
Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?

author:Look out for think tanks
Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?
Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?

What kind of situation will you drag yourself into the pursuit of fame and fame in every way?

In addition, this story will tell you two things:

First, people always knowingly commit crimes, and history will always repeat the same mistakes;

Second, useful books are never read in vain.

Text | Jiang Yamin

Editor| Li Xue Lookout Think Tank

This article is the original article of the Lookout Think Tank, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source of the Lookout Think Tank (zhczyj) and the author information before the article, otherwise the legal responsibility will be strictly pursued.

1 Defending the country, the birth of a ruthless man

One day in 440 BC, the protagonist of our story, Wu Qi, was born into a wealthy family of the Weiguo Zuo clan (present-day Heze, Shandong).

Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?

Aerial photograph of the urban area of Cao County, Heze, Shandong, Wu Qi was born in the Weiguo Zuo clan (present-day Cao County, Heze City, Shandong Province, one said to be in present-day Dingtao District, Heze City). Picture | Visual China

Note that there are two key words in this sentence:


What is the concept of "family accumulation"? "Qianjin" is a false finger, and it is difficult to quantify how much wealth it is today. However, this statement was once used by the university scholar Sima Qian on the great merchant Lü Buwei two hundred years later, you can imagine it. Wu Qi should have come from a merchant rather than an aristocratic family, and did not have the qualifications to occupy a high position by relying on blood.

[Note: Lü Buwei, Yang Zhai Dajia people also.] The merchants sell cheaply and expensively, and the family is tired of thousands of dollars. 】


As an old princely state originating from the Zhou Dynasty, the Weiguo state was not large and senior, and it was in the core area of the Central Plains civilization at that time, adjacent to the Lu State, and belonged to one of the earliest countries to contact Confucian culture, with a good economic situation and more educational opportunities for residents.

Before our protagonist became famous, the "superstar" here was the proud protégé of Confucius Laofuzi and the comrade Gong (c. 520-456 BC), the ancestor of the Chinese Confucian merchants. Different from the traditional Confucian image, he was eloquent, flexible and agile, and grasped both business and politics with both hands, and both hands were very hard - not only became the first person in Confucius to get rich, leaving behind the "Duanmu legacy" of "a gentleman loves money and has a way to get it", but also successively took charge of Lu and Wei.

At the same time, just as Confucius criticized Wei Linggong for using "honoring the sages" as a cover to deceive his countrymen, the monarchs of the Wei dynasty did not really attach importance to Confucianism and follow benevolence and filial piety—in the past hundred years, coups have been frequent, and there is a bit of a posture of carrying out the palace struggle to the end.

Between the ages of 15 and 26, wu qi was killed in two cases:

In 426 BC, Gongzi killed his uncle and became the Duke of Weihuai;

In 415 BC, Gongzi Gui killed his brother Huai Gong and established himself as the Duke of Wei.

In such an environment, Wu Qi, who also came from a merchant family and was also well educated, made a great wish to make meritorious achievements early, and at the same time, he developed a pragmatic, changeable, and unscrupulous temperament to achieve the goal.

However, this road, he did not go very well.

At that time, the Three Jins were strong and strong, and the defense of the country was weak, and the fatal thing was that the supreme leader did not yet know the ability to do good deeds. The ambitious Wu Qi lobbied around and exhausted his family wealth, not only failing to make a brilliant appearance in the weiguo political arena, but also receiving a wave of ridicule.

In this regard, the ruthless Wu Qi spoke with strength, raised his knife in his hand, and killed more than thirty of his fellow countrymen who said bad things about him. Before fleeing, he left his mother a dilapidated home and a harsh word:

"Don't be a secretary of state, vow not to defend!"

In this way, the poor old mother did not see her son again until her death.

2 Kill more people and bring stronger soldiers

Wei Guo's non-famous ruthless people fled to the neighboring country of Lu, and continued their studies under the famous scholar Zeng Shenmen.

