
There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

author:Aunt Xiao Noodle's Food Diary
There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

Mo worries about the kitchen road ignorant of himself, who does not know the little face aunt. Hello everyone, I'm Little Face Auntie. Today, Aunt Noodles will share with you a recipe of "yellow cauliflower beef soup". These days, the temperature in our Guanzhong area is getting higher and higher, every day when we go to work at noon, walking on the way to work, we can feel a particularly hot heat wave, baking the whole body, and soon feel that the body begins to sweat. In such a hot weather, you must drink more water every day. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to meet the body's water needs. Coupled with the fact that the community has started to vaccinate in recent days, our whole family has been vaccinated, and the doctor has told us to drink more water.

So, I recently made a soup for my family every day at lunch to nourish my body. Soup is very small in our place, ordinary people three meals a day are mainly pasta,so they rarely drink soup. As long as you eat rice, you will make a soup to drink. Compared to the eating habits of the southern region, we drink soup very little. Today's soup, I used beef and broccoli together to make soup, the effect is not bad. Because there were only three people in the family to eat, I did less. And mainly for children to drink more. Drink more soup in the hot day, this soup is healthy and calm, helps sleep body sticks, tastes good and is very nutritious, good for children's physical development.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

Yellow cauliflower is a vegetable that most people like to eat, fresh broccoli contains colchicine, easy to poison when eaten, and it is safer to process and dry yellow cauliflower to eat. Dried yellow cauliflower and resistant to storage, every time I will go to buy a point, put the refrigerator to prevent raw insects, my family often does not have time to buy vegetables, will take out a point to be very wood ear fried, or cold mix taste is very crisp and delicious, yellow cauliflower beef soup is a very good nutritional value of the soup dish, light and refreshing. My child is going to take the college entrance examination this year, at the last moment of the child's sprint to the college entrance examination, these two days I often make this yellow cauliflower beef soup for the child to drink, the child likes it very much.

These two ingredients with soup is really matched, yellow cauliflower is rich in lecithin, this substance has an important role in enhancing and improving brain function, yellow cauliflower is also known as "tranquility", has the effect of calming nerves, beef to children usually eat in moderation can effectively enhance the body's immunity, replenish qi, strengthen muscles and bones. There are college students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit! Now I share this "yellow cauliflower beef soup" food recipe to everyone, and friends who like it can make it according to the recipe, give the family a delicious dish, and give the relatives a love.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

【Yellow cauliflower beef soup】

Ingredients: broccoli, beef, spring onion, ginger, salt, cooking wine, corn starch, cooking oil, soy sauce, pepper.


1: Prepare 1 piece of beef, appropriate amount of broccoli, 1 spring onion, 1 small piece of ginger.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

2, dried yellow cauliflower with water soaked for about half an hour, soak soft to remove the top hard stem, clean, it is best to boil the yellow cabbage in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes to rinse, squeeze out the water.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

3: Soak the beef in water for 20 minutes, squeeze out the blood and rinse it, and cut it into thin slices along the lines.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

4: Put the sliced beef into a bowl, add a little salt, cooking wine, corn starch, cooking oil, raw soy sauce and mix well for 10 minutes.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

5: Bring cold water to a boil in a pot, cut some ginger shreds and cook for a few minutes, add the marinated lean meat slices, boil and skim off the foam for another 5 minutes.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

6: Add the broccoli and cook for 2 minutes, the broccoli is blanched in water and there is no need to cook for too long.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

7: Finally, add the chopped green onion, add a little salt, pepper, chicken essence to taste, stir well and turn off the heat.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

8, fresh and refreshing is simple and easy to do, not only nutritious, delicious and delicious, you can also try it.

There are college entrance examination students at home, this soup should be drunk often, supplement nutrition and taste fresh, and the child sleeps soundly and has a good spirit

Mo worries about the kitchen road ignorant of himself, who does not know the little face aunt. Hello everyone! I'm a little aunt. Unconsciously, I have been with everyone on the road to cooking for five years! Get along for a few days, share the knowledge of food life together, and experience the happiness of food life together! Thank you! Well, dear friends, today's article will be shared with you here, if you have any different views on this article, welcome to publish your views in the comments at the bottom of the article, we will carefully read each of your messages ~

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