
From "watching the sky eat" to "doing to the sky" to seeing the "second entrepreneurship" road of Shandong dipping winter dates

author:Lightning News
From "watching the sky eat" to "doing to the sky" to seeing the "second entrepreneurship" road of Shandong dipping winter dates

Qilu Network Lightning News, September 18, in recent years, under the impact of the market economy form and other winter jujube producing areas, as the hometown of China's winter jujube and the birthplace of winter jujube, Zhuanhua has proposed the "second entrepreneurship of winter jujube", accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the winter jujube industry and enhancing the brand image of winter jujube. This morning, the launching ceremony and press conference of the 23rd Binzhou Jujube Festival was held in Jinan, and Fu Junfeng, deputy mayor of Binzhou City, introduced the high-quality development path of the jujube industry, promoted the transformation and upgrading of the jujube industry, improved quality and efficiency, and made the jujube tree truly become a "rich people's tree".

Over the years, the jujube industry has gradually developed from small to large, from weak to strong, and has gradually developed into the pillar industry of the most distinctive, most advantageous, rich and strong area in the area. The planting area of winter jujube in the whole region reached 300,000 mu, 67,000 jujube farmers, benefiting nearly 200,000 people, and the industrial output value exceeded 3 billion yuan for ten consecutive years. In 2021, 14,000 mu of new greenhouses will be built in the whole region, 10,300 mu will be improved for Zhan Dong No. 2, and 31,000 greenhouses and improved varieties of jujube farmers will be built, and the industrial output value is expected to exceed 5 billion yuan within the year.

In order to further promote the transformation and upgrading of the winter jujube industry and achieve "secondary entrepreneurship", Dip mainly seeks breakthroughs in science and technology, industry, brand, policy and other aspects.

Strengthen the leadership of science and technology, and promote the transformation and value-added

In the early stage, The District cooperated with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to jointly build the "Winter Jujube Industrial Technology Research Institute", introduced and cultivated 14 experts of various types, and promoted 5 kinds of winter jujube greenhouse technologies, such as winter warm shed, quilt extension shed, steel frame spring shed, ordinary rainproof shed, and intelligent sunshine greenhouse, and made certain breakthroughs in facility promotion and variety cultivation. In the next step, we will rely on research and development platforms such as "Dipping Winter Jujube Industrial Technology Research Institute" and "Postdoctoral Research Workstation" to continue to increase the intensity of talent training, promote planting technology innovation, variety upgrading, bring new people with the elderly, exchange experience for results, and gradually move from "watching the sky to eat" to "doing to the sky".

Strengthen the development of industrialization and promote integration and increase income

At present, there are more than 30 jujube enterprises in the zhuanhua district, creating jujube bud tea, jujube nectar, freeze-dried winter jujube, winter jujube drink, jujube carving, winter jujube color wine and other products. The national 4A-level scenic spot - Zhuanhua Winter Jujube Ecological Tourism Park has been created, and 3 winter jujube picking corridors have been built, providing a full range of services for people who come to pick dates. In the next step, we will continue to vigorously develop eco-tourism, deep processing and other related industries, highlight the leading role of leading enterprises such as Longbin Agricultural Co., Ltd. and Yuhua Fruit and Vegetable Import and Export Co., Ltd., continuously extend the industrial chain, and form a new pattern of integrated development of first, second, and third industries.

Strengthen brand effect and promote empowerment

Dipped winter jujube has been rated as "Chinese Famous Fruit" and "China Well-known Trademark", won the "Governor's Quality Award" nomination award three times, the brand value continues to increase, and exported to 17 countries such as Singapore and the United States, which has been favored by the majority of consumers. In the next step, we will continue to work brand upgrading, brand certification, and brand protection, do a good job in the LOGO design and packaging production of dipped winter dates, unify market standards, and publicize and promote them in major cities through television, the Internet and other media, so that more people can know about dipped winter dates, understand the dipped winter dates, and choose the dipped winter dates.

Strengthen policy support and stimulate industrial vitality

In 2021, the district actively sought 129 million yuan of bond funds for the development of the winter jujube industry, set up a "special development fund for the winter jujube industry" of 20 million yuan, and continued to implement the "greenhouse loan" policy of full discount interest for the winter jujube, providing 68.986 million yuan and 5.933 million yuan for 1503 jujube farmers. At the same time, it has formulated and implemented a total of 7 national, industrial and local standards such as "Technical Regulations for the Production of Green Products of Winter Jujube" and "Technical Specifications for the Production of Winter Jujube", and the planting level and product quality of winter jujube have been continuously improved. In the next step, we will pay more attention to the support of the vast number of jujube farmers, tilt from the aspects of capital, land, technology, etc., effectively solve the difficulties of jujube farmers, pave the way for industrial development, serve well, and control the customs, and help the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

Fu Junfeng said that the development of the winter jujube industry will highlight the standardized management, highlight the support of science and technology, highlight the brand experience, highlight the development of industrialization, develop the winter jujube into a century-old green enrichment industry, promote the winter jujube forest to be more leafy, so that the winter jujube tree truly becomes a rich people's tree, and the winter jujube forest truly becomes a rich people's forest.

Lightning News editor Li Jinyan reports

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