellow eel race ginseng

Preparation method: wash and cut the yellow eel that has been processed, wash and cut the leeks into sections; pour peanut oil into the pot, fry the minced garlic, ginger and dried chili peppers in hot oil, put in the yellow eel segment and stir-fry a few times, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine and soy sauce to remove the fishiness; sprinkle the appropriate amount of pepper, and then pour in the leeks to continue stir-frying, and then add salt out of the pot to plate after cooking.

Small summer yellow eel race ginseng

Taste of the dish: Yellow eel fresh and tender Q bomb, slightly spicy, leeks crisp and refreshing, very delicious.

Suitable for people: suitable for people with biased physiques such as qi deficiency and yang deficiency, especially suitable for diabetic patients and leukopenia.

Yellow eel: warm and sweet, with the role of tonifying qi, replenishing the liver and spleen, removing rheumatism, strengthening muscles and bones, etc., but those who have symptoms of yin deficiency and internal heat such as thirst, dry throat, dry lips and tongue should eat with caution.

Small summer yellow eel race ginseng

Leeks: warm in the qi; disperse stasis; detoxification, have the effect of loosening liver qi, increasing appetite, dispersing stasis and activating blood, and conducting qi stagnation.

The main nutrients of leeks are vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, carotene, carbohydrates and minerals. Leeks are also rich in fiber, each 100 grams of leeks contain 1.5 grams of fiber, higher than green onions and celery, can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer, while reducing the absorption of cholesterol, play a role in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases.