
There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips

author:Flower room girl Juanzi
There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips

Now the hottest bonsai is the pine cypress bonsai, in the pine cedar bonsai, the black pine bonsai is more popular, in addition to its strong vitality, strong adaptability, simple and easy to cultivate, mainly because the black pine bonsai is evergreen, the tree posture is ancient, the branches are chopped, the canopy is like an umbrella, the needles are lush and emerald, the appreciation value is extremely high, and the artistic value and collection value have also been affirmed and recognized by the public. But many people say that black pine is actually not easy to raise, and some people say that black pine is very good to raise. Let me say that what is good to raise is to master the growth habits of black pine and thus find the know-how of conservation. It is not easy to raise, perhaps the understanding of black pine is not deep enough, can not grasp some of the key tips for conservation.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


Water more

Many people agree with the saying, dry pine wet cypress. Think that pine trees can't be watered too much. In fact, this is a sub-variety, like five-needle pine, can not be watered more. Black pine needs an adequate supply of water, as long as the drainage performance in the pot is good, it can be watered and maintained normally.

When potting black pine, it is necessary to prepare loose and breathable potting soil, such as red jade soil, deer swamp soil, weathered rock and vermiculite, etc. can be added as a substrate into the nutrient soil, which can increase water permeability and have a good moisturizing effect. Black pine watering is to see dry and wet, that is to say, to see the surface of the potting soil color fades, become dry, you need to water through, in order to ensure the rapid growth of black pine.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


More fattening

Many people, including some bonsai artists, feel that pine bonsai can not use high fertility soil cultivation, but also to control the supply of water and fertilizer, just let nutrients and water can only maintain the growth of pine trees, this way, of course, can control the pine tree's conifers in a very short range. However, it will also cause the trees of the bonsai to become weaker, the resistance to be reduced, and it is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests.

In the maintenance process, black pine bonsai needs to be topdressed, especially in the time period of cutting buds, there must be sufficient nutrient supply, it is best to topdress first, and then cut the buds. Some seedlings in the cultivation stage do not need to be cut to prevent the next germination from becoming weaker.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


Good environment

In the daily maintenance of black pine bonsai, the appropriate environment is very important, fertilization, watering, light, ventilation, these factors are necessary for growth, indispensable. For example, if you cultivate black pine bonsai indoors, the usual fertilization and watering work are done in place, but the black pine has been in an indoor environment without light and ventilation for a long time, and it is impossible to grow healthily, and it is even difficult to survive.

The environment is not good, the growth of plants is very affected, the worse the environment, the weaker the plant tree, the growth is almost stagnant, and the diseases and insect pests will come in time to patronize, so that you are tired of coping. Therefore, when you see that the growth trend is not strong and the tree trend begins to weaken, you should immediately find the reason and correct it in time.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


Inhibits growth

The normal height of the black pine can grow to a height of 30 meters, growing in a small pot, you need to pay special attention to its top buds, its top bud growth is very vigorous, pruning has become one of the important tasks, will be plucked leaves, cut buds, and then carry out bud thinning, and then pick leaves in a set of cycle operations to inhibit growth.

It should be clearly stated here that leaf picking in the maintenance of black pine is an important and long-lasting work, even if it is not cut and thinned, it is necessary to pick leaves. We can control the position of black pine buds and shorten the conifers by leaf picking. It can be seen that the daily maintenance and management of black pine requires more effort and delicate thoughts.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


Clever pruning

Many friends in the maintenance of black pine bonsai, always feel that the long needle is not very good, take the scissors to go up to the waist to cut half, not to mention the loss of sap, is the wound left after pruning, become yellow, will not increase the ornamental value of the bonsai. In fact, the conifers grow vigorously and are too long, in addition to a little impact on the appearance, there is nothing bad.

When we cut the buds in the second year, we can gradually remove the old needles, and when the new leaves grow out, the natural increase in appearance value does not affect the growth of the black pine, many people think that the black pine can feed but can not be nourished, as long as the strong buds are cut in time, each branch leaves 2-3 buds on it.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


Cut branches

When cultivating black pine seedlings, it is necessary to cut off and retract the overly long branches in time, even if they are very thin branches, they will easily grow buds. Only a tree with a full bud head is a healthy black pine.

Among the maintenance techniques of black pine, there is also a technique of shrinking branches, which is to force new shoots. Don't get confused, the shrinking of branches is mainly in March and April of each year, if there are no new shoots germinating on the branches, you need to remove some old needles to grow some new shoots. There is also the fact that there are very few new shoots germinated, so it is necessary to remove all the newly germinated buds and let it germinate more buds. The technique of shrinking branches cannot be used on seedlings and black pines that are not growing well, so keep in mind.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips


Freeze protection

This is simple, although the black pine hardiness is good, but in the winter in the north, the weather is dry and cold, or need to avoid cold and wind and frost, the best way is to move indoors for maintenance, and some ground planting seedlings and large bonsai, need to tie grass curtains and film and other cold protection measures, or build a cold shelter.

In the south, it's relatively simple. Black pine bonsai can be buried in the ground along with flower pots for overwintering. Of course, it can also be moved indoors for winter maintenance.

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips

There is no bad bonsai, but you have not found the right way, I am @ flower room girl Juanzi, for you to share the bits and pieces in the bonsai, there is a comment area message, by the way to click the next key three consecutive, thank you!

There is no bad black pine, just did not find the right way, to provide you with 7 maintenance tips

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