During this period, his mother died, and Wu Qi said that he must keep his oath and resolutely refuse to go home to mourn and keep filial piety. Such a great rebellion, the teacher was so angry that he directly expelled him from the division.

Confucianism is really incompatible with his own temperament, the out-of-school young Wu Qi thought about it, simply learn the art of war, the professors of this course generally do not care much about the students' private morality and personal style (such as the principal of The Valley Valley mentioned in The 6th chapter of this series); more importantly, the princes are at war, and this ability should be easier to become an official.

A few years later, he did wait for an opportunity.

In 412 BC, Qiang Qi sent troops to bully Weak Lu.

The ruling Lu Mugong is very anxious: we are relatively good at reasoning, and fighting is a short board!

At this time, probably because of the urgency of illness, some people recommended Wu Qi to lead the army, and some people stood up and said no: his daughter-in-law is a Qi national, and when the time comes, we should cooperate with each other inside and outside, and we will not die faster and more tragically!

The fierce man Wu Qi once again raised his knife and fell, solved his daughter-in-law, and then led the troops into battle and broke the Qi Division. After winning a big battle and gaining prestige this time, I can always get the opportunity to become an official and embark on the peak of my life from now on, right?

He overlooked one thing: after the enemy receded and the security alarm was lifted, he became the object of fear of "someone."

Someone reasoned with Rumugong:

"Do you see this person like a word! After coming to Luguo, he worshiped under the door of Da Ru Zengshen, and his mother did not run to mourn when she died, so she was driven out of the door by the teacher. Now even your own wife can be killed for your general! Such cruelty and lack of morality, it is not worthy of your trust!

Moreover, now the strength of our Lu state is far worse than that of the state of Qi, and this victory has little effect, if you continue to reuse Wu Qi, it is equivalent to announcing to the princes, 'I want to do things', which is to bring great disaster to yourself! ”

Wu Qi got the wind and waited for a while, feeling more and more unhappy - although the leader has not clearly expressed dissatisfaction, but the seeds of doubt have been planted, maybe one day he will suffer.

"Thirty-six counts, go up the count".

This time, he chose the State of Wei.

This is really a good idea:

First, among the major forces, they had a vendetta against the State of Qi, Qin and Chu were too far away, and the king of the State of Jin was completely reduced to a puppet of the Three Houses, of which the State of Wei was the strongest;

Second, the ascendant Marquis Wenhou of Wei had the sage of the knowledge of people and good appointments, and reused such able people as Ximen Leopard, Zi Xia, Zhai Huang, and Wei Cheng, and the country's power gradually grew;

Third, the predecessor Li Wu was carrying out reforms in the Wei state, taking "heavy agriculture" and "rule of law" as the principles to develop the economy, enrich the country and strengthen the army, and this set of pragmatic operations was very appetizing to him.

Vast world, great potential!

Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?

3 Throw Wei and become the Qin Army's nightmare machine

Wu Qixing rushed to the State of Wei.

For this fierce general who had heard of him earlier, Wei Wenhou consulted the important minister Li Ke for advice:

"Ai Qing, how do you see this person?"

Li Ke's answer is very good:

He's greedy and. However, if you want to lead the troops to fight, even Tian Hoang Tho, a great soldier of the State of Qi, can't compare with him! ”

[Note: Historians have disputed whether Li Wu and Li Ke are the same person. The author temporarily lists the two for the reader's reference and does not affect the main story line. 】

Tian Hoang Tho, also known as Sima Hoang Tho, for details, see Chapter 7 of this series.

Just in time for the leadership's next important plan to hit its neighbor qin state to the west, Wu Qi, a young man with lofty ideals, finally got a good opportunity to show his fists.

In 409 BC, he was ordered to march on Qin.

During the battle against the Qin army, Wu Qi shared the hardships and hardships with the soldiers, and never engaged in special treatment and put up a commander-in-chief frame. He shared food and clothing with the soldiers of the lowest rank; slept without laying mats, slept with the men on the mounds, covered his body with leaves to keep frost out; did not ride on horseback, personally carried rations, and marched with his generals to share the labors of the march.

