
"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

author:Strong brother stinky tiger

Lao Xiao and I returned from visiting the "Zigong Dinosaur Museum", and our stomachs were singing "Empty City Plan". Ask a young man on the street what kind of snacks there are. The young man looked at us and said that the foreigner, 'hat meat copyist' is a famous food in our city!"

I responded verbally, but in my heart I did not think so: here it is again, "hat meat" and "shoe meat" are not changing the name to make money, just like some TV commercials, there is milk is the mother, pay for it.

We continued to walk along the street, and saw that in the window of a food store, there were some meat rolls, which were as thin and transparent as dates, like a string of firecrackers, and we were attracted by it.

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

Beef with fire edges

"Yes, just eat this "fire edge!" Old Shaw came to power. As soon as you enter the store, the waiter is a tall one, did not ask what to eat, first of all, I smiled and handed over two cups of hot tea, which is compared to some restaurants, when I saw that you were "internal guests", and I didn't dress well, the waiter was black-faced and autumn, and the feeling was of course different.

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

The flesh is as thin as a cicada wing, and its taste is mellow

"Fireside beef" is indeed not bad: its flesh is as thin as a cicada wing, its taste is mellow, and in a few rounds of the mouth, it has become slagged, making me, a "half-old man" with bad teeth, call it "fast".

When I asked, it turned out that this "fire edge beef" was a fine beef slice grilled over a low fire, so named because it was shaped like a firecracker ("side" harmonic "whip" sound). It has a long history in Zigong, more than 700 years ago, with the development of the salt industry, the number of salt wells increased, and after the brine was changed from a human cart to a ox cart, more than 100,000 cattle were served. However, the heavy load requires that the served cattle must be "young", and the retired old cattle can only be "glorious". At that time, Zigong became more mountain calf, more short beef on the street, more small salt boats in the river, and more narrow palanquins on the road. The beef restaurant is really prosperous, like the "food street" in Tianjin now, forming the Zigong "beef street". Stewed, steamed, roasted, sautéed, pickled and cured. That cured wax products can not be ambiguous, you have to choose the full lean meat of the hind legs, the people here call it "winter melon meat", when making it with a very sharp thin blade, first peel the "winter melon meat" (200 pounds of cattle, can only take "winter melon meat" 30 pounds) into more than an inch of thick meat slices, and then nail the meat slices to the wooden board leaning against the wall, continue to slice into two or three feet long extremely thin slices of meat, and require that there must be no leakage of eye cracks on the meat slices, and then smear seven appropriate amounts of mushroom-type seasoning salt of Zigong specialties on this extremely thin slice of meat, hang in a ventilated place to dry, Spread it on the stalk, use cow dung as fuel, use a low heat to slowly kang, until the kang is crisp but not cotton, and chew the slag finely. The last process is to apply chili red oil. At this point, the "Zigong FireSide Beef" with characteristics such as spicy, hemp, thin and crispy has been completed.

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

The waiter's detailed narration made me see: Oh, this is really a zigong! No wonder that at the 1983 national appraisal meeting of pickled wax products held in Tianjin, "Fire Edge" scored the highest number of miles!" Fire edge "Although good, it is always a side dish."

"Are there any other flavorful snacks?" I asked the tall waiter. "Hat meat scribe."

Oh, it's "hat meat copyer" again!

Oh, originally I didn't have a special feeling for the copyer, but I had some prejudices after an experience.

I remember that I ate a copy at the Jianghanguan Wharf in Wuhan last summer, eating one, no filling, maybe A mistake in it, I thought for the seller. Eating the second one is still not stuffed, one by one I endure, three, four all without! I could not bear it any longer, and a feeling of being deceived annoyed me and questioned me. Answer: "It's hot now, what should I do if I can't sell all the meat I bought?" I couldn't laugh when I heard it, and the "hollow scribble" of a bowl of triangles was tantamount to being hit in the head!

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

Zigong Zhang copied the hand

Today, because the "fire edge" left a good feeling, he asked for a bowl with the mood of giving it a try. Try it, this "hat meat copyer" is not ordinary: the skin is thin and filling, and the taste is delicious! On a whim, I actually interviewed the waiter.

"A few words can not be said clearly, the old comrade is willing, welcome to see inside!" It is often said that it is better to listen than to see, so I went in.

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

The complex flavor is formed by chili oil, pepper oil, sesame seeds, sprouts, lard, monosodium glutamate, pepper noodles, green onion, and sugar

Inside, a teacher with two sideburns stained with frost is busy chopping meat. "In the meat" department, the pig before the sandwich meat also. This meat is fat and lean, not smooth and greasy, and easy to rot and slag. After the teacher chops the meat puree, he puts it into a bowl, adds local salt, and vigorously dusts it in one direction, dusting the flannel and foaming, looking like a bowl of sauce paste. After a while, fine beads of sweat appeared on the old man's forehead. After dusting, put it on a plate, finely mince the large gold hook that was previously foamed with warm water, sprinkle it evenly on the filling, and adjust it when wrapped. I turned around to look at the steaming soup with a hen and a few pig bones boiling in it. I looked at the dozen or so blue and white sea bowls lined up in a row, which contained chili oil, pepper oil, sesame seeds, sprouts, lard, monosodium glutamate, pepper noodles, green onions, sugar, pea tips... refreshing! There is no commonly used soy sauce?1 Teacher Fu saw my doubts. He smiled mysteriously and said, "The original soup scribes in the small shop have always used soy sauce, only local specialty seasoning salt!" Oh, at this time, I saw clearly that all the soup in the scribe's bowl was not snow white!

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

Zigong Wu Dabo's red oil copy shop

I folded back into the cafeteria, and the waiter handed me a towel to wipe my hands. He told me that the restaurant was called "Zheng Scribe", named after the owner Zheng Yifa, and had a history of half a century. At the beginning of the opening, Zheng Yifa only had a hand to pick up the burden: one was a red stove and a steaming pot, and the other was "hat meat filling", dough skin and various condiments, eating fresh bags, shouting and selling while walking: "Hat meat copy hand!" Walking the streets and alleys, night and day, the goods are genuine, and the children are not deceived. When you see countrymen entering the city, it is common to throw you two more steels in a bowl. Therefore, the Zigong people said, "Zheng Yifa is a self-employed person who gets rich by virtue of a righteous word", who practices small profits and large sales, and earns money by labor and conscience! It became the current "Zheng Scribe" restaurant.

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

Zigong, with her salt industry and the Dinosaur Museum, left a deep impression on me, and the "Fire Edge" and "Sub-Meat Scribe" were also unforgettable, because the impression was beautiful.

"Fire Edge", "Hat Meat" (Liu Dexin)

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