
Must-have in early autumn, nourishing and rejuvenating silver ear soup! Nourishing yin and dry, soft and sticky taste, suitable for all ages

author:Yu Mingxuan said food

Since the beginning of autumn, we have felt the dry breath in the weather for a long time, and our lungs are most afraid of dryness, so this time to nourish the lungs is a very critical time. Autumn nourishing yin and dry, white fungus is naturally the preferred food, white fungus has a health and nourishing effect, and it is a substitute for bird's nest, so whether it is the royal family of the past or the people of Pingming, they like to eat and can afford to eat.

Must-have in early autumn, nourishing and rejuvenating silver ear soup! Nourishing yin and dry, soft and sticky taste, suitable for all ages

White fungus not only has an excellent health and tonic effect, but also often eats, which can make the skin more elastic and rosy, and regular users have good sleep, good temperament, and the skin is getting younger and younger.

【Sydney horseshoe silver ear soup】

Ingredients: 1 organic white fungus, 1 sydney pear, 10 horseshoe, 15 red dates, rock sugar, 1 pinch of goji berries

Must-have in early autumn, nourishing and rejuvenating silver ear soup! Nourishing yin and dry, soft and sticky taste, suitable for all ages

1 white fungus does not need to be soaked, directly tear into small flowers for later use;

2 red dates, goji berries, horseshoe washed and soaked in clean water for 10 minutes;

3 in a casserole dish with 5 times the water of the white fungus, put in, cover and cook for 30 minutes on low heat;

After 40 minutes, then add the dates, cover and continue to simmer;

Must-have in early autumn, nourishing and rejuvenating silver ear soup! Nourishing yin and dry, soft and sticky taste, suitable for all ages

5 Sydney pear peeled and cut into pieces, simmered for an hour and then added sydney pear, horseshoe, rock sugar, continue to boil;

6. The whole process is 1 and a half hours, and finally add the goji berries, stir well and leave the heat to eat.

Must-have in early autumn, nourishing and rejuvenating silver ear soup! Nourishing yin and dry, soft and sticky taste, suitable for all ages


1. After refrigeration, the taste is better

2, goji berries are very easy to ripen, so choose to put in the last.

3, the choice of white fungus varieties, it is recommended to choose the cat Chitose organic white fungus, can be exempted from the blister cleaning process, directly under the pot that is boiled, convenient and time-saving, and is organic planting, its gum is three or four times that of ordinary white fungus, more nutrients, more gum.

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Cat Chitose Eco Organic White Fungus ¥69.8 Purchase

4 The amount of silver ear soup should be quantitatively made according to the number of people in the family, ensure that the day is drunk, do not drink the overnight silver ear soup, the nutritional value of the overnight soup is reduced.

5. In order to obtain a viscous and silky taste, the two most critical steps are: the silver ear soup is cooked and simmered; refrigerated; and the good organic white fungus is selected.

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