How can such a general not be loved? The Wei army was united in its efforts and won many battles.

The Wei army soon conquered the areas of Linjin (present-day Dali, Shaanxi) and Yuanli (present-day Chengcheng, Shaanxi) in the hexi region of the Qin state, and built a fortress there; the following year, it continued to attack, hitting Zhengyi, capturing Luoyin (also in present-day Dali, Shaanxi) and Heyang (present-day Heyang, Shaanxi), and continuing to build the city.

The Qin army had to retreat to the south bank of Luoshui, build fortifications along the river to resist, and also build Chongquan City (chongquan City) (present-day Pucheng, Shaanxi).

Coupled with Fanpang (present-day Hancheng, Shaanxi), which had been occupied by Gongzi in 412 BC, the State of Wei had completely occupied the Hexi region of the Qin State, and immediately established Xihe Commandery.

On the recommendation of Zhai Huang, the strongest headhunter in the State of Wei, Wu Qi served as the first county sheriff.

He not only led his troops to build the city of Wu (吴城, in present-day Xiaoyi, Shanxi) intended to defend against the Qin army, but also followed in the footsteps of his predecessor Li Wu and carried out a reform in the area under his jurisdiction aimed at strengthening the army, such as rectifying the rule of officials, eliminating bad habits, and encouraging production. Because the law enforcement was fair and the rewards and punishments were clear, the enthusiasm of the officials and the people was greatly improved, and it did not take long to reap good results: the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the morale of the soldiers was high, and the regional treasury was abundant.

More importantly, Wu Qi humbly learned from the local Confucian Zixia and applied the three concepts of Confucianism, Law, and Bing to military practice, and the most amazing result was to create Wei Wupao, who was the strongest heavy infantry unit in the world at that time.

This is a highly selected and trained elite infantry with extremely high salaries: the soldiers each wear 3 layers of heavy armor and iron helmets, carry a crossbow machine that can open 12 stones, carry 50 crossbow arrows and spears, waist sword, carry 3 days of rations, and march at an incredible speed!

Wu Qi also established a sophisticated organizational and management structure, and flexibly used the organization in wartime to quickly change the army position according to the needs of the operation. At its peak, the force was between 50,000 and 70,000 people.

Reading this, some friends may have doubts:

How did General Wu Qi, who has always been harsh and did not talk much and fell with a knife in his hand when he did not agree, how did he start a warm drama?

Didn't he abandon Confucianism and study the Fa? Why do you still have to throw yourself under the Great Confucian XiaMen?

4 50,000 vs. 500,000, why win?

Quite simply, the reason is two words: useful!

Compared with the West, which has become more and more powerful in modern times, wu qi has played the pragmatic routine very skillfully as early as two thousand years ago.

There is a story that illustrates his motivation for doing so.

A soldier had poisonous sores on his body, and General Wu personally sucked out pus from his mouth. The soldier's mother was so upset that she burst into tears when she heard about it. Someone asked her:

"Your son is just an ordinary soldier, and the great general himself sucked pus for him, what is there to be sad about?" I should be glad that my son met such a good governor! ”

The woman said sadly,

"That's not the case!" In the past, General Wu also sucked pus for his father, and in order to repay his kindness, he fought bravely to kill the enemy and never retreated, and as a result, he died at the hands of the enemy. Now that Wu Gong has done this again, where will his son die next, I dare not think, how can I not cry? ”

In 396 BC, comrade Wei Wenhou, a good leader, died, and the above-mentioned gongzi struck to succeed his father.

In 389 BC, Qin Huigong sent 500,000 troops to attack the Wei state of Yin and Jin. Wu Qi personally led 50,000 infantry, 500 chariots and 3,000 cavalry, and won a great victory with one-tenth of the enemy's strength.

