
Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only


1. Old Four Seasons Noodle Rack

Shenyang Old Four Seasons Noodle Restaurant was opened in July 1988, mainly engaged in chicken racks and noodles. There are nine different forms of the noodles, such as one thin, two thin, dragon whiskers, triangles, four edges, leek leaves, middle strips, wide strips, and belts. With pure and thick chicken soup and authentic Fuling squeezed vegetables, the noodle soup is thick and fresh, which can really be described as "warm in winter and cool orchid noodles in summer, spring and autumn in Shenzhou soup". Shenyang people's classic package, old snow + chicken rack + noodles. Order a whole boiled chicken rack, break into small pieces, put on the squeezed vegetable chili oil, really spicy and delicious, with the classic old snowflake beer, his family's other few undercooked dishes are also good, and a few friends talk about the sour, sweet and bitter spicy life, that mood is simply very hi skin! Wine is a good thing, drink less to cheer the mood, drink a lot of hurt! So drink in moderation! The staple food after drinking is noodles, the original chicken soup tastes very good, this is not the right way to open the old four seasons, I am summarized through observation, I don't know if it is right, there is no right welcome comment pointing out!

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommendation: The main store of the old four seasons is near the Great Western Cuisine Line on Thirteenth Wei Road, also called one.

Address: No. 88, Thirteenth Wei Road, Heping District

Getting there: Metro Line 1, Exit c of Qingnian Avenue Station, walk 1 km to arrive

2. Old side dumplings

Founded in 1829 and with a history of more than 190 years, it is the most famous flavor restaurant in Shenyang, operating more than 100 kinds of dumplings. Since 1983, Laobian Dumplings has been rated as "Municipal Famous Brand Flavor Food" for consecutive years, and in 1989, it won the "Golden Tripod Award" issued by the Ministry of Commerce. The reason why the old side dumplings are praised is that the key lies in the filling. The production of sautéed filling requires fine selection of ingredients. Meat filling, spring and summer more use of lean, autumn and winter more use of fat. Take half of the meat filling and put it in a wok, stir-fry with sweet noodle sauce and spices, and mix it with the other half of the raw meat filling to make a sautéed filling. The selection of vegetables, with the change of seasons and people's tastes: early spring leeks, prawns with filling; Stuffed with carob melon, winter melon and celery in mid-summer; Late autumn with oil pepper, kidney beans, cucumber, kale filling; Stuffed with Chinese cabbage in the cold winter. Meat and vegetarian matching, the finished dumplings are unique in shape. Soft tendons. No wonder the famous cross-talk actor Hou Baolin ate the old side dumplings, and wrote down the banner "Old side dumplings, the world's first".

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Classic dishes: 100-year-old sautéed stuffing, fried dumplings with ice flowers, sauerkraut pork, sesame sauce peeling, pot wrapped meat. Dumplings and dishes with other fillings are also good to choose according to your favorite taste!

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommended Middle Street store, the decoration style is simple, Qing Dynasty architectural style

Address: Shenhe District Middle Street Road No. 208

Getting there: Subway Line 1 Get off at Middle Street Station, opposite the Rose Hotel!

3. Sanhesheng bun shop

Sanhesheng Bun Shop was originally founded in the autumn of 1933. Its name is derived from the fact that this bun shop was created by Cao Yin, Su Jishan and Sun Changchun. Master Cao Yin once apprenticed in a hotel specializing in Tianjin buns, and practiced a unique skill, and later borrowed the essence of Tianjin buns to form a unique sanhesheng bun flavor. At first, the small business of the shop was not very good, and then the three people repeatedly pondered, and developed the method of mixing the filling with the filling, plus sea rice and sesame oil, the taste has been greatly improved, and the bun shop has also begun to have a reputation. In 1956, when the public-private partnership was established, Sanhesheng merged several small restaurants such as the Yongle Dumpling Restaurant at that time and expanded the scale.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Classic dishes: pot wrapped meat, large pulling, boiled meat segments, slip liver tip, three kinds of boiled, pork scallion filling, leek egg filling.

