
Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

author:Shi Hai Guanfu
Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

There are no dogs at the gate, and there are no white dings in the official family.

In the twentieth century, China was full of talents. The revolutionary War of Resistance, which spanned half a century, has created one group after another of revolutionary talents. Among them, Geng Biao had many titles, including proletarian revolutionaries, military experts, politicians, diplomats, and senior generals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

With so many honors, Geng Biao can be called the elder of the CCP. And just as the so-called "tiger father has no dog", Geng Biao has achieved so much, and his three sons and daughters are also more powerful than one, and their achievements are extremely high.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with professionalism, conquer chemistry</h1>

Awe-inspiring talent and obsessed with schoolwork

Geng Zhiyuan is the only son of Geng Biao. As an only son, Geng Biao's expectations of him were naturally very high. And Geng Zhiyuan did not disappoint Geng Biao, since he was a child, he showed a learning talent that was different from ordinary people.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

Geng Zhiyuan is very sensitive to numbers, and he can say the answer without thinking. His memory is also very outstanding, and he can memorize three hundred Tang poems and Song poems. Moreover, when he thinks about problems, he also has different ideas from others.

Once, when his father was dizzy by a complex platoon layout, Geng Zhiyuan expressed his views to his father, which immediately inspired his father and solved the problem. Geng Zhiyuan's learning talent has always made him at the top of the class, allowing him to break into a broader world with a broader vision.

Geng Zhiyuan's rational thinking is different from ordinary people, so he gave full play to this advantage and chose his favorite profession - quantum chemistry. In 1978, Geng Zhiyuan graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Northwest Normal University.

Subsequently, in 1989, Geng Zhiyuan graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Northwest Normal University with a major in physical chemistry and obtained a master's degree in science from the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

It was extremely rare to be able to achieve such academic achievements in the 1990s. The state also cherishes such talents very much, and hired him to teach at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Northwest Normal University to contribute to the country's dream of "scientific and technological power" and cultivate talents.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > teaching for a lifetime, a lifetime of research</h1>

Since teaching at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Northwest Normal University in September 1978, Geng Zhiyuan has devoted his life to the chemistry major. During his tenure, he has also been shining in his own field of research. He has been engaged in the research of inorganic chemistry, structural chemistry, and quantum chemistry, and has made great achievements.

He has presided over and participated in a number of projects such as provincial and departmental scientific research, and has published more than 60 professional papers in academic journals at home and abroad, including more than 30 papers in SCI.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

As for his research, he also taught his students unreservedly. Whenever students have questions, Geng Zhiyuan will put down his work and lead students to overcome difficult problems together.

It is such a selflessly dedicated scholar and researcher who continues his research work in his post and promotes China's scientific and technological strength to continue to move forward.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Geng Ying: hard work, dabbling in many</h1>

Compared with Geng Zhiyuan, Geng Ying's childhood experience is much more complicated. Geng Ying was born in the 1930s. Soon after she was born, she was given to someone else because of smallpox. Later, Geng Biao traveled from place to place and finally found his daughter.

At first, Geng Biao was very worried that smallpox would leave a negative impact on Geng Ying and affect her daily work. However, Geng Ying used her hard work to prove to her father that the blood of the Geng family was shed in her bones, and tenacity and indomitability were their common spiritual qualities.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

Coming from a secondary school, she works in a pharmaceutical factory in Beijing. But she wasn't satisfied with that, she expected a higher degree. Therefore, she studied fiercely, seized all the bits and pieces of time that could be learned, and asked the seniors around her for advice if she did not understand. In the end, with this fierceness, she was finally admitted to Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became a graduate student.

Her interest is in Chinese painting and she has many of her own opinions on Chinese painting. With a sense of interest, Geng Ying joined the Institute of Chinese Painting. Studying medicine and painting at the same time requires Geng Ying to pay twice as much energy as ordinary people, but she does not feel tired, she believes that fighting for her favorite career is an exciting thing, enough to take all the energy to fight.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

Entering middle age, she seized the good opportunity of "reform and opening up", she put down all the work at hand, and planned to go abroad to do business. She came to the United States alone, starting from scratch.

She started with the stall, saved capital step by step, and finally owned a large area of land and became the owner of the manor. In her later years, because of her interest in Chinese painting, she joined the famous Brown Club in the United States and formed a friendship with Brown.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Geng Yan: wandering for half a lifetime, leaves fall back to the roots</h1>

Geng Yan is The younger daughter of Geng Biao, naturally, she does not lose her brother and sister. Geng Yan graduated from Peking University. In the first half of her life, Geng Yan has worked in many professions, such as translation, editing, and journalists, leaving her behind.

It is worth mentioning that Geng Yan has also been in politics. However, after going through several industries, Geng Yan found that these were not her heart's desires. So she made a decision, quit her job, and went to Harvard University to study.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

During her studies at Harvard, she discovered that "public relations" was her interest. After returning to China, she came to Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, organized the School of Public Administration of Nanchang University, brought the knowledge of "public relations" that was not well known at that time to China, and cultivated a batch of public relations talents.

Geng Yan has also been teaching at the college and has been engaged in public relations research. Looking at the three sons and daughters of Elder Geng Biao, although they did not take on the mantle of Elder Geng and no one engaged in politics, they each shined in their own areas of interest, which was a relief for Elder Geng. He also said that no matter what industry their children are in, as long as they maximize their own strength, they will contribute to the country.

"There are no dogs in the gate, and there are no white dings in the official family", the birth of Geng Lao's three children is doomed to their extraordinary lives. And this is also inseparable from the education of Geng Lao. Geng's lifelong life, single-mindedly for the country, before others, selfless for the people, this is the excellent quality of his body.

Geng Biao, Elder of the Communist Party of China: Where are the children of future generations now? 3 sons and daughters, no one engaged in politics Geng Zhiyuan: intoxicated with the profession, conquered the chemistry teaching life, researched a lifetime Geng Ying: hard work, dabbled in many Geng Yan: drifting half a life, leaves fall back to the roots

And his education of his children is also adhering to this concept. To varying degrees, Geng's three children embody the propaganda of China's national strength. Geng Zhiyuan has been engaged in the professional research of chemistry all his life, and has made great achievements in inorganic chemistry, structural chemistry and quantum chemistry, which has promoted China's scientific and technological strength to continue to move forward.

Geng Ying's interest lies in Chinese painting, and she later went abroad to join the Brown Club in business, which brought Chinese painting to the international stage and made more foreigners understand Chinese painting.

"Public relations" is a concept that has risen in foreign countries, and Geng Yan has brought the fresh concept of "public relations" into China through the experience of studying abroad, and has vigorously promoted public relations education, so that China's education will not be derailed from the world.

Geng Lao's three children are his pride, and even more so, China's pride.

Text/Shi HaiGuanfu

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