After this battle, Wu Qi and Wei Wu were mighty and powerful!

In fact, this miraculous victory was not accidental, it was a direct dividend harvested by Wu Qi in the local reform experiment in the Wei state.

In addition to developing the economy and creating elite infantry and Shi Rende and being a pioneer soldier, Wei Wuhou heeded Wu Qi's advice and made early mobilization for war:

In the ancestral temple, a large banquet was set up to entertain the scholars, doctors and soldiers, and those who had made meritorious contributions sat in the front row and enjoyed the high-class banquets and precious tableware, and the pigs, cattle, and sheep were all complete; those who had made second-class merits sat in the middle row, and the banquets and tableware were slightly inferior; the people who had no merit sat in the back row, only ordinary meals, and no valuable tableware.

After the banquet, the highest leader of the whole country rewarded the parents and wives of the soldiers according to the size of their merits outside the temple gate; subsequently, every year, they sent people to send gifts to comfort the families of the martyrs, saying that the country would always remember their merits, treat their families kindly, and relieve the soldiers' worries.

This method was implemented for 3 years, and the effect was very obvious - when the Qin army invaded the Border of the West River, the wei army that was determined to make meritorious efforts automatically put on armor and took good weapons, and asked to go into battle to kill the enemy.

Wu Qi further contributed:

"Please send 50,000 people who have not made meritorious achievements, who have the strongest sense of victory and the most courageous, and let me lead them into battle, the enemy is difficult to resist."

In this way, after dozens of battles, Wu Qi's troops captured Hangu Pass and squeezed the Qin state into a narrow strip west of Mount Hua.

In 387 BC, he led an army to Lingqiu (lingqiu, in present-day Tengzhou, Shandong) and defeated the Banshi.

"Seventy-two battles with the princes, sixty-four victories, and the rest are solved (a draw, regardless of victory or defeat)." The soil is opened on all sides, and the land is expanded for thousands of miles, and all the achievements are also made."

Through this outrageously good report card, Wu Qi's leadership and combat command ability can be seen.

It can be seen from this that for a goal, it is an important magic weapon for him to win by taking advantage of the strengths of all the families and learning according to the current situation.

5 An important shortcoming, not a good relationship

If you say that there are shortcomings, Wu Qi also has, that is, he is not good at (or disdainful) to have a good relationship with leaders and colleagues.

One of the scenarios

After many great victories, the pair of monarchs were a bit inflated.

Once, they took a boat down the West River, and when they reached the middle stream, facing the great rivers and mountains, Wei Wuhou could not help but sigh:

"The mountains and rivers here are dangerous, and they are treasures to defend the State of Wei!"

Feeling neglected, General Wu ruthlessly cited the three famous cases of the Sanmiao clan, Xia Jie, and Shang Yi, which ruined the good mood of the leaders:

"The stability of the State of Wei is not in danger of virtue, if you do not cultivate virtue, the people on our ship are your 'enemy country'."

Wei Wuhou, who was depressed in his heart, only said one word:


Scenario two

After Tian Wen became The Minister of Wei, Wu Qi, who considered himself to have worked hard and achieved great achievements, was very unhappy, and when he was young, he vowed to become a "Qing Xiang" and had to compete for the top, throwing out 3 sharp questions in succession:

"Commanding the three armies, making the soldiers happy to sacrifice their lives for the State of Wei, and making the enemy countries dare not covet the territory of the State of Wei, who is the greater credit to you and me?"

"Rectify the rule of officials, let the people unite to love the country, and enrich the treasury, how are you compared to me?"

"Garrisoning Xihe County, so that the Qin army does not dare to march east, so that Han and Zhao will obey, who are you and me?"

Tian Wen conceded defeat for 3 consecutive times:

"I'm not as good as you."

The General expressed his dissatisfaction:

"Since you are inferior to me in these three aspects, why is your official position above me?"

