
7 major behaviors damage immunity, do not do it again

author:Shangguan News
7 major behaviors damage immunity, do not do it again

We live in an environment full of bacteria, viruses, and other toxic and harmful substances, and our bodies are constantly under attack, but most of us are safe and sound, thanks to our body's immunity.

The immune system is like a guard of the human body, which on the one hand plays a role in eliminating bacteria, viruses, and foreign bodies; on the other hand, it eliminates senescent cells and mutated cells in the body, laying the foundation for health.

The reason why the human body is sick is that the immune cells have lost the battle!

The reason for being defeated is not only the strength of the enemy, but more importantly, the weakening of its own strength...

Seven acts that destroy immunity


Lack of sleep, often staying up late

The University of Chicago study found that people who slept only 4 hours a night had 50 percent fewer antibodies to fight the flu than people who slept 7.5 to 8.5 hours a night.

Recommendation: Normal adults should be guaranteed 7 to 9 hours of sleep, and the elderly should not be less than 6 hours.


Poor eating habits

Dieting, partial eating, overeating, and fondness to eat fried and grilled foods can all cause malnutrition and have a negative impact on the immune system.


Mental stress

Stress, depression, pessimism and other emotions will affect the secretion of glucocorticoids, etc., and then affect immunity.


Do not exercise

Studies have found that aerobic exercise such as brisk walking and jogging for 30 minutes a day can help improve the number of white blood cells and improve immune system function.


drug abuse

Although drugs can help the body fight pathogenic microorganisms and reduce symptoms of discomfort, it also reduces the chances of the immune system producing antibodies against diseases.

Therefore, self-limiting diseases such as the common cold can avoid medication, while like the acute flu, the autoimmune system can no longer fight, so it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time.


Don't like to drink water

Drinking water can keep the respiratory mucosa moisturized, weaken the reproduction rate of cold viruses, etc., and enhance immunity.


Smoke second-hand smoke

Active smoking is just as harmful to the health of the whole body as passive smoking and reduces the body's immunity.

Self-test immunity

You can simply self-test through the following six symptoms, if you meet more than three, you must pay attention to your immunity.

(1) Frequent colds; (2) Frequent fatigue; (3) Poor healing ability; (4) Weak stomach and intestines, easy to diarrhea; (5) Frequent mouth ulcers; (6) Frequent inflammation.

The immune system is made up of various immune cells, and how do they work with each other?

5 moves to improve immunity

In addition to avoiding the above 7 major behaviors, you should also learn these 5 tricks to improve immunity.

Drink two ginseng soup

The soup of the second ginseng is the white sugar ginseng and the taizi ginseng stewed lean meat.

White ginseng has the effect of improving immunity, while Taizi ginseng is healthy and healthy, and the lungs are moistened.

Two ginseng and stew lean meat, once or twice a week, can improve immunity, for spleen fatigue, loss of appetite, after illness deficiency of the body is very good.


Take 6 to 8 grams of white sugar ginseng and taizi ginseng, and 100 grams of lean meat.

Soak the second ginseng slightly, wash the lean meat and cut into small pieces. Put down the stew cup together, add hot boiling water, cover and simmer for about 2 and a half hours.

Press the foot three miles

Zhu Lingling, professor of the Third Department of Oncology of the Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Southern Medical University, introduced that massaging the Yongquan acupuncture points on the soles of the feet 20 to 30 times a day can play a role in strengthening the heart and improving immunity.

For example, long-term pressing of "foot three miles" can promote the operation of qi and blood, enhance positive qi, and improve the body's immune function.

Safflower soaked feet

Zhang Qianru, an expert in the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that soaking feet with safflower flowers in autumn and winter can also enhance immunity and benefit health.

Every day before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water, add a small handful of safflower, a few star anise, and massage the feet with warm hands.

Star anise and safflower are both hot substances, soaked until slightly sweaty, which can make the body have better defense against diseases such as wind and cold.

More dishes and less meat

For people with low immunity, Zhao Hongmei, director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the China Rehabilitation Research Center, suggested that a light diet, more dishes and less meat should ensure the vitamins needed by the human body.

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have a certain help for improving immunity. If the work pressure is high, there is no way to guarantee three meals, and it is also possible to eat some vitamin tablets.

Keep exercising

Sun Biao, a professor in the Department of Sports And Human Sciences of Nanjing University of Physical Education, reminded that relying on exercise to improve immunity is a protracted battle, and its effect is not immediate, nor is it once and for all.

After more than 12 weeks of continuous exercise, the number of immune cells will begin to increase and the resistance will increase accordingly.

Source: Wellness China

Editor: Wang Yusi