
The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

Autumn, the temperature difference between day and night increases, the climate is dry, especially after a summer of cold drink "bombardment", our body is easy to become fragile, at this time, if you can eat some hot porridge, both to replenish moisture and dryness, supplement nutrition, the body will also become warm. Drinking porridge in the morning is the most nourishing, the Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Qi once wrote in the "Porridge Record": "Every day, eat a large bowl of porridge, empty stomach deficiency, valley qi is made, the supplement is not fine, and extremely soft, and the stomach and intestines are compatible, the most delicious recipe for diet." "However, it is not recommended to drink white rice porridge, although it is easy to digest, but the nutritional value is low, I recommend to everyone a black rice eight treasure porridge, the cost is less than 5 yuan, delicious do not want, this porridge is very good for girls, every three forks and five to eat it, the color is obviously better.

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

Eight treasure porridge to do a good taste, mainly in the choice of ingredients, I this eight treasures of mixed grain porridge is to black rice and glutinous rice as the main ingredients, I also added peanuts, mung beans, red beans and other ingredients, enriched nutrition and taste, this porridge after a long time of boiling, rich in nutrition, aroma overflowing, really super delicious, especially suitable for the current weather in the morning to drink, eat a bowl of such grains eight treasure porridge every day, purify the stomach, the body and skin are very good, like to eat mixed grain porridge small partners to do it together!

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

【Ingredients】: Glutinous rice 40 grams, black rice 40 grams, oat rice 25 grams, mung beans 30 grams, red beans 30 grams, peanuts 25 grams, lotus seeds 15 grams, guiyuan 15 grams, rock sugar appropriate amount, the amount according to their own needs to determine.

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

【Method】: 1, soak the rice that is not easy to cook in advance such as red beans, lotus seeds and black rice for 1 hour, so that it is easier to cook;

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

2, after soaking well, pour glutinous rice, red beans, mung beans, oat rice and black rice into the pot, add lotus seeds, cinnamon balls and peanuts, do not pour out the water before soaking Oh, nutrition is here ~ ~

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

3, pour in 4 to 5 times the material of the water, and then choose the "boiled porridge" file, cook until the rice cooker jumps to the insulation state and simmer for a minute; because the ingredients have been soaked in advance, so it is easy to cook, as long as according to their favorite taste, control the viscosity of the porridge on it, like soft glutinous boiling, until viscous.

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

4, until the porridge water thickens according to personal preferences, put the appropriate amount of rock sugar;

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking

Delicious eight treasure porridge on a bowl, scoop up a spoonful, the entrance is slippery, sweet, fragrant... Eat it instantly and you'll be full of energy!

The weather is dry, women should drink this porridge for breakfast, nutritious and delicious, suitable for autumn drinking


1, all kinds of beans, especially the black rice grains have a tough seed coat wrapped on the outside, not easy to cook rotten, so black rice should be soaked and then cooked.

2, all the ingredients with water soaked together, you can soak well before going to bed at night, cook the next morning, or directly cook porridge in the rice cooker to make an appointment to drink porridge.

3, all things are added according to personal preferences, there is no specific proportion, but black rice and glutinous rice are added according to the ratio of 1:1, and various other materials are arbitrarily matched.

4, the amount of water looks like to add, like to eat a little thicker to add less water, like to drink a little thinner to add more water.