Tian Wen was really an honest person, and he gave the other party a wake-up call:

"Now the Lord is less suspicious of the country, and the hearts of the subjects are not attached. In this case, who do you think is suitable to be this country? ”

Wu Qi was silent for a long time and had to admit:

"Or are you right?"

Scene three

In 387 BC, Tian Wen died and was succeeded by a minor to Wei Xiang.

Wu Qi's military administration was very powerful, and Xiang Guogong, who had married a princess of the State of Wei, was afraid that he would replace him and seize power. It just so happened that his servant was a bad guy, and in view of the characteristics of his opponent as tough and good at great feats, he set up a poison plan in two steps:

Uncle Huan first ran to the young monarch to offer advice:

"Wu Qi is a talent, Wei Guomiao is small, I am afraid that I can't tolerate him as a big god, why don't you try his loyalty to you on the grounds of giving his daughter Xu to him?" If he had a different heart, he would definitely refuse. ”

Then, he asked the princess's daughter-in-law to bully himself in front of Wu Qi. Seeing that Tangtang Xiangguo was oppressed to the point of losing dignity, Wu Qi felt that marrying a princess was simply too bad, and directly rejected the marriage and automatically jumped into the trap.

Afterwards, the great general suddenly remembered the "lord and the country doubt" that the honest people had said, and in connection with his own arrogance before, the more he thought about it, the more afraid he was of provoking the disaster of killing himself.

By the way, they have a vendetta against the State of Qin, and Han and Zhao listen to the words of the State of Wei and want to flee farther.

This time, he left the State of Wei, where he had lived for nearly 30 years, and went to the State of Chu.

6 An accidental death that triggered a serious bloody case

For king Chu Mourning, Wu Qi was a big treasure that fell from the sky, how could he not reuse it?

A year later, the former general of the State of Wei finally got his wish and became the Minister of Chu (Ling Yin). With the strong support of the new leader, he was eager to make a contribution to gain a foothold in this strange country, and he could not take care of too much, copying the old owner model and quickly setting off a round of reforms, the main contents of which were as follows:

* Whoever is a nobleman who has been enthroned as a monarch, has been passed down for three generations;

* Stop the routine supply of estranged nobles;

* The relocation of nobles who had long been at the center of state power to sparsely populated and remote areas;

* Eliminate redundant personnel, reduce officials and officials, and use the wealth saved to strengthen the army;

* Correcting the unhealthy atmosphere of the Chu officialdom of harming public wealth and private interests, slandering loyalty and goodness, and trusting relations to go through the back door, so that the courtiers can serve the country regardless of honor and disgrace;

* Changed the backward "two-version wall" city-building method to the more robust "four-version city-building law", according to which the capital of the country was built (present-day Jiangling, Hubei).

This combination of punches was a fruitful one in a short period of time—the Chu army soared in combat, attacking Baiyue from the south, extending its territory to Dongting Lake and Cangwu County (present-day Yongzhou, Hunan).

In 381 BC, the State of Wei attacked Zhao, and the State of Chu sent troops to aid Zhao, fighting the Wei army in western Zhou (present-day Wuzhi, Henan). Next, the Chu army crossed Liangmen (guansai northwest of Daliang), garrisoned the forest (north of Liangmen), and reached the Yellow River, cutting off the Wei state of Hanoi County from the capital City of Anyi (安邑, in modern Xia County, Shanxi).

With the help of the Chu army's offensive, Zhao attacked Zhipu (present-day Wei County, Hebei) and Huangcheng (黄城, in present-day Guan County, Shandong).

In this battle, the Wei army that had shocked the world was defeated.

The princes began to fear the Chu state.

If it goes well, Wu Qi may be able to replicate successfully in the Chu kingdom.

Unfortunately, the King of Chu, who had just tasted the sweetness of reform, died unexpectedly, and Wu Lingyin's "if" and "maybe" became funerary items.

