
"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

【Text/Observer Network Ruan Jiaqi】

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute found two ruts densely covered with ancient roads in Xi'an, and archaeologists also found a section of palace wall ruins, with uniform thickness and fine craftsmanship, or the foundation of the southern wall of Nagato Palace.

Emperor Wu of Han's favor, Chen Ajiao, once lived in seclusion in Nagato Palace, and Nagato Palace became synonymous with "Cold Palace".

To say that Shaanxi is a magical place, a shovel is a cultural relic, this time it has been dug up to "Golden House Hidden Jiao".

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute conducted archaeological excavations in Sanyizhuang and Xie Er villages in the Xi'an International Port Area, which is within the scope of the New Temple site, and archaeologists found two ruted ancient roads and a section of palace wall site, perhaps closely related to the Western Han Dynasty Nagato Palace.

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

According to historical records, Nagato Palace was originally a private garden owned by Princess Liu Yan of Guantao, and was dedicated to Emperor Wu of Han in the name of Princess Dong Yan, the eldest princess's lover, and was used as a place to rest during the emperor's sacrifice.

It also bears witness to the resentment and desolation of the love story of "Golden House Hidden Jiao". Empress Chen Ajiao, the daughter of Liu Yan, was deeply favored by Emperor Wu of Han, but as Wei Zifu entered the palace, Chen Ajiao became more and more arrogant and rude, and even did the witchcraft that Emperor Wudi of Han hated the most, completely angering Liu Che and was demoted to Nagato Palace and lived in seclusion until death.

Sima Xiangru's Nagato Fu has made nagato's name pass through the ages, and Nagato Palace has become synonymous with "Cold Palace".

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Liu Che and Chen Ajiao Stills of "The Great Han Tianzi"

According to Shaanxi Tv News, the two ancient roads with dense ruts found by the research institute are densely distributed and compact, and the direction of rut travel is consistent with the direction of the ancient road. It is basically in the middle of the road surface, a small number of ruts are continuously meandering, and most ruts are either intermittent or gradually disappear or staggered.

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

The picture is from the Shaanxi Media Network

The main body of the Sanyizhuang Ancient Road is winding in a northeast-southwest direction, and now the north-south length is about 105 meters long and about 30 meters wide, and it continues to extend northeast beyond the scope of this excavation, and extends southwest to be blocked by modern roads.

Xie Ercun Ancient Road ruins are located in the east of the site area, the overall direction is northeast-southwest, the length is 260 meters, the width is 50 to 70 meters, after the road surface is cleared, about 60 ruts are seen, some ruts are interlaced with each other, and the wheel traces are clearly visible.

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Exploration shows that the rut width is 0.14-0.26 meters, the depth is 0-0.16 meters, and the wheelbase is 2.2 meters. Signs of suspected footprints and animal hoof prints were also found near the ruts.

According to Chen Aidong, an assistant researcher at the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute, the two ancient road ruins have the same direction and similar shape, and seem to be the same road.

In particular, it should be noted that the xie ercun ancient road was broken by the tombs of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which provided an important basis for the determination of the age of the road ruins, so its age should not be later than that of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In response to netizens' questions about "how to preserve the road ruins in the Qin and Han dynasties to this day", archaeologists said that the road must be a smooth dirt road in ancient times from the morphology point of view, which can be used by many cars and horses to pass separately.

Over time, the pavement will be trampled very strongly, as hard as stone, and the pavement will have a certain thickness. As time passes, the road is abandoned, and it will be buried by other mud accumulations, forming layers of accumulation. Without man-made destruction, this sturdy pavement can remain in the dirt for thousands of years.

Eventually, when archaeologists dug up the road, it remained in a very hard state, and signs of suspected footprints and animal hoof prints were found near the ruts. As long as there is little external disturbance, the signs are well preserved.

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty
"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

In addition, archaeologists also found a section of wall foundation about 2.5 to 3 meters wide and about 500 meters long in an archaeological project in the Chanba ecological area.

This wall foundation is not only hard, uniform in thickness and fine in craftsmanship, but also found some tiles engraved with "Changle Weiyang" inside the wall. According to the exploration materials, the wall has been excavated for nearly 200 meters.

There is also a north-facing corner of the wall base, the north side of the wall is just the ruins of the new temple, the two ancient roads found above are just at the north and south ends of the new temple ruins, and the new temple ruins are considered to be the ruins of the Western Han Dynasty Nagato Palace, so this wall site is believed by experts to be likely to be the south wall of the Nagato Palace ruins, providing new information for understanding the outer part of the Nagato Palace ruins.

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Every Qing Palace drama is indispensable to the Cold Palace, but there is no palace called "Cold Palace" in history, and the Cold Palace is only a general name.

To say that the most famous residence of the abolished concubines in history, Chen Ajiao's Nagato Palace after the abolition of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty must belong to it, and the Nagato Palace is well known because of the allusion of "Golden House Hidden Jiao".

"Golden House Zangjiao" comes from Wei Jinzhiwei's novel "The Story of Han Wu", which tells the story of when Emperor Wu of Han was four years old as the King of Jiaodong, and told the eldest princess Liu Yan that if he could marry his cousin Chen Ajiao as a wife, he would build a golden house for her to live in. ”

This story later appeared frequently in various literary and artistic film and television works, so it was regarded as a real historical material by many people.

After a thousand years, the story of "Golden House Hidden Jiao" seems to have an end, and a corner of the site was found to cause heated discussion among netizens, among which there were also many "drama essence possessions", one by one, as if it were "ancient literature level eight", lamenting for Chen Ajiao: "When the golden house was there, it has become empty and leisurely. Only to see the new people laughing, not to see the old people sad. ”

"Kanaya Hidden Jiao" can't hide! The Cold Palace was first discovered during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

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