
Animal oil, chicken essence, and sugar are children's "growth inhibitors"? How to grow taller scientifically?


According to the "News Hyperlink" of the Voice of China of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, there is a saying circulating on social media that there are 3 types of spices that are children's "blockers" and are quietly "taking away" children's height, even more terrible than gutter oil! These 3 types of spices refer to animal oil, chicken essence MONOS and sugar.

Do these things really hinder children's growth and development? What is the connection between three meals a day and height?

Is "blocker" real?

There are many theories on the Internet about what you can eat to grow taller, and what you eat will inhibit your height. Parents generally have an attitude of trusting the various "secret books of growing tall".

Eating salt and sugar will affect the height of children, which many parents have heard. In the same way, there are spices such as animal oil and chicken essence MSG, which are called children's "growth inhibitors" on the Internet, which will hinder the height development of children, and many parents avoid it.

Is this really the case?

Li Ying, a member of the Neonatology Group of the Physician Branch of the Jilin Medical Doctor Association and director of the Pediatrics Department of Tonghua People's Hospital in Jilin Province, said that this statement is not supported by any theory or actual data, and it is a rumor.

Animal oil can promote the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, and has certain nutritional value. Chicken essence is a mixture of monosodium glutamate, table salt and chicken meat, which can increase children's appetite. In fact, sugar is not so terrible, sugar is the source of energy for the brain and nervous system, and it also has a positive effect in the growth and development process of children.

In other words, if these spices are consumed in excess, they will indeed have a certain impact on human health, but they have nothing to do with height.

How to grow taller scientifically?

What is really related to height are two important stages in a child's development. One is before the age of three, and the other is before puberty. Before the age of three, it is mainly regulated by nutrition and thyroxine, and from the age of three to the puberty, it is mainly regulated by thyroxine and growth hormone. The puberty stage relies on sex hormones and growth hormones. After puberty, many children come to the doctor after puberty who are not satisfied with their height growth, but often have lost the time for optimal intervention and treatment because the epiphyseal line has closed.

Therefore, paying attention to the "golden period" of children's height development is the key, and it is necessary to "water" nutrition for children in a timely, appropriate and appropriate manner.

So, how do you do it? Doctors pointed out that in order to develop good eating habits and achieve reasonable meals, you need to follow the following principles.

First, consume enough carbohydrates, which is what we often call grains, to ensure the child's basic energy needs. However, when eating dinner, we should pay attention to controlling the amount of food, avoid eating too much and being too full, which is not conducive to digestion and calcium absorption.

Second, food diversification and balanced nutritional intake. When preparing a diet for your child, it is best to include meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, and grains, and pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables. Children and adolescents have a strong metabolism and a greater demand for nutrients, especially protein, such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, and soy products are rich in protein. Fruits, vegetables, and cereals are also rich in vitamins, fiber, etc., which are essential nutrients in the development process of children.

Third, in the cooking process, we must pay attention to reduce the loss of nutrients, as far as possible to retain the nutrients of food, and then play the true nutritional value of food.

Fourth, we must eat regularly, do not eat a full meal, and strictly prevent illness from entering the mouth.

Animal oil, chicken essence, and sugar are children's "growth inhibitors"? How to grow taller scientifically?

(Source: CCTV News)

Milk is nutritious, but should not be drunk more

In addition, if you want to grow taller, a traditional view is to drink more milk, because you can supplement calcium. But is it really better to drink more milk?

Ruan Guangfeng, director of the Science and Technology Department of the Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center of Kexin and member of the expert committee of the China Internet Joint Rumor Dispelling Platform, said that insisting on drinking the right amount of milk every day helps us to obtain rich calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients. This not only promotes the physical development of children, but also increases bone mass, making their bones tighter and reducing the risk of fractures. However, it is important to be nutritionally adequate and balanced, and not just drink milk and ignore other nutrients.

In addition, milk is not the more you drink, the better. Milk has a lot of fat, especially saturated fat, if you drink milk as water, it is equivalent to drinking a lot of fat, which is not conducive to health, especially cardiovascular health. China's dietary guidelines recommend that children drink about 300 to 400 ml of milk per day, which is equivalent to 1 to 2 cups of milk per day.

Finally, parents are reminded that in addition to a reasonable diet, they should also pay attention to ensuring that their children have sufficient sleep and reasonable exercise. Exercise helps the pituitary gland secrete growth hormone, which promotes the supply of nutrients to muscles and bones. Jumping rope, running, swimming, and playing basketball all contribute to your child's growth. In addition, growth hormone is secreted during sleep, so parents must ensure that their children fall asleep before 9 pm.

There is no problem in paying attention to the height of the child, but do not overdo it, and do not be too afraid of "shortness" and fall into the anxiety of height comparison. A healthy body is more important than height.

Producer: Liang Yue

Reporter from the Central Broadcasting Corporation: Fu Zhao

Editors: Yang Yang, Yang Ran, Bi Liwei