Address: No. 19 Panjin Road, Heping District

Bus routes: No. 138, No. 152, No. 209, No. 215, No. 231, No. 232, No. 248, No. 260, No. 262, No. 264, No. 288, No. 326, No. 328, No. 399, No. 125, No. 123, No. 203, No. 203, Shenfu No. 2, No. 216, No. 281, No. 295, No. 243, Shenfu No. 1, No. 159, No. 159, No. 254, No. 271, No. 279, No. 294, No. 267, etc

4. Li Liangui bacon flatbread

Liaoning Shenyang Li Liangui bacon flatbread, founded in 1842, has a history of more than 170 years. At that time, it was opened in Lishu County, Jilin Province, and its name was prosperous, mainly dealing in sauce meat, flatbread and liquor. Because the Sauce Meat of the Li family is clean, rotten and fragrant, and the flatbread is soft, clear and fragrant, it is often full of seats in Pear Tree Town and is well received by the masses. In 1937, Li Yao, the son of Li Liangui, went to Siping City, Jilin Province, to open Li Liangui's bacon flatbread and set up a semicolon. After liberation, in 1950, Li Yaozi Li Chunsheng inherited the ancestral business, carried an old pot of soup, and moved Li Liangui's bacon flatbread to Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Since then, Li Liangui's bacon flatbread has taken root in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, and has become a well-known unique flavor in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Succeeded as a master of Chinese cooking Liaoning Shenyang City Labor Model Outstanding Communist Party Member Li Fuzhou, General Manager of Li Fuzhou Catering Center of Li Liangui Bacon Flatbread Catering Center in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, continued to carry forward the traditional process of developing bacon medicinal ingredients into 12 kinds, re-formulated the sweet noodle sauce according to modern tastes, and flavored with lotus egg flower soup for better taste.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Classic dishes: Bacon double spelling, egg flower soup, smoked belly, Li Liangui flatbread, smoked pork belly, scallion noodle sauce, balls braised cabbage, fragrant bamboo between fish, pot wrapped meat, sauerkraut powder

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommendation: Li Liangui Bacon Flatbread Main Store

Address: Shenhe District Zhengyang Street No. 88

Bus routes: No. 228, No. 213, No. 294, No. 222, No. 290, Ring Road, No. 118, No. 132, No. 140, No. 222, No. 257, No. 276, No. 276, No. 287, No. 292, No. 296, No. 207, No. 215, No. 157, No. 157, No. 212, No. 224, No. 227, No. 326, No. 503, No. 334, No. 289, No. 333, No. 333 Branch Line, No. 258 , 131 Road, 248 Road, 116 Road, 230 Road, 243 Road, etc.

5. Old Mountain Remember Sea City Pie

Lao Shan Ji Haicheng Pie is a traditional snack in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, founded by Mao Qingshan in 1920 in Huoshen Temple Street, Haicheng County, Liaoning Province. Mao's famous mountain, taking its mountain character, was established as Laoshan Ji Pie Shop, and moved to Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1939. Haicheng pie, warm water and noodles, choose pork and beef for Mandarin duck filling. Vegetable filling, with the change of seasons, select bean sprouts, leeks, cucumbers, green peppers, pumpkins, celery, cabbage, etc., so that the cake filling meat matching, thick and light, high-end products also with shark fin, sea cucumber, prawns, dried scallops, chicken filling, its taste is even more delicious. The finished pie is round and yellow, the skin is crisp and tough, the filling is tender and refreshing, and the flavor is overflowing. It is served with garlic paste, chili oil, mustard paste and other dipping, making it more delicious and delicious. There are eight treasures of porridge to accompany it, refreshing and delicious, with a different flavor.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Classic dishes: pot bun meat, seafood soup, green pepper pie, beef kale pie, sauce donkey meat, vegetarian three fresh pie, meat three fresh pie, three strips of sour and spicy soup, roasted eggplant, haggis soup

