
Xu Yongcheng went to Qinbei District to carry out the "Secretary Party Building Theme Research Day" activity

author:Qinzhou release
Xu Yongcheng went to Qinbei District to carry out the "Secretary Party Building Theme Research Day" activity

On September 27, Xu Yongjun, secretary of the Qinzhou Municipal Party Committee, went to Qinbei District to carry out the "Secretary Party Building Theme Research Day" activity, in-depth investigation of rural revitalization work, emphasizing the need to deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on rural revitalization, compact the political responsibility of the five-level secretaries to grasp rural revitalization, continuously enhance the combat effectiveness of grass-roots party organizations, promote national unity and progress, enhance the "shape, reality and soul" of rural areas, and promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and livable villages, and rich and prosperous farmers.

Xu Yongcheng went to Qinbei District to carry out the "Secretary Party Building Theme Research Day" activity

△ Xu Yongjun (front two from the right) went to The Lychee Professional Cooperative of Jiangchang, Nanzhong Village, Xintang Town, Qinbei District to investigate

The Zhuang population of Nali Village in Xintang Town accounts for about 97% of the entire village population, and the village is based on its own reality, innovates ways and methods, and extensively carries out ethnic unity and progress creation activities in the whole village to build a "beautiful village". Xu Yongjun went into the village to learn more about the relevant situation, emphasizing the need to combine the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Central Ethnic Work Conference, with the casting of the sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, and integrate the work of creating national unity and progress into key work such as grass-roots party building, consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation, and beautiful rural construction, so as to form a good pattern of comprehensive advancement.

At the anti-drug education base in Tunwang Village, Xintang Town, Xu Yongjun listened carefully to the introduction and learned in detail about the effective curbing of the spread of "pornography, gambling, and drugs" in Tunwang Village in recent years. Xu Yongjun pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in the education and training of the members of the new village "two committees", especially the secretaries of the village party organizations, adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, summarize and enhance the model of "party building leading + villagers' autonomy", persistently consolidate the results of the anti-drug strike and rectification, unremittingly do a good job in rural epidemic prevention and control, and create a stable and peaceful environment for rural revitalization and development.

Xintang Town has a long history of lychee planting, with more than 200 ancient lychees more than 400 years old, and the area of lychees planted in the town has reached 85,000 mu, and the output this year has reached 50,000 tons. In 2020, the lychee variety Guiwei selected by the Lychee Professional Cooperative of Jiangchang in Nanzhong Village, Xintang Town won the "Gold Award" of the National High-quality Lychee Ring Competition. Xu Yongjun came to the cooperative to gain an in-depth understanding of lychee varieties, production and marketing. He stressed: It is necessary to truly absorb outstanding rural talents into party organizations and organize them into the frontline of rural revitalization. It is necessary to dig deep and tell the story of lychee, actively cultivate characteristic brands and e-commerce, develop and expand the village collective economy, and drive farmers to increase income and agricultural efficiency.

Qinzhou Luyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd. project is located in Qinbei District Beibu Bay Forest Tree Industrial Park, the equipment using the world's leading automated production line, after the completion of the project annual output of high-grade ultra-thin fiberboard more than 210,000 cubic meters. Xu Yongjun walked into the workshop of the factory to learn more about the production and operation of the enterprise. Xu Yongjun stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the industrial prosperity as the top priority of rural revitalization, organize the implementation of a number of rural revitalization projects, and actively extend the chain, supplement the chain, and strengthen the chain around leading enterprises, so that more people can find employment and start businesses nearby.

In Dasi Town, Xu Yongjun also inspected the work of protecting the relics of Zhuang literary hero Feng Minchang and other historical celebrities, stressing the need to spend great efforts to protect and make good use of rural cultural relics and monuments, and give play to their advantages in promoting the construction of a national unity demonstration belt of "both literary and martial arts and guifeng zhuangyun" and "cultural and martial arts."

Zeng Zhi, Fang Jian'an and other leaders attended the event.

Original title

Xu Yongcheng went to Qinbei District to carry out the "Secretary Party Building Theme Research Day" activity

Strengthen party building and lead the way to comprehensively promote rural revitalization

Photo and text 丨 Rong media reporter Pan Dingpan Wang Hulu

Editor 丨 Yang Xiying

Proofreader 丨 Huang Yukun

Audit 丨 Luo Libin

(Produced by Qinzhou without authorization)

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Xu Yongcheng went to Qinbei District to carry out the "Secretary Party Building Theme Research Day" activity

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