
The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Chen Jingying

Recently, when Binzhou City's winter jujube was listed in large quantities, and a new round of rain came, in order to ensure the yield and reduce the impact of rainfall on the quality of winter dates, jujube farmers hired workers in the early morning to carry out winter jujube harvesting, and the labor fee once reached 260 yuan per person a day, but it was still difficult to find one person. On October 3, nearly a thousand migrant workers flocked to the city, and the cost of migrant workers plummeted by 130 yuan in just one and a half hours.

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

At 4:30 a.m., in the south of the intersection of Zaoxiang Third Road and Fumin Road in Xiawa Town, Zhanhua District, migrant workers gathered here. Every day they come from nearby townships, but also from Wudi, Huimin and other neighboring counties, and gradually a labor market has formed here.

"Less than four o'clock began to rush here, today is the fourth day to come," Zhang Dajie from Huimin told reporters, "yesterday was 260 yuan a day, these 4 days have not been lower than this number." "Because jujube farmers are rushing to harvest, the daily labor fee of a single person has risen from more than 100 yuan to 260 yuan."

At this time, just a jujube farmer came to hire a worker, Zhang Dajie took the initiative to attack, this is an interview process, and some workers joked that this is "inspection". The jujube farmer likes to pick tall and good physique, after the appearance is recognized, the two sides discuss the labor fee, after bargaining, the jujube farmer finally hired Zhang Dajie and five other workers at a price of 280 yuan a day.

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

By 5:30, hundreds of people had gathered here, and the scene was crowded, so it was not lively. Except for a small number of jujube farmers, most of them are workers who are ready to pick winter dates.

"How many people do you want?" "Four people." "Five of us, one more?" "One more won't work."

"How much do you bid?" “240。” "That's not okay, it was 260 yesterday." "There are so many people today that it is impossible to reach yesterday's 260."

Date farmers and migrant workers counted each other.

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

With more and more migrant workers, jujube farmers have also begun to turn over and dominate, from the beginning when jujube farmers ask migrant workers "how much money can go" to being chased by migrant workers to ask "how much money can go".

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

The oversupply of migrant workers is directly reflected in the cost of migrant workers. Thus, there was a dramatic scene, from 4:30 to 6:00 in the morning, an hour and a half, the cost of labor plummeted from 280 yuan per person a day to 150 yuan a day.

"There are too many people who come to work today, they were robbed yesterday, and today some of them have begun to reduce their own prices," one migrant worker complained, "No way, 150 is 150." ”

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

At six o'clock, the sky is already clear, and the employers and employees who have set the payment for the migrant work are already on their way to the orchard, but there are still new migrant workers who continue to transport here.

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

Another jujube farmer came to hire someone, and as soon as the electric car stopped, the migrant workers quickly surrounded the three outer three floors and fought for this hard-won opportunity.

The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

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The cost of migrant work plummeted by 130 yuan in 90 minutes! Winter jujube picking has gone from being difficult for one person to being oversupplied

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