
Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

author:National Medicine Online

2018 Autumn Equinox Time: September 23, 2018 09:54:01, Lunar Calendar August 2018 (Small) 14th Sunday.

The so-called autumn equinox is divided into two, one is equal day and night time; the other is that the climate changes from hot to cool.

Cool breeze, clear blue sky, fragrant cinnamon, crab fat chrysanthemum, is the iconic scenery of the autumn equinox. The autumn equinox means that autumn is half over.

Autumn equinox regimen

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Autumn is the season of frequent diseases. The yang qi in the body is adducted, and the resistance on the surface of the body declines rapidly, which is the time for the invasion of various diseases and evils, especially the high incidence of diseases such as arthropathy, rheumatic bone disease and body cold.

The autumn equinox has truly entered the autumn, as a solar term with equal time of day and night, people should also adhere to the law of yin and yang balance in health maintenance, so that the body can maintain the principle of "yin and yang secret".

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

First of all, we must prevent the invasion of evil qi from the outside world. Autumn weather is dry, and the main external evil is dry evil.

There is a hot residual gas before the autumn equinox, so it is more common in warm and dry; After the autumn equinox, gusts of autumn wind strike, so that the temperature gradually drops, the cold gradually becomes heavier, so there is more coolness. At the same time, the change of autumn dryness and coolness is also related to everyone's physique and body reaction.

To prevent cold and dryness, you must insist on exercising, enhance physical fitness, and improve disease resistance. After the autumn equinox, the climate gradually cools down, which is the season of frequent and recurrence of stomach diseases. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to cold stimuli, and people with chronic gastritis should pay special attention to the warmth of the stomach.


Go to bed early and get up early, and live regularly

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

In autumn, the yang in nature tends to converge from drainage, and the physiological activities of the human body should also change in the yin and yang of nature, and it is advisable to go to bed early and get up early.

Going to bed early conforms to the collection of yin essence to nourish the "harvest" qi; when it rises early, it conforms to the relaxation of yang qi, so that the lung qi can be stretched. The deeper the night, the heavier the cold, easy to invade the body, to the waist and leg pain in the future to lay hidden dangers, but also lead to cough and other diseases.


Keep your stomach warm and prevent cold

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

After the autumn equinox, the climate is getting cooler, and special attention should be paid to keeping the stomach warm. We must pay attention to avoiding eating cold, too hot, too hard, too spicy, too sticky food, quit smoking and alcohol, and avoid overeating.


The diet is warm and moist, and it is advisable to eat caprylic

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

The "dryness" of the autumn equinox is cool and dry, "dry makes the lungs hurt", you can eat more moist, warm food, such as sesame, walnuts, glutinous rice and so on. You can also eat more fruits and vegetables such as white radish and carrots that have the effect of lowering lung qi.


There is a degree of supplementation, do not overdose

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

"Spring and summer to nourish the yang, autumn and winter to raise the yin", but the autumn equinox to supplement, not too much, to the appropriate amount. Supplements should be clearly distinguished from the real, and the deficiency and illness have yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency, and blood deficiency, and only the symptomatic supplement can supplement the body.


Exercise in moderation, easy and gentle

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Autumn health, mainly "harvest". Sports should choose easy and gentle, small amount of activity, such as: walking, tai chi, cycling, dancing, mountaineering and so on.


Nourish your emotions and relax your mind

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Autumn sunshine decreases, the temperature gradually drops, flowers and trees wither, some people are prone to melancholy and sad emotions, resulting in endocrine disorders and diseases.

Therefore, we should pay attention to cultivating optimism, maintaining a calm and relaxed mood to adapt to the calm atmosphere of autumn.

Traditional health maintenance

● Autumn equinox sitting

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

After the autumn equinox, the sun exposure time gradually shortens, gradually the day time is short, the night time is long, and the vitality tends to decay. This exercise is an exercise method that adapts to the characteristics of this season.

Specific method: At 7:00 a.m. every day, sit cross-legged, cover your ears with your hands, twist your body in the left and right directions 3 to 5 times, and then percuse your teeth 36 times, pranayama, take deep breaths, and swallow the liquid into the dantian 9 times.

It can treat rheumatic stagnation, lumbar numbness, abdominal fluid, knee swelling and pain, chest swelling, valgus feet and constipation, farting, bloating, numbness in both legs, numbness in both arms, dry mouth and tongue, shortness of stomach and so on.

● Lean over and strengthen the lungs

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Specific method: sit flat on the hard board bed, legs flat, body straight, hands on the same knee, the body successively leaned back, and then lean forward, so that the head as close as possible to the calf, lean over as long as possible, in order to exhale the residual breath in the lungs.

When leaning forward and holding your head against your calf, you can spread your feet about 33 centimeters apart, hold your calves with both hands, lean forward and touch the bed, exhaling the residual breath in your lungs.

This method has the effect of strengthening the lungs and nourishing the qi and the brain, which can make the hair black and radiant.