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Address: No. 131, South 5th Road, Heping District

Bus route: No. 134; 135 Road; 239 Road; No. 239 night train; 251 Road; 257 Road; 297 Road; Get off at Zhongxing Street, Huannan 5th Road

6. Shenyang turn back

Current name: Xieshun Garden Huitou Museum

Legend has it that during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, a family surnamed Jin opened a bakery in the north gate of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, to make a living. Because of poor management, business has been bad. One day was the Mid-Autumn Festival, the business was even more depressed, when there was no diners at noon, the shopkeeper was dazed, so he took out a few copper coins in the iron box, bought some beef and went home to chop it into meat filling, rolled the baked cake noodles into thin skins, folded and folded up, ready to eat at home for the festival. At this time, a messenger suddenly came in from outside, entered the store to see the novel shape of the food in the pot, and once tasted, the taste was very good. The messenger immediately told the shopkeeper that another box was sent to the pavilion, and everyone shouted in unison after eating. Since then, this food has gained great fame for a while, officials and people have rushed to buy it, and business has become increasingly prosperous, so it is named "turning back". After several generations of inheritance and development, Xieshun Garden Huitou Hall has become one of the symbols of Shenyang cuisine in Liaoning Province.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Classic dishes: pot wrapped meat, Shenyang back, fried belly, dried tofu, mutton soup, slip meat segments, southern fried balls, haggis soup, grilled meat strips, boiled chest, roasted eggplant, fish fragrant eggplant strips, slip three kinds, snowflake beer, meat segments, grilled strips, grilled eggplant strips

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommendation: Xieshun Garden Huitou Hotel (Daxi Road Branch)

Address: Shenhe District, No. 303, Daxi Road (opposite Haitong Securities)

Getting there: Metro Line 1 Qingnian Avenue Station, Exit D

7. Majia roasted wheat

Majia roasted wheat is a Hui snack with special flavor in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. As early as the first year of Qing Jiaqing (1796), it was founded by Ma Chun and has a history of more than 200 years. At that time, there was no store market, but a hand-pushed wheelbarrow was used to travel to and from the lively street market, selling while doing it. Because majia roasted wheat is strict in selection of materials, fine in production, good in taste and beautiful in shape, it is well received by the masses. In the eighth year of Qing Daoguang (1828), Ma Guangyuan, the son of Ma Chun, opened two simple stores outside the small west gate barrage wall, and set up the Majia Roasted Wheat Restaurant, which has been busy since then and is famous far and wide. After several changes, in 1961, it was finally located in Xiaobeimenli, which is now the Majia Roasted Wheat Restaurant, with Ma Jiting, the fifth generation of Ma's descendants, as the technical guide.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommended: Haggis, lamb roasted wheat, carob egg shrimp roasted wheat, paper wrapped lamb, traditional beef roast wheat, colorful pulling, etc

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Address: No. 64 Xiaoxi Road

Getting there: Bus No. 129 Get off at Xinglin Street, Zhongshan Road

8. Spoon Garden Hotel

Spoon Garden Hotel was founded in Taiyuan Street, Shencheng in 1951, gathering famous chefs at that time to cook Lu cuisine. "Spoon Garden" was originally the name of a garden built in Beijing by the Ming Dynasty rich man Mr. Mi Wanzhong, and was later titled by Mr. Ji Ge, the son of a scholar at the end of Guangxu University, taking its small and exquisite meaning, simple and elegant.

"Ming Lake Spring" was absolutely tall at that time, and the dignitaries and nobles in Shenyang were all salty, and those who did not come would feel that they did not show their identity. The "dispatch table" of the Overseer's Mansion and the Hanlin Mansion, and Zhang Zuolin's "Church Banquet" were all invited to preside over the ceremony.

