
Liangdu people can eat ten ripe passion fruit at their doorstep - Mu Mu Passion Fruit is harvested

author:Six plates of water released
Liangdu people can eat ten ripe passion fruit at their doorstep - Mu Mu Passion Fruit is harvested

The fruit is so fruitful, it's so gratifying!

Facing the Mu Mu River, the clouds roll and the waves fly, and the fruit fragrance attacks people!

On August 22, a fruit box marked "Passion Fruit Mu" was transported from Baiguoyuan, Mumu Town, Liuzhi Special Administrative Region, and opened to Liupanshui City and Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Chongqing and other places. This year, Liangdu people are blessed to be able to eat real ten ripe passion fruit at their doorstep. "Liangdu Xiaohainan" - the passion fruit grown in Mumu Town is on the market!

Mumu Town, located on the banks of the mu mu river, the lowest altitude is only 745 meters, here pure agriculture, pollution-free, sufficient light, hot climate, the number of sunshine 1227.9 hours a year, frost-free period of 355 days, the average annual temperature of 18.4 °C, special climatic conditions, especially suitable for the cultivation of mango, passion fruit and other tropical fruits.

Since last year, relying on the unique climatic conditions, Mumu Town has focused on taking a new road of integrating agriculture and tourism, and developing the city's unique tropical boutique fruit planting. This year, in addition to the sweetness of mangoes, passion fruit is a bumper harvest.

Just two or three kilometers away from the mumu town government, in the hundred fruit orchard, 120 acres of passion fruit were planted along the slope of the river, these seedlings that drank clean river water, blew the warm river breeze, and grew in the hot sun, one after another, the fruit bent the branches, bent over, smelled sweet, and loved.

According to Yue Xiangjun, the person in charge of the Baiguoyuan Base and the general manager of liuzhi special zone homeland fruit industry co., LTD., passion fruit is native to the Les Islands on the Caribbean coast of the Americas, and it is said that it can smell the aroma of a hundred fruits, so it is called passion fruit; because the white skin of the flesh is cut, the yellow heart resembles an egg, also known as egg fruit. Passion fruit is rich in protein, vitamin C vitamin E and other vitamins, superoxide dismutation (SOD) enzyme and calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other 165 kinds of nutritional elements, high nutritional value, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving, lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, beauty and beauty effect. It is said that one passion fruit contains the equivalent of 8 apples. Taiwan has first introduced domestic cultivation since the 1980s, and the passion fruit at the base is the "Tainong No. 1" from Taiwan, which is a variety of fruits with a strong color and sweet taste, and the quality is very good. Moreover, the company has also hired planting experts from Yunnan for technical guidance.

It is understood that the fruit will be listed in a large area from now on, because of the characteristics of passion fruit flowering, fruiting and ripening, the ripening period can be until the end of December. 120 acres of passion fruit, calculated according to the yield of 3500 jin per mu, the total output is not less than 200 tons, which can involve farmers, and the average household income increases by thousands of yuan. The 5-month maturity period also allows Liangdu people to bid farewell to the six-ripe and seven-ripe "raw fruit" that can only be bought from the supermarket in the past. The Garden of Cause and Effect never uses pesticides, pure natural, pollution-free passion fruit, the flesh is golden in color, the taste is delicate, and the sweet and sour of the fragrance is fragrant, as if you can really taste the "hundred flavors" of passion fruit!

Since the passion fruit of Mu Mu Bai Orchard came on the market in mid-August, it was sold by trial and was well received by consumers, and many who tasted it said, "Cooked and unripe, really different!" "At present, less than half a month after the listing, the fruit has been sold more than 3,000 kilograms, not only in the city, but also outside the province have come to a large number of orders." It is reported that because it is Liangdu's own passion fruit, so Liangdu people can enjoy more preferential treatment, Baiguoyuan also welcomes everyone to go, experience the joy of swimming in the river and the fun of picking, specific sales and purchase matters can contact Yue Xiangjun, contact number (WeChat): 18083696099.

(Source: Liupanshui Daily)

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