Autumn Equinox Eating Tips

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Suitable: millet, corn, artemisia annua, spinach, pumpkin, lotus root, chestnut, potato, radish, apple, grapefruit, pomegranate

After the autumn equinox, the diet is centered on moisturizing and improving qi, the spleen is tonify the liver and clear the lungs, and the products of clean and sweet acid are indispensable, but we must pay attention to the mixing of cold and cool.

Staple food coarse and fine grain collocation is better than eating rice alone, you can match some stomach to clear the heat of millet; or put some rhubarb rice, healthy spleen and stomach, tonic qi, warm lungs and cough; or eat some corn, adjust the appetizer, benefit the lungs and calm the heart.

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

In terms of vegetables and fruits, you should conform to the time and place, and eat some seasonal artemisia annua, spinach, pumpkin, lotus root, chestnut, potato, radish, mushroom, shiitake mushroom, Chinese cabbage, apple, grapefruit, pomegranate, etc.

Meat, sea bass after autumn fat, meat white as snow, there is a "west wind oblique day perch fragrance" said, often eat beneficial spleen and stomach, tonify the liver and kidneys, suitable for "paste autumn fat", steaming is the best, avoid frying, barbecue. And "autumn wind, duck fat", at this time is also a good season to taste the delicious taste of duck; and duck meat "nourishes the yin of the five internal organs, clears the heat of fatigue, replenishes blood and hydrates, nourishes the stomach and nourishes the stomach", which is a good product for attaching autumn fat.

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Eat less: Chili, shallots, ginger, pepper, fried, greasy

Medical studies have shown that the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to cold stimuli. In the autumn when the temperature is volatile, the diet is warm, soft, light and vegetarian, so as to achieve regular quantitative, avoid overeating, and do not eat cold, overheated, hard and irritating food.

In order to reduce the symptoms of autumn dryness, it is not advisable to eat more hot and dry products such as peppers, green onions, ginger, pepper, etc., and eat less fried and fatty foods. During the National Day holiday, family reunions should also pay attention to this, and cooking is suitable for steaming, stewing, burning and stir-frying.

Autumn Equinox Health Meal

Peanut fish head soup

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Ingredients: 1 large fish head, 100g peanut kernels, 1 piece of curd bamboo, 10 red dates, 2 slices of ginger.

Directions: (1) Wash the peanut kernels and soak in water for half an hour; wash and soak the bamboo, soak and cut into small pieces; wash the red dates (pitted). (2) Wash the fish head, cut it on both sides, fry it slightly in oil. (3) Put peanuts, dates and ginger slices into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat, simmer for 1 hour, add fish heads and curd bamboo and cook for another hour, season and eat.

Effect: Nourish qi and nourish blood, clear spleen and stomach.

Cinnamon porridge

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Ingredients: 100 grams of cinnamon balls, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Directions: Cinnamon meat and japonica rice are cooked together as porridge and eaten as you like.

Effect: Reassuring The spirit, benefiting the heart and spleen, replenishing the blood. Suitable for patients with overthinking, panic insomnia.

Cinnamon round meat is an essential medicine for nourishing the brain and spleen, a good fruit for blood replenishment and heart, and has the effect of blood tonic and anti-aging, and it is not old to take it for a long time. Li Shizhen said that "food is expensive with lychees, and the benefits are good with longan (that is, guiyuan)."

Japonica rice is supplemented with the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach, strengthening the spirit and strengthening the spirit, and playing a role in nourishing the brain.

Saltwater duck

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Ingredients: 1 duck weighing 1.5 kg, 3 slices of ginger, 1 chives, 2 fennels, a pinch of salt.

Method: First wash the surface cortex of the duck with warm water, and then soak in warm water until the duck body is soft; add water to the above condiments in the pot, so that the water is soaked in the duck body, the duck is put into the pot, cover the pot tightly, boil and then simmer for 10 to 20 minutes, the pot is a good product, but it must be completely cooled before it can be cut into thin slices to eat, so as not to lose the oil brine and affect the taste.

Sesame root

Autumn equinox health | beneficial to the lungs, and reconcile yin and yang

Ingredients: 500 grams of lotus root, 25 grams of sesame seeds, 50 grams of sweet noodle sauce, 25 grams of sugar, 500 grams of soybean oil (about 50 grams), monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, ginger, green onion.

Directions: Wash the lotus root, peel off the outer skin, cut it in half, cut the top knife into 0.3 cm thick slices; put the oil in the spoon, burn until it is five or six ripe, put the lotus root in, fry it into a persimmon yellow and fish it out; leave 75 grams of oil in the spoon, put the sweet noodle sauce into the stir-fry well, put in a little fresh soup, and mix it into a thick sauce. Then add sugar, minced ginger, green onion, monosodium glutamate and cooking wine. When the juice is baked, add the fried lotus slices, sauté well with a spoon, sprinkle sesame seeds, and turn a few to serve.

Features: salty sweet tendon fragrance, moisturizing and replenishing deficiency.


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