
Delicious herbs on the tip of the tongue, the efficacy of yam you will not expect

author:The Corning Way

Plant one millet in the spring and harvest ten thousand seeds in the autumn. "Autumn is a harvest season, orange, yellow, orange and green, rice full of fragrant grain, fire persimmon pressed branches, fruitful. And there is a food that is particularly suitable for autumn, and it is also at this time that it begins to ripen and harvest, and it is - yam.

Yam, also known as potato, yam, yuyan, Huai yam, potato, several grasses, etc., the name of potato is first seen in the "Shennong Materia Medica", is the original plant species of yam. Yam is a medicinal and food-use food, and it is especially suitable for consumption in autumn.

nutritive value

Yam contains carbohydrates, proteins, saponins and B vitamins, vitamin C, etc.; carbohydrates are mainly starch; yam also contains mucin, amylase, saponins, free amino acids, polyphenol oxidase and other substances.

Delicious herbs on the tip of the tongue, the efficacy of yam you will not expect

Edible efficacy

01: Autumn is the season of high incidence of spleen and stomach disease, and the amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances contained in yam are conducive to promoting the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, so it is often used clinically to treat spleen and stomach weakness, dietary fatigue, diarrhea and other diseases.

02: Autumn dry gas season, especially dry lungs, people often show different degrees of dry skin, constipation, dry mouth, nose and throat, dry cough and less phlegm and other symptoms. Therefore, at this time, you can eat more yam with the effect of tonifying the lungs.

03: Yam contains saponins, mucilage, etc., which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, and improve hypertension and hyperlipidemia. In addition, the synergistic effect of various functional ingredients extracted from yam also has the function of lowering blood sugar.

04: Yam can enhance the body's immunity, can accelerate the body's aging enzyme activity significantly reduced, has the effect of delaying aging, prolonging life.

Delicious herbs on the tip of the tongue, the efficacy of yam you will not expect

05: Yam also has a good effect on weight loss and bodybuilding, kidney tonic and lean.

06: The mucopolysaccharide substance in yam is combined with minerals to form bone, which makes cartilage have a certain elasticity.

07: The choline contained in yam is the material basis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter related to learning and memory; at the same time, studies have found that yam also has a sedative effect.

Dual-use value of medicine and food

Medicine: yam flat, sweet taste; spleen, lungs, kidney meridians; has the effect of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lungs, benefiting the stomach and replenishing the kidneys, fixing the kidneys and improving the sperm; suitable for spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue and weakness, lack of appetite, long diarrhea and diarrhea, lung qi deficiency, phlegm and cough, kidney qi deficit, waist and knee soreness, diabetes, thirst and frequent urination and other diseases.

Food: Yam itself is a high-nutrition, low-calorie food, is a natural slimming delicacy. There are many ways to eat yam, which can be mixed, stewed, fried, and stewed, stewed, and roasted. The simplest way to eat it is to cook porridge, which can give full play to its nutritional value.


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