The reform is getting shallower and shallower, most of the results are only on the surface, and the nobles and powerful ministers who have not "broken their bones" have taken the opportunity to make a mutiny. After Wu was hit by an arrow, he fled to the morgue of King Chu mourning and hid. You must know that according to the Chu Law, harming the corpse of the monarch is a great sin to destroy the three tribes.

At the critical moment, he once again showed his fierce nature, pulled out an arrow and inserted it into the corpse of King Chu Mourning, and shouted loudly:

"The courtiers rebelled and murdered my king."

The enemy fired arrows in unison, killing Wu Qi. Of course, the former King of Chu also became a "hedgehog". The new king succeeded to the throne, a generation of ruthless people were sentenced to death by car splitting, and more than seventy magnates involved in the mutiny were implicated and tragically exterminated.

This year, in Wu Qi's hometown of Weiguo, 15-year-old juvenile Gongsun Martingale was standing on the shoulders of fierce people thinking about life.

This year, there are still about 26 years before the birth of the later reformed monarch Zhao Wuling.

7 Will the stars fall

Wu Qi, who was able to flexibly apply the doctrines of the three schools of soldiers, law, and Confucianism, and his ideological system included strategy, tactics, training, logistics, mobilization, and even military ethics and economics, and had a great influence on later generations: Tang Suzong was ranked as the "Ten Philosophers of the Wumiao Temple" during the reign of Emperor Suzong of Tang; Emperor Huizong of Song was posthumously honored as "Guangzong Bo" and became one of the "Seventy-two Generals of the Wumiao Temple"; and Wuqi County and Wuqi Town in Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, were both named after his former soldiers.

According to the "Hanshu Yiwenzhi" record, "Wu Qi" has 48 articles, focusing on strategic planning and battlefield strategy, and there are 6 existing "Wuzi Art of War", accounting for only one-eighth of the original volume.

[Note: During the Northern Song Dynasty, the Wuzi Art of War was included in the Seven Books of the Book of Martial Arts.] 】

* "Tuguo"

If the state and the army are not harmonious within the country, they must not send troops; when they go to the battlefield, they find that there is no harmony within the army and cannot fight; if they do not have harmony in battle, they cannot win victories; they emphasize decisive battles and win victories, and oppose frequent troop dispatches.

* "Enemy"

The use of troops must find out the enemy's falsehood and attack its weaknesses:

The enemy has arrived from afar, the deployment is undecided, and can be attacked; those who have just finished eating, are not yet on guard, and can strike; those who are running in a panic, who are tired, who have not occupied the right time and place, who are in a chaotic formation, who are wading through the waters, who have passed through dangerous passes, who have separated their generals from their troops, whose positions are frequently moved, and whose military morale is shaken.

In the face of the above situation, elite troops should be sent to launch a charge first, and continue to send troops to respond, and it is necessary to attack quickly and without hesitation.

* "Governing the Soldiers"

If the laws are not strict, the rewards and punishments are not trustworthy, the money is not stopped, and the drums are beaten, although there are millions of people, what is the use? A well-trained contingent must abide by the law in peacetime and have might in wartime; it must be unstoppable when advancing, and the speed of retreat cannot be tracked; it must be restrained in advancing and retreating, moving left and right to listen to commands, and although it is cut off, it can still maintain its own formation, and although it is scattered, it can still restore the ranks; and it can enjoy the same happiness and share hardships between the upper and lower levels.

Such an army can unite and will not disperse; it can fight continuously, it will not be tired, and no matter where the troops are pointed, no one can stop it.

* "On the General"

Only those who have both civil and military skills and who are both rigid and soft can unite the army in battle. For generals, bravery is only one of the necessary qualities. Only one is lonely, will ignore the stakes and deal with the battle rashly.

There are 5 things that generals should focus on:

Reason, no matter how many soldiers are under your command, you must be orderly and reasonable;

Be prepared, the troops are out, as if facing the enemy, always on guard;

As a result, the enemy does not consider personal life and death;

Caution, after winning a battle, be as cautious as in the first battle;

Military orders must be concise and not cumbersome.

