
Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu

author:Nostalgia Anhui network

Lu Guang, birth and death unknown, Yuan Dynasty painter. Zi Jihong, Tianyousheng, a native of Wu (present-day Suzhou, Jiangsu). Good at painting landscapes, taking the fa Huang Gongwang and Wang Meng, the style is light and pale, Xiao scattered, and posterity comments that its style is between Cao Zhibai and Xu Ben. Noh poetry, Gong Xiaokai.

Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu

Lu Guangkai's booklet of poems, collected by the Palace Museum.

Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu
Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu
Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu
Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu

Lu Guangxian Mountain Tower view vertical axis, silk color, 137.5x95.4 cm. Collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu

Dong Qichang inscription

Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu

Li Kai inscription

Calligrapher Lu Guang Xiaokai poetry brief post album page + Xianshan Lou guantu

Li Rihua and Chash titled

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Emblem Girl Wenfang Four Treasures Xiao Kai Fine Brush Letter Ou Kai Brush Wolf Tail Wolf Milli Kai Book Copy Xiao Kai Calligraphy Copy Brush (Purple Chicken Torch) Xiao Kai ¥89.9 Purchase

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