After liberation, the private sector was abolished, and all three enterprises were closed and closed. When "Dongting Chun" reopened, some people proposed to call it "Sanchunhe", but everyone felt that the name of the shop was too vulgar, and Wang Xingyuan made a suggestion: "When Lu Mingchun opened, the owner of Jishun Silk House sent two plaques engraved with 'Hut, Spoon Garden', which means that the shop style is simple and the cooking skills are exquisite, and I see that the word Spoon Garden is good for the store name." Our small shop is to make the best culinary products. "That's where the Spoon Garden Hotel comes from now.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Classic cuisine: pot wrapped meat, nine turns of large intestine

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommendation: Navigate to 3 stores and select the nearest restaurant to eat.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Address: Navigate to

Directions: Search by navigating

9 that house. Sauerkraut white flesh blood sausage

Now the name of that old yard

Located on the west side of the Forbidden City in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, the restaurant is famous for its Han cuisine, white flesh and blood sausage. Its predecessor was the Jixing Hotel near the kuixing building along the original Xiaohe River, which mainly engaged in northeastern regional cuisine, and later made this hotel famous due to the addition of white flesh and blood sausages. In 1872, the restaurant's Han chef Nagiyou opened a restaurant specializing in white meat and blood sausages in the Dadongmen. White flesh and blood sausages are eaten with garlic paste, leek flower sauce or chili oil and other spices, and the taste remains on the teeth and cheeks, and it lasts for a long time. Especially in the harsh winter season, if it is simmered together with sauerkraut, the soup is crisp and crisp, which has the effect of driving away cold and heating. In 1914, the descendants of the Na clan inherited the ancestral inheritance and renovated the courtyard of the NawanGuan and became a famous restaurant that was popular in Fengtian at that time, and the eunuchs often came and went. In 1931, when the Japanese invaded Shenyang, Liaoning Province, the business of the museum became increasingly depressed and tended to close. In order to maintain their ancestral business, the Na brothers moved the museum to Beijing, and after liberation, in order to restore the unique flavor of the northeast, the government invited the elderly Na Wengui back to Shenyang, Liaoning Province, in 1957, so that the museum reopened.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommended: The navigation shows that there are multiple stores

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Address: Navigate to search for the nearest store

10. Baofa Garden Restaurant

It is said that there are four famous dishes "slip waist flowers; Slippery hepatic tips; Fry balls and slip yellow cabbage. Zhang Xueliang liked it very much.

Baofa Garden Famous Restaurant in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, was founded in the first year of Xuantong (1909) and has a history of hundreds of years. At that time, there was a peasant family surnamed Guo in Beitang Village, Ninghe County, Hebei Province, and the old country had Guo Junzhang and Guo Junrui brothers, because the soldiers in their hometown were in chaos and there were disasters for many years, and the people did not have a good life, so they "broke into the Guandong" and came to the outside of Shengjing City to settle down and make a living. At first, the brothers opened a small restaurant outside the Xiaodongmen gate of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, named Baofa Garden, which means Jubao Fortune. But since its opening, the business has not been as prosperous as expected, and the hotel has barely managed to protect its capital for many months. At that time, there were many trades in the Area of Xiaodongmen, and it was not easy to gain a foothold here and business to flourish. After repeated thinking, according to the taste of the northeastern people, using raw materials such as pork liver, pork loin, lean pork and eggs, after careful selection and ingredients, the above good knife workers have made dishes with color, aroma and taste.

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

At that time, Zhang Xueliang personally ordered the four unique dishes of Dongguan: fried balls, boiled liver tip, boiled waist flower, and boiled yellow flower are still today's signature dishes. Fried balls are "tender on the outside and tender on the inside", and the taste is "rich"; The tip of the liver is "smooth and tender"; The waist flower is "crisp"; The yellow flowers turned out to be chicken cake, which was really a "surprise".

Each of the top ten hotels you must visit in Shenyang has a historical story, which is for reference only

Recommended: This is the only long-established hotel in Shenyang

Address: East Middle Street subway station out of the small Shizi Street, when the meal is a lot of people

Getting there: Exit A of Dongzhongjie Station of Metro Line 1

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