* "Strain"

In general combat, it is commanded by a flag during the day and a golden drum flute at night. The drum is beaten forward, and the sounding of the gold stops; the first blowing of the flute is dispatched, the second blowing of the flute meets, and those who do not listen to the order are killed. The three armies have not had an undefeated strong enemy and an indestructible strong position.

With one hit ten, it is best to use narrow passes; with ten hits of a hundred, it is best to use dangerous terrain; with a thousand hits, it is best to use the blocking zone.

If a large number of troops are invested, it is necessary to choose a flat terrain; when a small number of troops is used, it is necessary to choose a dangerous terrain; and a small number of troops are used to suddenly attack and beat drums and sound gold on the narrow road; although there are many enemies, they will also cause disturbances.

If we are outnumbered, we can divide our troops to surround the enemy; if we are outnumbered, we can concentrate our forces to attack the enemy; and we can constantly launch offensives, and even though there are more enemies than we are, we can subdue them.

* "Reeds"

Strict rewards and punishments are important, but they cannot be relied upon entirely. The monarch should rely on three points: give orders and the people are willing to obey; send troops to fight, the people are willing to participate in the war; charge into the front, and the soldiers are willing to die.

Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?

Portrait of Wu Qi painted in the Ming Dynasty.

We're done with this cruel man's story. As the protagonist of a generation of famous generals, he has long been reduced to the dust of a foreign land; outside the controversy, as an important part of the warrior classics and Chinese culture with a large pattern, the treasure tree he left us will be eternal.


1. (Warring States) Han Fei's "Han Feizi"

2. (Warring States) Xun Qing's "Xunzi"

3. (Western Han) Sima Qian's "Records of History"

4. (Eastern Han) Ban Gu's Book of Han

5. (Northern Song Dynasty) Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian"

In peacetime, the lessons of war are collectively forgotten again and again, until another war suddenly arrives, and only after paying a bloody price will it be suddenly awakened.

The Bing family has flourished again and again in Chinese history, and then, again and again, it has been suppressed and forgotten.

A mature country and a mature nation must not forget the disasters and lessons of war; even when the country is at peace and prosperity for a long time, it is still necessary to carry forward the tradition of attaching importance to national defense and the military, so that the alarm bells will always sound and the armament will always be renewed.

The worldwide research boom of Chinese bingjia theory has been enduring, and it is of great significance to re-excavate and discover the value of ancient Chinese bingjia at the key historical node of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, Uncle Ku invited Jiang Yamin, a researcher at the Former Department of Combat Theory and Doctrine Research of the Academy of Military Sciences, to launch a series of articles on "Ancient Chinese Soldiers", one per week, for the benefit of readers.

Spanning 4600 years, this series tells the stories of 38 representative figures of soldiers who exerted a major influence on China's military and even historical progress from the beginning of Chinese civilization to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and interprets the legendary military books and ancient formations that have been enshrined or even deified by posterity.

Note: In order, Xuannu, Yi Yin, Wu Ding, Jiang Ziya, Xianxun, Ghost Guzi, Tian Hoang Tho, Sun Wu, Sun Zhen, Mo Zhai, Le Yi, Li Mu, Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Wei Ji, Wang Qi, Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Ban Chao, Zhuge Liang, Yang Su, Li Jing, Xue Rengui, Guo Ziyi, Wei Rui, Yelü Hugo, Yue Fei, Genghis Khan, Badu, Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da, Qi Jiguang, Xing Jiu, Zheng Chenggong, Shi Lang, Fu Kang'an, Zuo

Zong Tang.

Uncle Ku welfare

Uncle Ku's book donation activity has always been there! Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, Force, provided Uncle Ku with 15 copies of "Incredible Brain" for enthusiastic readers. A journey through the brain that pays homage to the diversity of life. Each of us has an extraordinary brain.

Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?
Why did the out-of-school youth who "didn't talk much" become the "Nightmare Making Machine of the Qin Army"?

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